Cheb....Too old to get home with the Dawn Chorus!

Hiya.. thinking of you and your family hun... it seems you have a very well rounded chap there and hopefully he will take this in his stride.


Gen xx
Ahh Cheb,
thanks for letting us know how you got on...

Now that he has an 'official' diagnosis' it will be easier, not saying it will be easy, but it will be easier to get him the help he needs in school...

I was going to say to you this morning, but didnt know how I was going to word it, was to be prepared if they do diagnose him with aspergers... I'm sying that, coz when we took Madam along for her assessment, even tho we kinda knew, hearing 3 proffessionals tell us, was something else... It must be a relief tho, to know there is something, and now he can be given suport.

Have you contacted the NAS they are truley brilliant, and will advise you, or put you in touch with someone who you can talk to... You could give the Parent to Parent line a call. they will have ideas on how to broach the subject with your son.

You said 'He hasn't changed simply because it's acknowledged that he has a 'condition' so we carry on as before but with perhaps a little more knowledge and understanding.' Cheb that is soo true, and something we were told too, the consultants said ' she is still the same little girl that came in here this afternoon' something like that anyway...

My heart goes out to you, if there is anything I can do, just holler

And as for the 'pushy parent' bit, dont worry that'll come in time :D
Ahh Cheb,
thanks for letting us know how you got on...

Now that he has an 'official' diagnosis' it will be easier, not saying it will be easy, but it will be easier to get him the help he needs in school...

I was going to say to you this morning, but didnt know how I was going to word it, was to be prepared if they do diagnose him with aspergers... I'm sying that, coz when we took Madam along for her assessment, even tho we kinda knew, hearing 3 proffessionals tell us, was something else... It must be a relief tho, to know there is something, and now he can be given suport.

Have you contacted the NAS they are truley brilliant, and will advise you, or put you in touch with someone who you can talk to... You could give the Parent to Parent line a call. they will have ideas on how to broach the subject with your son.

You said 'He hasn't changed simply because it's acknowledged that he has a 'condition' so we carry on as before but with perhaps a little more knowledge and understanding.' Cheb that is soo true, and something we were told too, the consultants said ' she is still the same little girl that came in here this afternoon' something like that anyway...

My heart goes out to you, if there is anything I can do, just holler

And as for the 'pushy parent' bit, dont worry that'll come in time :D

Thank you Geri,

I did take a look at the site and intend to look a little closer tonight as more questions seem to pop into my mind all the time!

I have ordered some books too, 1 of which was reccommended by the consultant and which I hope will make me better at explaining things to my son and to his grandparents who don't understand it. They just keep saying 'But he's so clever, I can't believe there's anything "wrong" with him':sigh:

I'll be sure to yell for you.

Morning All

Phew what a week so far, still hanging onto my diet and weight dropped another 2lb this morning so my ticker is just 1lb adrift. On target (just) for reaching 12 st for the photo on Sunday.:)

Yesterday went ok at Guys and surgery has been scheduled for April 5th. The consultant is hopeful that keyhole surgery will be possible and that only a segment of lung needs to be removed. On a negative note, we were given the stark statistic that 2 in a 100 do not come round from the surgery. However, obviously all surgery carries risks and she has no choice because without surgery the tumour will grow and she will not survive.

She will not be long out of hospital when I go on holiday, fortunately DH had booked time off in case this happened so he can look after her and the kids......I'll have to stock the freezer with some home cooking and instruct him on the art of washing and ironing!!!!

Off to work now, one of our locums is in today; he and I have worked together on and off for years. His 20 year old son has Aspergers so I'll be able to have a chat today.

Have a good day.
Morning All

Phew what a week so far, still hanging onto my diet and weight dropped another 2lb this morning so my ticker is just 1lb adrift. On target (just) for reaching 12 st for the photo on Sunday.:)

Yesterday went ok at Guys and surgery has been scheduled for April 5th. The consultant is hopeful that keyhole surgery will be possible and that only a segment of lung needs to be removed. On a negative note, we were given the stark statistic that 2 in a 100 do not come round from the surgery. However, obviously all surgery carries risks and she has no choice because without surgery the tumour will grow and she will not survive.

She will not be long out of hospital when I go on holiday, fortunately DH had booked time off in case this happened so he can look after her and the kids......I'll have to stock the freezer with some home cooking and instruct him on the art of washing and ironing!!!!

Off to work now, one of our locums is in today; he and I have worked together on and off for years. His 20 year old son has Aspergers so I'll be able to have a chat today.

Have a good day.

Hi Cheb, hun well done 2 u for losing weight and being strong through the difficult emotional time you are going through now.
I can image how hard it is for you especially when you hear the negative side of the operation statistic wise but Guys is an amazing hopsital and i am sure you will be in good hands.

I have a friend who as an adult of 34 years old she was diagnosed with Aspergers and she has always been a very inteligent and caring friend and i have know her since i was 3 years old, she now works as with people with dissabilities and help them live independently and is excellent at her job.

She has also traveled the world and many people know her and has a webiste with all her travels and escapades here is the link.
Untitled Document

Debra has had a long term partner for many years and lives a normal happy life.

I hope and pray that the surgery goes ok and i will light a candle for you and say a prayer for u on April 5th as i know how hard it is to watch your beautiful children having surgery as i have been in that situation and Aaron was in and out of hospital from the age of 2 till 10 years old.
Take care hun and sending you (((big hugs)))
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Cheb hope u did not mind me butting in and telling you about my friend Debra, on her website she has a section with quite alot of info about Aspergers, the symptoms and how it has affected her in her life.
Here is also another link to an association that helps people with Aspergers and Dispraxia, the site is run by people with dissabilities. Developmental Adult Neuro-Diversity Association

Take care and sending u big hugs and lots of love xx
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Hi Roch

Thank you for the kind, thoughtful words and the links.

Think I didn't make it clear in my post earlier that it's my MIL having the surgery on her lung in April not my son. I'm probably not making much sense generally cos my head's all over the place. It was on Tuesday that we had my sons diagnosis and yesterday that my MIL saw her consultant at Guys to make the final arrangements for her surgery.
Morning hun, am sure u def made ursel clear its me that gets things wrong most of the time:eek: dont think i understood the"mil bit" but now i think i get it "mother in law" or have i got it wrong again:eek: :eek:
Hun u r going through a difficult time at the moment and i can understand why ur head is all over the place, but from what u have said about your son he sounds like a loving teenager who does the normal things all our teenage sons do.

Debra my friend who set up the site had 2 wait till she was 38 to get a diagnosis 2 find out why she did things so different to others and had problems with certain things, but your son has got an early diagnosis and can get all the help he needs to help him understand his illness and to learn to find ways to help himself whilst he is growing up.

Have u managed to check out the site, Debra is a real extrovert but is a happy woman who lives an excting full life and her Aspergers does not hold her back in any way at all.

Sorry if i am going on a bit 2 much but i have known Debra all my life and she is a good friend 2 me and she has achieved so much in her life she puts my boring life 2 shame:eek: :eek:

Take care hun and i hope u have a good weekend x

Yes Roch you are right MIL - Mother-in-law. Sorry I use these abbreviations without thinking. This is her 3rd time with cancer, she lives with us and is very close to my kids particularly my son. She probably does more of the practical day to day things for them than I do so their bond is much stronger than most grandparents. Consequently her illness and treatment effects us all greatly cos we're so close. When she had chemo my son reacted to the changes in her by becoming very aggressive at school but very withdrawn at home. I hope this time as we now have a greater understanding of what makes him tick that I wll be able to support him better. We are hopeful of a positive outcome for her as this recnt tumour is very small and has been found early. However, it seems that cancer does not give up the battle easily, she has been fighting on and off for the last 5 years. So I guess she's always waiting for the next time and I do see the fighting spirit becoming a little weaker with each new fight. Life's not fair, you couldn't have a kinder more generous person in this world but she's had a very tough time.

I have read your friends site with interest, she seems lovely. I already share her opinions that everyone is an individual and has their own personality and traits. I have no desire to 'cure' my son, he is who he is and I love him just the way he is. My only hope is that I can help him with the social difficulties he already has and not allow nasty bullies at school to crush his confidence and his incredible personality. Sometimes it's hard to be different eh?

Much love
good luck with the photo air brushing needed.

just go and enjoy your shoot.:D :D :) :)

(had sick day today literately and belly ache,had to have some dry toast):break_diet: :break_diet: :break_diet:

dont think N wants to go to dubai.........​
good luck with the photo air brushing needed.

just go and enjoy your shoot.:D :D :) :)

(had sick day today literately and belly ache,had to have some dry toast):break_diet: :break_diet: :break_diet:​

dont think N wants to go to dubai.........​

Hope You're feeling better, any excuse not to have to take your hubby out on his birthday eh?

I think your right about N.

Evening All

An unexpected day at work today, oh well kept me occupied! Days off are very over rated don't you think? We were so busy that there were times that you couldn't see the carpet.

Fell off the wagon yesterday, I've had a migraine since Thursday night which reached a peak yesterday lunchtime so I ate and felt sooo much better though not for long. Despite eating, my head my head was still thumping anyhow so I went back to SSing today.

Had a chat with DS last night a bit unplanned really but the opportunity was too good to miss. He was talking about Bill Gates (believed to have Aspergers Syndrome) I mentioned this to my son thinking I could lay some ground work and describe what that meant. Before I could say anymore he told me that the founder of Nintendo also had it and asked what it was, I gave him the basics; emphasising the positives. He then asked if I thought he might have it cos that sounded like him!!!! Blimey, I couldn't plan it better. So I told him what the consultant had said and did my best to explain to him the negatives too and suggested he didn't shout about it in the playground just yet but to wait until he'd learnt a bit more about it. Anyhow on the whole he sees it as a good thing because this Nintendo man was a hero of his!

That's a weight off my mind!......if not my body!
Phew what a relief for you,:) your son is old beyond his years................. a credit to you

took hubby out for meal at......ikea filled up three trolley with billy bookcases and doors, tho no CD racks and four wardrobes insides i.e drawers doors rails lights, just to find that the last aisle was the carcasses for wardrobes were out of STOCK ughhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! left trolley abandoned (poor person who has to put all items back on shelf) there were lonely trolley left all over the place.....any way SIX hours later just got back home with
2 pairs of curtains!!!!!!:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
June we use the billy bookcases to hod cd,s must have 15 of the blasted things in the loft conversion !!!!