Gold Member
Hey Tace!
I don't usually pay much attention to the side effects, more out of curiosity than anything. But some of these were insane! Scary drug!
Then again, Ellie's meds for her Cushing's come with some hefty warnings on handling and stuff. If we were to give her too much by accident she would probably die pretty quickly. Hers are steroids too, a bit like a type of chemo. Poor hound! But yeah, some drugs are truly scary.
You know what, I was finally exhausted enough to sleep last night! I was trying to read and my eyes were streaming! I didn't sleep too well the night before either, so about time I got some sleep. Think last night I slept solidly from around 2am till 10 and then on and off till around 1pm. I feel exhausted today tho, it's definitely all caught up with me.
Had a nice day yesterday though. I picked Caz up and John met us at Otterspool and we checked out the Mad Hatters Brewing Company party
It was a bit of a disaster coz Michelle was really sick and couldn't come, and we were supposed to stay for the evening session for the live bands!! And Caz had to be home by 5:30 coz she had other plans. But we heard one guy sing and we got a beer to try each. I got mine in a sealed bottle to take home, but Caz had hers there and we got the same. It was called RedRum and had a scary "The Shining" bunny on the label. she let me try hers and it was vile LOL!! It was a red beer, which was very pretty, but it was too deep and heavy and hoppy for us. So I went and swapped mine for a "Unhinged" pale ale, which had the Cheshire Cat on the label. Had it with my tea and it was much nicer. Still quite hoppy, but a bit citrusy too. Was a bit like a beer cross cider. Nice!
I dropped Caz home and met John back at mine. Howl's Moving Castle was on tv so we watched that. My headache/the cortisol crap kicked off at around 6:30 and my head was horrific. I think I fell asleep a couple of times
Was nice spending a bit more time with him.
He asked to hold my hand, he always asks lol. And I said it was ok today coz the puncture wounds aren't as painful. But he went to cover my hand with his other one and I literally jumped out of my seat and tried to grab his arm with my spare hand! he was lucky I pulled back and didn't smack him one
It's just coz I couldn't bare to have anything touch the 'holes'. He understood, but was a bit on edge lol. I did warn him like!! Some of them are still painful
No bruises tho, which is odd!
Food's been a bit all over the place. Some's been good and some, erm, hasn't
I really wanted pizza yesterday night, but instead of ordering in a disgustingly unhealthy yummy takeaway when I nipped to Sainsbury's and got a fresh, thin crust veggie pizza with some pasta, low cal potato salad, and some Home Chips. So really bad, but not as bad as takeaway pizza and chippy chips!!! Had half a bar of Cadbury's Oreo chocolate as well 
I'm sick of my bizarro appetite! I think the last few days have been down to stress and the steroid dose. But I really must try harder. I need to slow down the unhealthy eating. It's difficult on date days or going out with someone. But I need to rein in the unhealthy eating at home. There's no excuse for eating junk at home. Must try harder!! But still, it's not constant crap and over-indulgence, I am eating healthy/SW the majority of the time. Promise
Got a really busy week this week and feel exhausted just at the thought of it. Should be mostly fun tho.
Mon: Dropping the car off to hopefully do the work - if the warranty company agree. I need to avoid the nice cafe!!!
Got a dentist appointment.
And hopefully seeing a work friend for tea at the pub - good healthy start to the week
Tuesday: getting my hair cut and coloured. Luckily she's a mobile hairdresser and comes to the house
We have a good time too, she's lovely. One of my Mum's work friends 
Wednesday: Going to see Cabaret with Mum. WILL YOUNG!!!!!!!!!!
She got the tickets cheap thru a thing at work. Couldn't care less about the show, but I love Will. He's one of the few pop people/acts I've ever liked. Have met him too and he's lovely
Wish I could meet him again though coz I was at my heaviest at the time and the pic makes me a bit sad 
Thursday: Usually see John on a Thurs. Hopefully be getting the car back around now too.
Friday: I might sleep ALL day
I don't usually pay much attention to the side effects, more out of curiosity than anything. But some of these were insane! Scary drug!
Then again, Ellie's meds for her Cushing's come with some hefty warnings on handling and stuff. If we were to give her too much by accident she would probably die pretty quickly. Hers are steroids too, a bit like a type of chemo. Poor hound! But yeah, some drugs are truly scary.
You know what, I was finally exhausted enough to sleep last night! I was trying to read and my eyes were streaming! I didn't sleep too well the night before either, so about time I got some sleep. Think last night I slept solidly from around 2am till 10 and then on and off till around 1pm. I feel exhausted today tho, it's definitely all caught up with me.
Had a nice day yesterday though. I picked Caz up and John met us at Otterspool and we checked out the Mad Hatters Brewing Company party
I dropped Caz home and met John back at mine. Howl's Moving Castle was on tv so we watched that. My headache/the cortisol crap kicked off at around 6:30 and my head was horrific. I think I fell asleep a couple of times
He asked to hold my hand, he always asks lol. And I said it was ok today coz the puncture wounds aren't as painful. But he went to cover my hand with his other one and I literally jumped out of my seat and tried to grab his arm with my spare hand! he was lucky I pulled back and didn't smack him one
Food's been a bit all over the place. Some's been good and some, erm, hasn't
I'm sick of my bizarro appetite! I think the last few days have been down to stress and the steroid dose. But I really must try harder. I need to slow down the unhealthy eating. It's difficult on date days or going out with someone. But I need to rein in the unhealthy eating at home. There's no excuse for eating junk at home. Must try harder!! But still, it's not constant crap and over-indulgence, I am eating healthy/SW the majority of the time. Promise
Got a really busy week this week and feel exhausted just at the thought of it. Should be mostly fun tho.
Mon: Dropping the car off to hopefully do the work - if the warranty company agree. I need to avoid the nice cafe!!!
Got a dentist appointment.
And hopefully seeing a work friend for tea at the pub - good healthy start to the week
Tuesday: getting my hair cut and coloured. Luckily she's a mobile hairdresser and comes to the house
Wednesday: Going to see Cabaret with Mum. WILL YOUNG!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday: Usually see John on a Thurs. Hopefully be getting the car back around now too.
Friday: I might sleep ALL day