Tonight was a little better. Much quieter on the phone! Actually got to do some proper work too

I was really stressed by the time I got there. One of my bunnies looks a bit 'off' and I'd sorted them out just before I left. And getting to work was ridiculous! The traffic was absolutely insane. I probably left about 5mins later today and it was crazy! Only just got in on time!
Luckily consults were finished and the waiting room empty by 6 - that doesn't happen often lol! And I actually got a break today.
Had a bit of a run in with a member of staff from the private vets team. Her opinion of our clients really got my back up. It's basically the opinion most of the country now seems to have about people on benefits. Makes me so angry!! I got my point across and let it drop. Some people are just very ignorant of other people's situations and have these horrible views of people from bad experiences with a few idiots. Unfortunately, like with any job, the horrible and nasty people stand out. But I fully believe and will always fight in the corner of our clients being mostly genuine and grateful for the service we provide. This thing we have for 'scroungers' thanks to our lovely government and these ridiculous 'documentaries' is getting out of hand!
I have been on all sides of this argument. When we were younger my Mum had the 'right' benefits and we could use PDSA. When I was out of work with depression I wasn't on the right benefits and Mum wasn't working, so I had to always use private vets. And my animals never went without and the dogs insured!! And now I work and am lucky enough to work in veterinary and get a decent reduction in my vet bills.
I am always, always arguing for people on benefits! Some people are just incredibly ignorant and lack any sort of compassion. Wrong job to be in if you ask me
Anyway.... yeah, it wasn't too bad! And the lady who took over from me is lovely and I'd not seen her in aaaaaages so I stayed for 20mins having a catch up.
I was a bit naughty (a lot) and stopped for wine and garlic bread on the way home. Holy crap that wine hit me quickly!! Had 2 glasses

Will finish it before Monday
Oh don't worry, I won't be unnecessarily pushing myself over next weekend. I don't doubt I will get mega stressed, but I'm not willing to or physically capable of doing two people's jobs. Maybe they'll realise how much I WAS doing before I went off sick.
I had to restrain a rather large, but nice, rottweiler today and it was fine. My poor knees were protesting a bit, but I felt ok. She was a very, very good dog. Seems to be rotty week in work this week lol! It's odd how we have a run of breeds or illnesses.
No pts' today. Huzzah! And I even got to snuggle an 8 week old Akita. Holy crap that was just the fuzziest thing I'd seen in ages

He was adorable
While the vet was talking to the owners I was keeping him busy and trying to stop him from hurling himself off the table - like they do! So was playing with his feet, squishing his cheeks, and copying his yawns. He was so God damn cute!! Good owners too, were worried about something and brought him in straight away. No d*cking about for a week waiting to see if it fixed itself!! The dog was fine as well
Anyway, had a nice evening in with the dogs. Had my nice "surviving work" tea and wine. And coffee and some chocolate watching Rise of the Guardians. Got the Blu for my birthday. I'm the Easter Bunny, mate
Just doing some research online. Hopefully going on holiday in Oct to somewhere warm with Mum. Yay!! So, obv, will be setting target for then!
I read the first chapter of 5:2 Diet book last night and I have to say it's very interesting. It sounds like it is such a healthy way to live and it could actually help prevent you from getting some really nasty illnesses and diseases. Feeling even more enthused about it now and also very much looking forward to re-re-starting on Monday

Will do fasts on Tues and Thurs I reckon.
Right, gonne go and read for a bit.
Cheerio for now.xx