Cheb....Too old to get home with the Dawn Chorus!

Well done cheb, I know how hard meetings and the such are, specially with biccies and choccies and you are doing FAB.

Not long to go now and youll be a stunner for xmas x
Morning All

Day 4 has dawned and I'm in the pink! Can't remember the last time I got under the comfy duvet of ketosis, guess I now should start feeling less wobbly when food is around.

Going to a quiz at our gym tonight, food will be provided it will be hard but at least 1 other maybe 2 of the 4 in my team are SSing so that will help.

Off to work in a minute, extra day for me today. It'll keep me out the kitchen although I really do feel that I'm ok today and will not fall off.

One day at a time.......ounce by ounce.....
Evening All

Day 4 almost done.......phew, I'm still on the wagon:D

Just got back from the quiz, we came 2nd:eek: Oooh I feel quite clever.....even though it was my team mates getting 'em right:D They served up jacket spuds with chilli and salad, the one friend that is not SSing had to pick at all four platefuls so as not to cause offence to the chef!

I hope you're all doing well.
Morning All

Day 5, I've dropped another lb this morning:D I feel much more comfortable in my clothes than I did last week so that's encouraging.

Just having a strawberry mousse for my breakfast and then I'm off to work. Need to get in early to get caught up from yesterday, we were so busy I've got loads of loose ends to tie up.

DH is off to New York this morning.....ahh bliss I get the kingsize bed to myself for 7 nights:D Just kidding, I'll miss him really but hope he has a great time.

Catch y'all later.
Morning All

Neglected my ramblings for a few days, I've been around just not had much to say; makes a change!

Weightloss has been a bit disappointing this week, just 2lb off. I take it as a wake up call though cos as usual I have been nibbling and on Saturday I ate at a party. When will I get it into my head that this diet works but only if you don't cheat:confused: I never stand on the scales and argue about lack of loss or a gain. I always acknowledge that I haven't lost cos I haven't stuck to it 100%. What I have difficulty with is remembering that moment to come, when I'm about to pop a nibble of samrthing tasty in my ever willing mouth!!!! Not easy this dieting lark is it?????

Off to work today, same old , same old.

DH is having fun in New York, too much fun by the sounds of it. His mate took him to a lap dancing club, he wasn't impressed - so he claims- even when his mate paid for a private dance for him!!!! Good job I'm a modern thinking girl eh?

Have a great day everyone.

Re-start weight: 12st 4lb
Week 1: -7lb 11st 11lb
Week 2: -2lb 11st 9lb
Evening All

Hope you've had a great day, I was soooo busy at work today I've not had a minute to myself. No time for a lunch break so no danger of eating! I've stood all day, literally....oh except for two sit downs on the loo!!!!!! Funny how you get used to being on your feet all day and these days I even manage in heels. I thought my days of high heels were over, funny how a
5 st loss can rejuvenate eh?

Going out with the dogs in a bit, need to collect DD from her Dungeons & Dragons club so I can get both jobs done at once. Then I plan to have an early night to finish reading my latest book, ready to start the new book club read.
Hiya Cheb ,:)

I'm waiting for the new book to arrive so I can join in the Book Club too...:D ...looks like a good one..

Hello Y'all

Not been around much the last week or so, been busy sorting out paperwork. We're re-mortgaging so need to get everything to hand for all those questions! Actually feel quite cleansed now I've filed all those piles of paperwork!!!!!!

Dietwise.....mmmm......not so good. Willpower upped and went round about Tuesday and I haven't caught up with it since:eek: This morning I've had a shake so hopefully I've grabbed willpower's little toe and I'm hanging on tight. Maybe by tonight I'll have hold of the little critters ankle:eek:

DH got back from NYC yesterday, absolutely knackered and he's gone to work today so I'm guessing he'll be Mr Grumpy himself for the rest of the weekend until he catches up with his sleep.

He bought some very odd clothes while he was away. Talk about a mid life crisis......suppose I should be glad he's just dressing like a teenager and not actually out on 'the pull' looking for a younger model:D

Just off to walk the dogs, it's a lovely day here today. Cold but really bright and sunny must make the most of it.

Hope you are all ok?
Hello, me here again:D

So far so good, Mr Will Power and I are getting along quite nicely. Not quite reached the hand holding stage but I'm working on it:D

Only had 1 pack, I'm not hungry but I'd better go and have another. Think I'll have soup; it's funny after all this time I've just found a liking for them:confused:

I joined the library today, I was stunned at how busy it was in there. The place was buzzing, it was really reassuring that despite modern technology the printed word is obviously still enjoyed by so many people. My kids go to the childrens library so how come I haven't got my membership before? There I've been, hanging out in Waterstones when I could have enjoyed 'em all for free. Shakes head with bemusement at own stupidity!

Hope today has been good for you.
Hi Cheb
Chuffed for ya that you and Mr WP are so chummy ;) 71lbs is an incredible amount to have lost - no wonder your DH is trying to look younger - bet it's coz he has a younger looking missus now!! :D

Aww thanks FFFish, sometimes as I continue to struggle with the last stone and a half I lose sight of how far I've come.

As for my DH, he's lost 5st himself this year so I've got a much younger looking man anyhow!!! Just trying to get used to this new teenage look he's going for:D :D Nearly PMSL when the bright green combats complete with clanking chains appeared out of his suitcase:eek: 'They were such a bargain' Mmmm can't think why LOL
Nearly PMSL when the bright green combats complete with clanking chains appeared out of his suitcase:eek: 'They were such a bargain' Mmmm can't think why LOL

LMAO... perhaps you need a dash of retail therapy of your own ... lol get something really garish and see what his reaction is.. LOL (keep the tags on and take it back ! lol)

Please don't lose sight of what you have achieved so far - it is incredible! Hope that last 21lbs vanishes as quick as a box of jaffa cakes would in my house!!! ;) :p
Bargains are great when we find them, as for men, well, thats such another story lol!

Could be a midlife crisis, I had one of those at 30, went and had my nipple pierced and a tattoo rofl, my mum nearly fainted when I told her!!!!

Its very easy to lose sight of what we have achieved, the last stone is by far the hardest for me, im hanging on to Mr will Power by the thread on his socks I think!!!

Ah well, onwards and downwards, hope you have a great weekend, what about boil washing the combats by accident!

I love the library, and also charity shops for books are great too!

Well another done and feeling ok, Will and I are still getting along; we even held hands for a bit today:D

Braved the scales this morning, I'm 2lb up so feeling ok with that all things considered. Hoping I might have that off by morning which is my official WI day. Not the result I had hoped for but I can blame nobody but myself:(

Did a spot of Christmas shopping this pm at a designer outlet place. Saw loads of things that I liked for myself but not a lot for other people! Did get a couple of stocking fillers for DD, still it was a nice trip out anyhow. Millies Cookies yelled at me but I snubbed them:D

Hope you've all had a great weekend.

Well another done and feeling ok, Will and I are still getting along; we even held hands for a bit today:D

Braved the scales this morning, I'm 2lb up so feeling ok with that all things considered. Hoping I might have that off by morning which is my official WI day. Not the result I had hoped for but I can blame nobody but myself:(

Did a spot of Christmas shopping this pm at a designer outlet place. Saw loads of things that I liked for myself but not a lot for other people! Did get a couple of stocking fillers for DD, still it was a nice trip out anyhow. Millies Cookies yelled at me but I snubbed them:D

Hope you've all had a great weekend.

You must of beed strong to snub the cookies!! lol Glad your love life is on the up!!
Morning All

Day off for me today, I have to phone and sort out the re-mortgage.....'only takes 20 mins' Yeah right she's assuming that I'll be able to lay my hands on all the relevant paperwork in an instance, guess she's not seen my filing system:eek:

Hoping it won't take long though, as I'd like to head over to Eastbourne (New Primark Store yay!) to get a few more christmas pressies. I'm doing quite well, not too many left to buy. I like to get organised early so I can enjoy a relaxing time in the run up to Christmas and not be running about the shops bolt eyed, grasping a tattered 'to do list':D

Planning to write my cards this week and wrap up what I've bought so far, that way it'll be a surprise for both of us when they get opened cos I won't remember what I bought!

Will and I are still not intimate, he actually disappeared once or twice and let me eat a biscuit and a few sweets. On the whole though he's been by my side and we're starting to feel more like a couple.

Just off to do the school run.