You're right Tace and I'm not going to reply to this one. At the end he says he needs to talk to his friend, but that wont be till some time next week. So will just leave him to it.
Apparently it's me who's gotten the wrong end of the stick now! And I've noticed he been swearing a lot in the emails. This wouldn't usually bother me coz I swear like a sailor

But I haven't used any swear words in my emails to him as I think in this situation it would come across angrily. He has used quite a lot! It's also odd becaue he hasn't been a big swearer in real life or texts. This shouldn't bother me, but it really has! It feels childish again. He can't express his feelings so relies on swearing to get the point across. I dunno.
He has loooaaaads of issues! And I honestly don't think he should be trying to be in relationships. Funny for me to say that

But when I started dating him I thought my illness would be a few blood tests and some treatment. Not 6 months of horrible tests and still no answers.
It's hard to explain really but I don't think he's quite out of his dark patch, like he says he is. He's told me a number of times that he basically spent 10 years cut off from the world, hiding in his room, not speaking to his family, had no friends, etc.. And that was only recently. And I don't honestly believe he's come out of it.
I also get the feeling that he wants someone to share the dark with him. Like he needs someone to be his "everything" because he doesn't have many people. I worked really really hard to get myself back in to the world and meet people and get my job and do some pretty awesome things. I'm in no way willing to move backwards and cut myself off. Not a chance in hell!
Or he might need someone to basically hold his hand and get him through this and guide him and stuff. And, even if this sounds selfish, I don't want to do that! I have and do look after enough people and I really don't need another person to look after!
Not entirely sure any of this is a solid foundation for even a friendship and he's seriously got me questioning even wanting to talk to him any more. I guess, in a way, it's a good job this has happened now, before we got more serious! Can't imagine how difficult this would be if we'd gotten closer or more intimate!
I also worry that his feelings for me are WAY stronger than what I feel for him (which currently, isn't much!) But I mean I'm worried for me! And how he's reacting.
I swear every email I get is like it's come from another person. They're all very different and read differently. It's really bloody confusing!!
Anyway, not much planned for today. Was waiting to see if my friends wanted to do anything, but it's getting on a bit and I've not heard from them. Never mind!
Had a late lunch and watched Doctor Who with the dogs

Gonna pick mum up from the bus stop soon as it is chucking it down!! The sky got really dark and angry!
Hope everyone's alrighty.xx