Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Your poor mum, at least she has you to help her and wrap her up warm. I hope the meds kick in soon.

Glad the bunnies are getting on, well sort of. I'm sure he'll be alright eventually.

That reminded me I've not watched silent witness yet, I've got it recorded will watch it later and the Ramsey's kitchen nightmares (makes me laugh)

I still don't think I could do it, I get really crabby when I'm hungry and I start craving cr@p. I would probably end up eat a ton of chocolate or something else just as daft ha ha ha ha x x
The stuff from the chemist was just her usual pile of meds for her various illnesses. They can't give her cold stuff and she can't buy over the counter things either because of the types of drugs she's on :rolleyes: She just has to kind of grin and bear it though regular bugs and viruses :( she's looking a bit better now :)

I have no doubt the bunnies will get on eventually, he's just being a git! Unusual for him tho, he's a very placid boy and got on with Ramona very quickly. I think Anya is a little too nice and she's not telling him off, whereas Ramona did.

I love Silent Witness! Wish I'd have gone in to human medicine to do pathology and forensics. Not quite clever enough though! I would consider training to work in a human or veterinary lab tho, that would be dead cool. That's always been an idea. But, again, not sure how clever you have to be! Have always been interested in radiography too.

Ah I don't think you give yourself enough credit. You have some serious will power!xx
That's even worse for your mum, I hope it doesn't last long. Glad she's looking a little better though.
I've always been fascinated with anything to do with maths and science, when I was younger I wanted to be either a archaeologist or a maths tutor at college level so anything like silent witness where there's a bit of science and detective work ticks all the boxes for me. I read a lot of books like that as well, I always try to suss them out before the end, I know it's a good book if I can't :)
I can be very strong willed or as Ian says stubborn when I have my mind set on something. In fact Ian said I'm the most stubborn person he knows lol x x
I've always been in to biology and natural sciences. Maybe I should have pursued that instead of animals. But I desperately wanted to work with animals! Just thinking of future possibilities depending on what they decide is wrong with me. Maybe a lab tech would suit me better in the future. Would have to see what level of qualifications I'd need tho!

Right, have got my curry on the go. Will write all the ingredients here instead of clogging up the food bit....

Red and green peppers
Sweet potato
Butternut squash
Quorn pieces
Chickpea dahl
And a carton of tomatoes with chilli and peppers
Seasoned with Siriracha, cumin, turmeric, garam masala, and tikka curry powder.
Should make at least 4 big portions :D

Gonna have it with a packet of rice and a naughty naan bread. Will count the syns tho ;)
I had to text Tetris about this ;)

Mum made me a whole naan bread and I looked at the calories and they were rather scary!! Once I'd started eating it I decided that a whole one was not worth the syns and that I could totally have chocolate instead of that ;) As much as I love bread, chocolate wins!!
What has happened to me?! :eek: Lol!
Hahaaa you calorie counting scum, you ;)
"This naan is more calories than my whole food allowance yesterday?!" haha!

You do make the fast days look easy- I'm bloody hungry now after mine despite the extra 100cal 'stupid height allowance' :p
I have the 'advantage' of having been forced to starve for 3 days with no calories. After that 500 seems like a feast lol! Not that I would recommend that training lol!
If you're really hungry have a hot drink. Honestly, it helps so much!

Haha not calorie counting today, just syn counting and wanting chocolate more than bread :p And I did have some chocolate and treats. Went over my syn allowance a little, but I've got loads saved up.

Just watched Safety Not Guaranteed again. If anyone has Netflix it is most definitely worth a watch. Very, very sweet indie film about this guy who posts an ad for a time travel buddy. Plus, it has Jake Johnson (Nick from New Girl) in :D

Also, have taken Tetris' advice about my birthday and made some plans.
Mum's taking me out for brunch and we're going to see a film in the day time - probably Wolf of Wall Street. And in the evening I've invited a few friends out for tea at this cool pizza place I've wanted to try for ages -
Not sure if the fake brother and sister can come yet, but my Mum, Sister, Michelle, and Martin (ex) are coming :) So that should be good! Looking forward to it now.
I'm off work Monday too and Michelle's invited me round for tea (my choice!) and to watch Sherlock with her housemates/work friends. I might go see American Hustle in the afternoon by myself. No one else seems overly enthused about seeing it, so might as well use my free afternoon wisely. Not been to the cinema alone for aaaaages! But have seen loads of lonesome people at my cinema, so wont feel like too much of a weirdo ;) Quite exciting!
Also, going to Michelle's means I can get weighed before Birthday day off!! Oooooh :p xx
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Sounds like you've got an amazing birthday planned, you should have a brilliant day. When exactly is your birthday?
Fingers crossed the scales give you an early birthday present and your fast days have paid off.
Hope you have a lovely weekend x x x
Honestly Barbette that's really tame for my birthday. I usually have stuff planned for about 4 days lol! I just cba this year. I don't even really want to go out or be sociable but feel like I should. I'm looking forward to the stuff with my Mum, I always do, but the evening I dunno. I'm sure it'll be fine on the day, I'm just not really feeling it this year. And I usually do make it a bit of an event lol.

I'm excited about getting on the scales before I pig out lol! Although I'm feeling the munchies and temptation today! Need to hold off till tomorrow. Me and Mum are going to go for coffee and cake after my MRI, so I want to save some syns towards that too but hold of the munchy cravings too! Tough one lol.
I don't want to be disappointed by the scales either, so trying not to get my hopes up too much. Eeek!

Speaking of the MRI, it will probably be a contrast, so that will mean another b*stard IV. And I'm driving too, so no diazepam! Hence the coffee and cake ;) My hand has gone through many colour changes this week where the vein blew and it's now at that horrible yellow stage. I know they're probably going to want to use that one tomorrow too, it's my best vein and even that is being generous!

No plans for today. Feel pretty rough and just don't really want to do anything anyway. Will conserve energy for tomorrow! Think today will just be eating, reading, and watching some films :) xx
Just had quite a decent nose bleed. I never get nosebleeds! Proper little clots in it and everything. Very odd :confused:

Anyway, someone posted this site on Tetris' diary yesterday and I spotted the perfect dress for my Sister's wedding 50s halterneck swing pinup retro dress 20127241 [20127241] - £34.99 : Queen of Holloway, Dressing Shop
It's exactly what I'd been looking for! Only decent if it was spring/summer, but I really like it :) No idea when they're getting married yet! The house is going through and no problems so far. I'm finally getting to see it next weekend! They're doing another viewing on Saturday :) I drive past it nearly every day, but haven't been in it yet. Exciting :D xx
Saturday food: SW Green Day. No HexA's today :confused: Super rare for me lol!
Was in such a snacky mood too. The Graze popcorn was disappointing. Loads didn't pop and all the flavouring was welded to the bag. I added half a teaspoon of Maple syrup to help it a little bit. I'm sure the unpopped popcorn and the missing flavouring will cover the few calories the maple syrup would have been. I mean 1 teaspoon is only half a syn and I only had half of that anyway :)

Lunch: 2 Quorn sausages (2)
2 boiled eggs
Half a tin of beans with cherry tomatoes and hot sauce
Wholemeal toast (HexB1)
Tomato sauce (1)

Tea: Big portion of leftover curry :D
Ainsley Roasted Veg Moroccan cous cous (1.5)
Graze fruity mango chutney dippers (4)

Snacks: Graze slightly sweet popcorn (6)
Chewy Delight (HexB2)
Jelly (0.5)
Shape 0%

Drinks: Coffee. Coke Zero. 7 Up Free. Hardly any water again today :eek:

Syns used: 15
Syns saved: 16.5
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I love the dress, 50's is so cool, I have a thing for 50's music as well which shocks people as I usually listen to punk/90's indie/ metal and emo. I think you'll look amazing in it and it's reasonably priced :)
I can't believe you're having more injections and you can't take anything to calm you, hopefully it won't be too traumatic.
The nose bleed sounds really weird, hope it's ok now and has stopped.
Well done on managing to contain the munchies, and fingers crossed for your WI tomorrow x x
Glad you are doing something for bday :) you deserve a little spoiling after all you've been going through!

I used to go to the cinema alone all the time- was kinda theraputic and a nice way for my introvert recharge! I really want to see American Hustle, havent really had energy to leave the house this week lol.

Hope Anya startes defending herself a bit! And that your sister gets married in the summer ;) x
I'll reply to you both properly later. Starving and need food ;)

BUT! Firstly, MRI was fine. Not a contrast! Woohooo!! I did a happy dance and the staff were killing themselves laughing. Lying in a noisy tube I can cope with ;)

But, even bigger news I reckon. I got weighed in my friends house (scales I was using before Christmas) and I'm back to 12st! ALLLL the Christmas weight gone.
I was 77.6kg last week and 12st is 76.2 so I've lost 1.4kg. Google says that's 3lbs!!! Holy crap! That would normally take me like 6 months :eek:
I am absolutely thrilled!!! If this keeps up for a couple of weeks I'd be over the moon! Happy for it to slow down, as I'm sure it will, but if I could get another couple of 2 or 3lb losses I'd be back to the weight I was at the beginning of last year in no time. Wow :D :bunnydance:

Be back later with food and replies :) xx
To be honest I didn't think I'd lost anything when I'd got on the scales. Had to try and remember what I was in kg's last week and see how many lb's it was. So a rather pleasant surprise when Google said it was 3lb :eek:

I really can't explain how relieved I was when they said they weren't doing a contrast! Injections I can cope with, as long as they're not near a vein, I don't have a needle phobia. Mine's much more specific to blood vessels - apparently very common in people who had heart surgery (or any surgery I guess!) as a child! Not easy to explain to people tho!

I really do like that dress and will definitely keep it in mind for the future. I did have my heart set on getting something from Phase Eight though.

It looks like the nose bleed was a one off. I'd probably just p*ssed off a capillary with all the nose blowing. I'm getting very congested over night at the moment and wake up choking. Very pleasant! :rolleyes:

I'm so glad I didn't go over syns yesterday. I had hoped to save a few more for today, but some days just don't work out like that do they?

I'm a bit nervous about going the cinema by myself. But yeah, no reason why I should be! When my ex left all those years ago I had to learn how to do things alone again. I hadn't been out of the house alone in 2 years! My anxiety was incredibly bad :eek: So I built it up slowly. I think the biggest thing I've done alone is sitting in a coffee shop and I used to travel to Leeds all the time by coach or train by myself. So yeah, I think cinema alone will be a challenge, but I'm looking forward to it too! I've missed a few films because I couldn't get someone to go with me, so this might be a good thing :)

Anya isn't fighting back at all, she's just running away. I think she needs to tell him off, but she's so laid back and lovely. They'll get there in the end!

So had a half day off plan today. Well only sort of really. The only things I wouldn't have fit in to my syns were a piece of cake and a cheese and tomato swirl thing from Tesco's bakery section. And even then, I did have 16syns saved towards stuff too! So probably only the cake was my only completely off plan thing. Not bad going really!!
I was desperate to try Costa's new Tiramisu Layer Cake. Zomg it was lovely! A teeny bit dry, but the flavours were great :D
Just before we went in to Costa I realised I was really hungry! So instead of getting a syn heavy sandwich or something I nipped in to Tesco and got a small veggie sushi pack - they're about 1 syn I think. So felt quite proud about that too :eek:

Will do a food diary now...
Sunday food: Half on half off SW Green Day. Not bad seen as today was supposed to be completely off plan ;)

Breakfast: Pack of plain porridge (HexB1)
Koko milk (less than half HexA1)
1tsp of maple syrup (0.5)
Handful of blueberries

Lunch: Small Tesco veggie sushi pack (1)
Costa Tiramisu Layer Cake - stupidly didn't look at calories and it's not online yet. Prob around 600cals/30syns if the other cakes are anything to go by. Eeeek!
Medium soy milk caffe caramella (HexA2 + 3 syns)

Tea: 2 Linda M Italian sausages and a Quorn sausage (2)
Cheesy Smash with a bit of grated cheese (half HexA1)
Microwave veg bag - carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower
1 tbsp of Lingonberry jam (2) + 1tsp of mustard (1)
Cheese and Tomato Tesco swirl thing (259cals/13syns holy crap!!!)

Drinks: Coffee. Coke Zero.

Not really counting syns today even though I did all that :p But without the cake I spent 22.5, so with saved syns that still leaves me with 8.5 syns left over!! So it really was just the cake off plan. Not bad considering today was a planned off-plan day! Only one HexB too, so kinda saved 6 syns in a way.
Might even be naughty and have a Hotel Chocolat or two later ;) Two would only be 6 syns anyway, so could push it to three ;) LOL!
Happy with that! :D

ETA: Ended up having just one Hotel Chocolat choc (3 syns) Brought down a Caramel Bunny as well, but too full! :eek:
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Have had a bit of an idea for a fast day pizza! I know ;)
Ok, I stole the idea from a blog, but on that the woman used one of those big square bread things and it was almost 190cals! My Mum had a pack of wholemeal sandwich thins in the kitchen and I thought they would make a really nice mini pizza! Same idea as the blog, but smaller.
Thought if you could have a mini pizza then a big side salad I'd imagine it would be quite filling.
Here's the recipe idea anyway....

1 Warburtons brown sandwich thin (100cal)
1tbsp of tomato puree (14cals) prob use less on a smaller bread, will see how it goes!
Red pepper (1/4 is around 13cals)
Cherry tomatoes x 2 (1 = 3cals)
Sliced Laughing Cow Extra Light (20)

Maybe some Quorn ham (18cals) or non veggies could use a bit of chicken.

For me that would come to 171cals. Leaving enough cals for a decent amount of salad & a drizzle of dressing to make it up to 200cals for the meal. Might give this a go this week! Well, get Mum to buy some more of those thins and nick one ;)

How does that sound??

Blog I pinched the idea from:
Pizza idea sounds cool :D I am going to make a non fast day wholemeal base soon now that I have given up on gluten free, was really nice when I made a hexy pizza before!
So glad MRI wasnt a contrast! Relieved for you!
WI was fantastic- so happy to see you excited about fast days and getting results you deserve for once!! I hope the good losses continue :D it could well be the missing ingredient you needed before- more metabolism confusion and some carb free days! ;)
My grandma siad she bought me some 4cal noodles/rice things- that would be great for a fast day :eek: need to pick them up, bet they tsste like cardboard lol!
Bugger off you with your carb free days. That will never, ever happen ;)

Urgh I bet 4cal noodles are sh*t LOL! I have heard of them before but can't remember what they're called.

I might save my pizza experiment till my 2nd fast day (if I can fit one in) this week or maybe next week. Going out for pizza for my birthday and kinda want to save a pizza experiment for a bit of a treat :)

I really hope the losses continue too. Would be awesome if it carried on past the weight I was, but we'll just see when we get there. Still rather shocked at that loss!

Off to the cinema in a bit. By myself! :hide: I'll get a coffee and I've got a little bottle of Coke Zero. Taking a Graze pack with me, a chocolate orange one. 9 syns!! Figured I might as well use it when I know tomorrow will be a day off. It's logical to me lol!

Going to my friends for tea and to watch some Sherlock. She let me pick tea so we're having spaghetti and meatballs with a halloumi side salad :) I even had to send her a shopping list and I will no doubt cook most of it :p Didn't have any HexA's with lunch to use for the halloumi. And any dressing will just be a drizzle and I'll have a look at the cals.
Looking forward to it! Feel like I'm using this holiday from work properly :) xx