To be honest I didn't think I'd lost anything when I'd got on the scales. Had to try and remember what I was in kg's last week and see how many lb's it was. So a rather pleasant surprise when Google said it was 3lb
I really can't explain how relieved I was when they said they weren't doing a contrast! Injections I can cope with, as long as they're not near a vein, I don't have a needle phobia. Mine's much more specific to blood vessels - apparently very common in people who had heart surgery (or any surgery I guess!) as a child! Not easy to explain to people tho!
I really do like that dress and will definitely keep it in mind for the future. I did have my heart set on getting something from Phase Eight though.
It looks like the nose bleed was a one off. I'd probably just p*ssed off a capillary with all the nose blowing. I'm getting very congested over night at the moment and wake up choking. Very pleasant!
I'm so glad I didn't go over syns yesterday. I had hoped to save a few more for today, but some days just don't work out like that do they?
I'm a bit nervous about going the cinema by myself. But yeah, no reason why I should be! When my ex left all those years ago I had to learn how to do things alone again. I hadn't been out of the house alone in 2 years! My anxiety was incredibly bad

So I built it up slowly. I think the biggest thing I've done alone is sitting in a coffee shop and I used to travel to Leeds all the time by coach or train by myself. So yeah, I think cinema alone will be a challenge, but I'm looking forward to it too! I've missed a few films because I couldn't get someone to go with me, so this might be a good thing
Anya isn't fighting back at all, she's just running away. I think she needs to tell him off, but she's so laid back and lovely. They'll get there in the end!
So had a half day off plan today. Well only sort of really. The only things I wouldn't have fit in to my syns were a piece of cake and a cheese and tomato swirl thing from Tesco's bakery section. And even then, I did have 16syns saved towards stuff too! So probably only the cake was my only completely off plan thing. Not bad going really!!
I was desperate to try Costa's new Tiramisu Layer Cake. Zomg it was lovely! A teeny bit dry, but the flavours were great

Just before we went in to Costa I realised I was really hungry! So instead of getting a syn heavy sandwich or something I nipped in to Tesco and got a small veggie sushi pack - they're about 1 syn I think. So felt quite proud about that too
Will do a food diary now...