Monday 26th March
Not been around much so need to catch up, where to start....
Took DD to see her first live gig last Wed, well When I say took her, I saw her in the door safely then sat round the corner drinking tea in Wetherspoons. She went to see My Chemical Romance at the Brighton Centre, she loved it. Bit of a milestone for her.
Nothing much else really, went to work and slaved too hard! Walked the dogs, took DS to the Saturday Morning Cinema, shopping, housework blah, blah, blah.
Saturday was quite exciting cos the boiler caught fire

It happened when I was out but fortunately MIL and DD were home to stop the house going up! Counting our blessings that's for sure, it doesn't bare thinking about if we'd all been out. So that's a bill I could do without but at least we're all safe.
Oh and the toilet pan cracked and broke this morning.....promise it wasn't my incresed weight!
Ho hum, these things are sent to try us.
Dietwise? It's great, I'm really back in the zone and feeling pink

Have SSed 100% since last Wed and have dropped 6lb so far, maybe I won't be nake don that camel after all!
HUgs to you all.