I'll have a look at the vid when Mum's not watching something on tv lol!
I did have a good week thank you. I'll just get the moaning out of the way first...
The driving was insane! The motorway wasn't too bad going and even though I was an idiot and we got half an hour away before I realised I forgot my proper coat and had to go back. Was like a test run! So we were already running an hour late by then...
We stopped st Stafford and had a picnic outside with the ducks

The rest was fine, but we decided there was no way we'd have time to actually go in to Salisbury

But we were definitely going to Stonehenge! So that's where we went and all was fine until we left the motorway and started on the A roads. OMG the hills!!! I spent a lot of time with my head down mentally willing people to overtake me while I took a hill on a national speed limit road at 25! My car's only got a little engine

And even though it's really hilly where I live, it's nothing compared to proper rural hills! How I didn't blow up the car, I dunno.... I did eventually get a bit better at gear changes on hills, but I never got up to the speed limits lol.
Stonehenge was fantastic. Such a serene, beautiful place! We were there just over an hour I think. We went round twice and just wandered round and took our time. i'm SO glad I've finally been and I would definitely go again

We would have been there for sunset, if the clouds hadn't of been so thick and heavy!
Then we had to get to the guest house :sigh: It had started getting dark and by the time we got anywhere near the village we needed it was pitch black. Now, I only got my licence just under 12 months ago and I have never, ever driven in rural conditions. I was not expecting national speed limits, with no road lighting at all, completely pitch black, and the crazy twisty turns. Oh and NO bloody road signs or road markings!!! The SatNav I borrow is my Sister's boyfriends and he bought it for the road trip in America. So it's not too great with postcodes. And, the road we needed, none of the properties had number and it's a bloody big road! We were on the very edge of the village boundaries and on the boundary for Wiltshire/Somerset. We must have driven past it 3 times and ended up in various places.
I was so stressed by the time Mum thought she spotted it I thought I was going to be sick. We did find it and it was farm buildings, by itself, on the edge of this pitch black national speed limit road. No lighting for the signs or anything! The next day we saw at the edge of the road there was a big black metal dog with googly eyes - but no light!! So if you hadn't been there before, like us, it's really hard to find!!
Anyway, when we got there the guy had forgotten I'd added on the extra day. He was on holiday when I emailed and he'd forgotten to put us in the book! He brought us in and made us coffee while they set up there room. Then he helped us with our bags. So not too bad really

On the reviews I'd read a few saying they'd walked to local pubs. This must have been in the summer, with light nights because there's no way you could walk round there in the dark and not get killed on the road. So I had to drive us to the local village for tea. I could barely eat and only had about half of my tea

I was just so stressed and my head was so painful and the nausea was insane!
The drive to Longleat the next day wasn't too bad and the difference it made driving in the day time was unbelievable! I did eventually sort of get used to the roads and we did start spotting 'landmarks' so we knew we were coming up to the guest house and I could slow down and signal. It didn't stop being scary tho

When we got back to Liverpool I was thinking "I laugh in the face of your wide, well lit, 30mph roads" Lol!
Anyway, fun stuff.... Longleat was fantastic! We bought the 2 day passes and it was so worth it. No way you could do it all in one day! The first day we did the safari first and were in time to hand feed the giraffes

The safari was really good and there was plenty of space to overtake, so you didn't feel rushed if you wanted to sit and watch the animals. We avoided the monkey enclosure, coz I don't need more stuff falling off my car! I did have an idea to bribe them with banana's and see if they could get me a set of Peugeot wheel trims for the second day - I've only got two wheel trims left and they're not even proper Peugeot

It was actually pretty fun driving through the park. I thought I'd miss things being the driver, but it was really good! The rest of that day was spent walking round the zoo part and we saw a brilliant bird of prey display - best one of them I've ever seen! We even got on the kids train

That night I was so exhausted and still a bit stressed that we found a Morrison's and bought stuff for a hotel room picnic. I got a Pot Noodle, a wholemeal roll, light Philly, and a little bottle of red wine. Super classy me

The second day at Longleat we went to the house first. We didn't know it didn't open till 12 and got there for 11

But we were just in time for a private tour of the closed off parts of the house!! The family were home and the woman had to keep radio'ing them to tell them where we were and how many of us and stuff. I would have loved to have bumped in to Lord Bath!! Have been a fan of his since I was a kid from watching Animal Park

We got to see his own artwork and murals and quite a few of the family rooms. It was amazing! Then we got to see the rest of the house when it opened.
We did the bits of the zoo we'd missed the day before and then went back to the safari. It was so much quieter in the afternoon, but the animals were so lively! There's parts of it where you can have your window open and we pulled up between these two HUGE camels. Mum was looking at the one by my window not realising her one had stuck his head thru the window trying to get her coffee. She just felt his breath on her ear, turned round, and proper sh*t herself. I couldn't breathe!! It was so funny :8855:
Then we watched 4 rhino's chase the car in front of me (n*bhead BMW driver

) and the keeper had to come and chase them away with a tractor!!! Then we saw the Ostriches racing round the paddock. I've never seen them run in real life and it's incredible to watch!
The tigers, lions, and wolves were right by the roads this time and for a while I couldn't move the car because there were two lions that kept crossing right in front of the car and wouldn't let me pass lol. I had a wolf cross in front of me and go round the car - got a really cool pic of him in my side mirror

I'd not seen wolves in real life either and I was SO glad they were out and about. We'd only managed to catch a glimpse on the first day.
I really did love Longleat and I'm so glad I've been!! The lake boat ride's really cool and you can throw fish to the sealions

And we saw the hippo's! They've got such a good collection of animals and it's quite 'hands on' too. Quite a few feeding opportunities, there's a good few 'walk through' enclosures, there's a petting/handling bit, and a new stingray pool where you can 'tickle' them. They have quite a different approach to other zoo's and it's very well laid out too. Could have happily gone back for a 3rd day!
The next day we decided to go to Bath, coz the weather was awful!! Instead of driving we decided to drive to a local train station and get the train in. Was so nice to not have to drive for ages and worry about parking and stuff. Bath's really nice too! We didn't see much of it because we ended up in the Roman Baths for well over 3hrs! That's such a cool place and very interesting

We did get to the abbey and we had a wander round the shops. I'd love to go back there too and would definitely love to try the spa

We had tea in Giraffe that night, but I was still really struggling with eating so couldn't finish my meal and definitely no dessert!! I did have some chocolate a few hours later, but I was so disappointed. I love Giraffe!
And then it was our last morning! We decided to go to Bradford-on-Avon on the way home because it looked really pretty. Only took about 20mins to get to

And it is a very pretty village! We were there nearly 4hrs in the end and had coffee and then lunch a bit later. We found the Saxon church and the Mason's Lodge and walked by the river for a bit. Did a bit of shopping too and we found a shop selling local artists work and I found a hare!!! He's so bloody cute

I think he's made from clay and he's just so cute. Definitely worth the £15! I also bought a couple of pictures of hares from another shop - they're actually greetings cards, but would look nice in a frame. And we found a proper wine shop and the guy was really helpful and helped me buy some local beers

One for me is by Bath ales and there emblem is a hare
The drive back was ridiculous! Without stopping it should have taken us just under 3 and a half hours. It took us nearly 7hrs to get home!!! The traffic was so bad. We had one half an hour stop when we first got to the motorway - that took us 2hrs in itself! And then the satnav asked if we wanted to change the route to avoid traffic and it took us back to the A roads. I was driving for over 3hrs without a stop coz there just wasn't one! We eventually got to a services just outside of Chester, only 30mins from home, but I couldn't keep going.
I was so tired by the time we got back! My sister had made us dinner and I cracked open one of the beers I'd bought. I definitely deserved that
My food's been a bit all over the place. Not being able to finish meals, but then getting hungry later in the evening and snacking on biscuits and chocolate. We did walk a lot and I'm sure all that stress will have burned calories lol!
I didn't do anything on Saturday. And on Sunday my Sister took us to the cinema

Haven't done very much today either! But we have plans for the rest of the week.
Think we're just going to do coffee and the cinema tomorrow.
Wednesday we're going to Chester for the day with my friend Caz.
And Thursday we're off to Anglesey. We've booked a hotel for the night as well

We have a few ideas of places to visit and we're going to go to Bangor on the way home on the Friday

I'm so bloody tired
Hope everyone's doing ok and super well done if you read all that
