Hey guys!
Sorry for being MIA. I've had a really rough few days.
I saw my gp on Friday and he was very interested in my symptoms but literally held his hands up and said he had no idea what was going on, that it takes time, and that I was really out of his hands. He did get letters from my referral Dr saying they were chasing up the endocrine appointment. The only thing he could suggest was that I phone the hospital and chase up the appointment myself. That would be great if I didn't get anxiety attacks so much making phone calls

Just fed up of hearing "I don't know what's wrong with you" And "It'll take time" I know this, but it's been going on since February!!!!!!

Have just been so ill and stressed out. On Saturday I eventually got out of bed around 2pm, came downstairs, something small happened and I ran upstairs and sat crying for nearly two hours. I just sat there thinking how useless and pointless I was and that I have no life. It all just piled in. Can't remember the last time I cried so much

I do feel a little better, mentally, now. I was having a really pro-active, I can beat this kinda day yesterday. Have been wondering if there's any chance they could treat some of my symptoms while they investigate so I can go back to work.
I really need to go back to work! For the sake of my mental health, I really need to get back! I can't bear the thought of being off until next year and I need to be doing something.
I was going to start doing coursework again today but I didn't realise it was a bank holiday and everyone's bloody here lol. Also had the most horrific nightmare that made me too scared to open my eyes or move. Took me about an hour to get over it and get up

It's left me feeling pretty shaky, I have to say.
The headache is pushing it's look today too and I have that horrible pressure/lump in throat sensation today that's making me feel a bit sick. So will have to look at my coursework when there's a bit more quiet. Even if I can only do 10 minutes or something each day I'll feel a bit better and like I'm doing something!
Took the car in on Friday and they talked me out of buying new tyres!! That's twice now they've stopped me spending money!! Me and Mum went for coffee and he called and said the tyres themselves are fine and he wouldn't be replacing them if they were on his car! So he's going to repair the punctures tomorrow for me.
Mum also sorted out with the warranty people and it's booked in at the nice garage a week on Monday for a diagnostic and, if the AA agree to pay for the work, to be fixed. This garage have been so good to me. Glad I got them recommended

Just hope the warranty will cover the work and they don't "wear and tear" me!
Had to stop in at work for meds yesterday morning and I took one of my girl bunnies with me - Ramona. She's shockingly thin now and I wanted someone to look at her. Her teeth aren't awful, but the vet said she could see a small spur and a tiny bit of redness on her tongue. So worth doing a dental to grind down the spur and check all her other teeth properly. Hopefully it is just that and there isn't an underlying problem. She was slinky when I took her in anyway, but now she's skinny! But she's eating, drinking, is very bright, jumps in and out of the run, her eyes and fur are beautiful, etc.. Just need to sort it out with my boss and get her in. I had to add her to my file without permission coz it was an emergency. I did ask my practice manager to add her and Peggy to my file months and months ago tho, so f*ck it
Having brain freeze on what else to update you with lol.
Oh food's been a bit all over the place. I either feel too sick to eat or don't want much or I want to eat everything in sight. Have had almost all SW meals tho
Oh yeah, yesterday after going to work me and Mum went to lunch with my friend Caz at Otterspool. I had scrambled egg on toast and a slice of coffee cake

We had a slow stroll along the prom too. Windy but warm

Hung out in Caz's for a bit after with her hound. That was nice.
Anyway, I really should eat something today. Feel a bit urgh tho and the throat thing's a bit icky!x