Hey guys!
Well, for a change, lets do some good news first eh?! I got weighed (twice) in work and *drum roll* I'm down from 79.9kg to 77.6kg! Will call it a 2.5kg loss and google assures me that is 5.5lbs. THAT I will take

How cool is that?! Honestly thought I would maybe lose a couple of lb's. Gutted we didn't get weighed before we started eating again. But I ate naughtily, just smaller amounts than normal over the weekend, so hopefully didn't make too much of an impact. So yeah, that's good isn't it?! Pleased with that

Goodbye Christmas gain!!
I also got my MRI letter at the weekend and called them today to make an appointment. They have one on Sunday afternoon at the hospital closer to me - it's ;ess than a 10min drive away. So I've got that appointment

I've got a long weekend off work this week as I'm not working Friday anyway, got the weekend off, and booked Mon & Tues off for my birthday. At least that appointment wont mess with anything.
Work was ok. I mean I coped quite well. I was down on the rota as 'float' but there was no one in theatre prep - why wasn't I put in there?! So I just went in there anyway. My boss wasn't in till about 10 and not one member of management came to see me, see if I was ok, coping, etc... My work friends asked how I was but everyone else didn't really seem to give a crap. It was all over FB last week and even some people who commented or 'liked' things didn't speak to me. Wtf?!
When my boss came in the only time she spoke to me was when she passed thru the staff room and I was alone. All's she asked was did I have results yet. Nothing else

I was alright. Just did what I could and didn't push myself or put myself out. Really took my time
Tetris I'm thinking more and more about doing fast days. I could do complete fast days, but think it might be easier and more achievable if I allow myself some food. I'm thinking like soup and maybe some super low crackers or something? Those Ryvita thins are quite nice and 30kcal a go.
Skipping breakfast doesn't bother me, I didn't have breakfast today, but would be nice to have some soup for lunch and tea. I looked at my Sister's tins of regular Heinz veggie soups (not even low fat) and they are just under 100kcal for half a tin. So that would be perfect!
Would like to do non-caffeine days on my fasts. But would drink decaffe coffee and teas, water, and squash. I'm liking the sound of this more and more! Even if it was only one day a week. Could be a good way to quickly get back to the weight I was and then re-evaluate! And fast days would be good after a day off plan - like my birthday next week

I'd still be doing SW all the other times too. So kinda like a SW 5:2 diet. Worth a try and a bit on an experiment I reckon! Have decided though that it would be silly to attempt fast days on a cinema day (usually Wednesday at least) or over a weekend. Guess it depends what's going on really. Something to play around with
Quite excited! It's been a while since I've challenged myself with food. Have been doing SW for SO long now it's like second nature. Feel a bit of a shake-up would be good.
My cough seems to be getting worse today. It's like a tickly, really dry cough. My head, chest, and arms are absolutely aching. Sore throat isn't quite as bad today tho. Odd!
Sausage and mash is goooood!
Honestly I've had enough of eating crap and letting myself do it. Have had more than enough time off plan and virtually binge eating! Gotta stop. So yup, well and truly on the SW wagon as of today
