Easter Sunday.
Fell off the wagon today.
Went out early to visit MIL in hospital, she was feeling very poorly and really down in the dumps. Docs think she may have a cest infection and it seems the lungs are not inflating as they should following her surgery.
We then went to London Zoo which was frankly a bit disappointing. I had been a bit worried about the visit, not really sure how I feel about the whole animals in captivity thing. Anyhow the enclosures are large and clean and there's obviously been a huge amount of investment since I last went 20 years ago. There is so much emphasis on conservation too, so that was all good.
However there was a distinct lack of animals?????? We kept peering into enclosures but couldn't see anything, now obviously I didn't expect to see 30 tigers or a herd of stampeding elephants. We did see 3 giraffes and a lion 1 zebra some monkeys and 3 chimps so that's pretty much as I'd expect but do you think 1 lonely, solitary pygmy goat contitutes a 'Childrens Petting Zoo'

Poor thing was being mobbed by about 30 kids!!!!! Lovely Otter enclosure containing zero otters and the nocturnal animal displays may have been packed with animals only it was too dark to see them!!!!
We took a canal boat back to Camden and then had a mooch about the markets where I indulged in a mexican wrap

before heading back to Guys Hospital to visit MIL again. We got home about 11, time to eat an Easter Egg
Easter Monday
Had a lie in til 9am, DH brought me coffee and flavoured warm water in bed. Got up had a bath, stuck a load of wasing in and pottered about a bit before heading off to dry my hair and put on some slap. Planned on going to my Mums for the annual Easter Treasure Hunt around her garden. Didn't quite work out that way though and instead we ended up in a very busy A&E dept playing hunt the doctor:sigh: DS took a dislike to a bouncy ball and decided to cut it open with a meat cleaver! Not surprisingly he failed to cut the ball open but was very sucessful at cutting his finger open. Fortunately he missed the joint and narrowly missed the tendon so it's been glued and put in a splint for 3 weeks. Boys eh?
When we finally got to my Mum's I forgot I was on the wagon and destressed by eating a sausage in a roll

Did make me feel better though as did the Heroes I ate afterwards.
:sigh: :sigh: :sigh: Ah well tomorrow's yet another day and another challenge to rise to.