Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Good luck at the dentist :D
Thanks Zombie!! It went ok really. She did give me the option of having the filling done without anaesthetic again, but I decided I wasn't feeling brave enough today :p It only wore off about an hour ago, lol!
But I now have a new filling and very clean, sparkly teeth :D
Taking Ellie dog into the vets with me today. She's due a VIP check and her vaccines anyway, but there are a few things I'm worried about. Asked the nurse to give me a rough estimate and she put in the tests she thinks he will wanna do.... £100 *gulp* Thank god for insurance!!! It just sucks that I have to pay up front and then claim the insurance. My Mum is having to lend me her holiday money :eek:
Fingers crossed I'm overreacting a bit because I'm worried. Also hope she doesn't mind being in the doggy kennel!

Green Day

Lunch: 2 slices of wholemeal little bread (HexB1), Quorn ham, half HexA1 low fat cheese, almost 60g of reduced cal coleslaw (2), tomato's, and a pack of Snackerdoodles (4)

Tea: Wholemeal pasta, SW tuna (HexB2), 42g 0f extra light soft cheese and 21g of low fat cheese (HexA2), jacket new potato's, salad, tomato's, peppers, and beetroot.

Snack: 3 dark choc Mikado's (1.5)
An Activia fat free.

Drinks: A few coffee's (rest of HexA1) Dr Pepper Zero. Ribena really light. Diet Coke

Syns used: 7.5
Syns left: 18.5

Exercise: 45mins walk to the vets with Ellie-mostly bloody up hill, lol.
4hrs at the vets.
40min walk home.
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I've arranged a night out at the pub tonight. Me! I never usually have enough friends in Liverpool to do anything like that and my best mate is so bloody hard to get hold of. But I've invited my friends who have just moved back from Leeds, a girl who works at the vets, and my best mate. I'm still struggling to believe that I have arranged a night out :eek:

Green Day

Lunch: 2 slices of wholemeal little bread (HexB1), 2 Quorn sausages, to 'fried' eggs, and half a tin of beans. 1tbsp of tomato sauce (1)

Tea: Low fat Supernoodles, 5 Quorn mini kievs (5), jacket new potato's, extra light soft cheese and low fat cheese (HexB2), and a microwave pack of veggies.

Drinks: Coffee (milk as HexA1) Diet Coke & Diet Pepsi. 5 Jack Daniels (15)

Syns used: 21
Syns left: 12.5
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Had a really good night last night! It started off with a bit of a wibble, but ended up being a great night. My vet friend couldn't make it, but my best mate came up for a couple of drinks. I've just set Caz (the girl who's getting married/just moved back) up with a job with my best mate at Bug World and she absolutely loves it. So thought it would be nice for them to meet without him being her boss. It went well anyway :D
Tim & Caz were supposed to leave around 11 and we were the last ones there at well after 1am :p

Extra Easy Day

Lunch: 2 slices of wholemeal little bread (HexB), half a tin of beans, 2 Tesco veggie burgers (1), 20g of low fat cheese (part of HexA)and 3 Turkey Rashers.

Tea: Turkey mushy pea curry (0.5 for tikka paste), with brown rice, peas, and sweetcorn.

Snack: Twix (14)

Drinks: Coffee (milk as the rest of HexA) Squash. Coors light (4.5)

Syns used: 20
Syns left: 7.5

55min walk with Ellie up to the meadow and part way through the woods.
45min walk with Dave
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Green Day

Lunch: 2 Weetabix (HexB1), banana, honey (1), and ss milk (all milk HexA1)
Strawberries, cherries, honey (1), and Activia fat free.

Tea: Wholemeal pasta, SW tuna (HexB2), jacket new spuds, peppers, sweetcorn, salad, beetroot, HexA2 low fat cheese, 28g of EL soft cheese (2), 60g reduced cal coleslaw (2), and 1tbsp of EL mayo (0.5)

Snack: A caramel Freddo (5) and Fry's peppermint cream (10)

Drinks: Coffee. Squash.

Syns used: 21.5
Syns left this week: 1

Exercise this week: 1030mins over 5 days.
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Week 27

Had a long, tiring day today, but most of it good :)
Got up stupidly early to go to a hospital on the other side of Liverpool for Mum's first neurology appointment. The consultant was actually quite nice, which was good. Good-ish bad-ish news, but nothing life threatening or anything. Just feel bad for my Mum because she had so much to deal with already and never seems to catch a break :( But still...
Anyway, we had a nice coffee in the garden at the hospital then got the train back into town. Went to a new exhibition at the Maritime Museum about an Antarctic explorer-absolutely brilliant :D Then my sister came to meet us and we went to Skinnymalinx (the SW cafe) for the first time!! I was really impressed and it was SO nice to just relax and not worry about hidden syns in the food. Will definitely be going back ;) Then we did a bit of shopping and came home. Knackered now :p

Green Day

Breakfast over the morning- An alpen light (half HexB1), apple, Activia fat free, and a banana.

Lunch at SkinnymalinX :D Jacket spud, coronation chicken (0.5 + HexB2 for chicken), salad, and coleslaw.

Tea: Ramen noodles, stir fry veg, peppers, onion, carrot, broccoli, garlic, ginger, Tesco 'chicken', and 1tbsp of teriyaki sauce (1)
With M&S new Chinese veggie thingies: 1 spring roll (2), 2 veg and potato balls (4), and 2 siu mai (2)

Snack: Strawberries, M&S count on us toffee yogurt, and Alpen light bar (rest of HexB1)

Drinks: Coffee (milk HexA1) Diet Coke. Lilt Zero. And squash. And an Options hot choc (2)

Syns used: 11.5
Syns left for the week: 3.5

Exercise: Lots and lots and lots of walking!
SW cafe?! Uber!

Do hope you manage to make it a regular thing! <3
Yeah, all their foods are pointed and syn'd, tis brilliant :D

Had a good day at the vets today. Got to help out with a few bits and had a good catch up with a student vet who's back for her second week. Some of Ellie's results have come back all ready and so far it's good news. Her white cell count is a bit low, but there are no abnormal ones. And there is no sign of pancreas problems (which was what we were mainly looking for!). And everything else is normal! So just waiting for the rest of the results to come back, but he doesn't seem worried :) Can breathe a bit now.
Stayed extra late today to try and avoid the worst of the rain, but it seemed to get worse every time I looked out :rolleyes: Did a lot of shopping in Sainsbury's so I could justify getting a taxi home ;) I can't really afford it, but my feet were already soaked through by the time I'd walked the 5mins from the vets to the shop! Didn't have lunch till after 4pm, so just had a bit of a snack and gonna make an early BIG tea :p

Green Day

Breakfast: An Alpen light (half HexB1) and a banana.

Lunch: Tomato Pot Noodle in a mug and a piece of wholemeal little bread (rest of HexB1)
A handful of strawberries, grapes, and cherries with an Activia fat free.

Tea: Tagliatelle, Quorn mince, tomatoes, courgette, red onion, peppers, sweetcorn, grated carrot, and HexB2 of low fat cheese. Lots of broccoli.
Seasoned with low salt, pepper, and mixed herbs.

Snack: Maltesers (9.5)

Drinks: Coffee (milk as HexA1) Fanta Zero.

Syns used: 9.5
Syns left: 9

Exercise: 50mins walking to and from vets and around Sainsbury's.
4hrs at the vets (not gonna count the 30mins sitting and chatting while waiting for the rain to go off ;))
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Had CBT this morning, but it was more like counselling because a lot has happened since my last appointment. Feel headachey :(
Going the pics with Mum later tho to see Eclipse, so that should help :D

ETA: It didn't rain while I was walking over to meet Mum so I decided to get weighed. I STS :( I'm thinking that it could be because I'm having a bit of a weird period at the moment (2 weeks of light bleeding. Sorry if that's TMI) or because I had slightly wet jeans on. The last few times I've gotten weighed I've worn the really light weight pants I wear for the vets. So yeah, a bit disspointed but there could be a few reasons why it showed a sts. We shall see next week :D

Green Day

Breakfast: Banana and grapes.

Lunch: Tin of Sainsbury's veggie ravioli, 2 slices of wholemeal little bread (HexB1), salad, half HexA1 low fat cheese, and 60g of low cal coleslaw (2)

At the cinema: Tesco tuna, prawn, and veg sushi pack (1.5) and a bag of Minstrels (10.5)

Tea: Double cheese and coleslaw toastie-
42g 0f extra light soft cheese and 21g of low fat cheese (HexA2) and 30g of reduced cal coleslaw (1)

Drinks: Coffee (milk as rest of HexA1) 7 Up Free. Fanta Zero

Syns used: 15
Syns left: 9

Exercise: Quite a bit of walking.
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Hi there

I noticed you went with your mum for a neurology appointment the othr day. Was it the walton centre? I attend there and have had surgery twice, I am under Mr Brodbelt, if it is the Walton Centre I can assure you they are one of the best neurology centres around. xx
Hi Louise! Thank you very much for posting that :D We went to Fazakerley hospital, but I couldn't tell you the consultants name, so even tho I wasn't paying attention I'm gonna assume it was the Walton Centre :p Very good to know they're good at what they do :D
I'm really worried about my Mum as she has quite a bit wrong with her, but the main things are two chronic pain illnesses. The consultants action plan is to make her come off all but one of her painkillers all at once. Just a complete stop! No weaning off or anything :eek: So I'm really scared for her, as well as feeling so sad that she has to go through all this, but also really worried how we're all going to cope. She's gonna need a LOT of care for at the very least the first two weeks. We don't even have any guarantees that it will work. I have faith in medicine and the NHS, but this is all rather scary :cry:

BUT I am very pleased that you have had very positive experiences with them. It means a lot to hear that :) I'm sorry to hear that you have had to have surgery tho. Lots of love to you.x
I really did :D How're you doing?? I read on your diary about your job :(

Glad you did hun....I'm good, lost 3.5 tonight, only managed 1 gym session and lost that much but when I gym more I sts!!! so on hols on fri for 3 weeks so not letting work get to me. So many people are in my position no matter which company they work for. I always thought working for the police would be they think crime isn't going to rocket with the cuts there looking at is beyond me!
But hols hols hols :D :D :D lol
Wow, well done on the loss!! My losses always improve when I cut back on the exercise-nuts isn't it?!
Is it still uncertain what will happen with your job? I will keep everything crossed for you and hope you get to stay.
Where you off on your hols? Hope you have a fantastic time :D