Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Oh no, hope you feel better soon! It's not because of the needle accident is it? Glad the soup turned out well! I wouldn't keep it in the fridge for longer than two or three days. Do you have any little tupperware boxes? If so you could freeze it in those xx
I asked on Twitter and people said coz it's veg it should be ok for up to a week :s I'm having it tomorrow and Tues for work lunch, not sure how much will be left after that lol! I seriously need to buy my own tupperware. It annoys people when I use them up when I freeze meals :eek:
Sunday: Well today was pretty much on plan I think. Had 29.5 syns for the day.

3 syns and a HexA & B for lunch.
Maltesers (9.5) at the cinema-went to a screening of Ghostbusters :D

Then went to the Halloween lantern parade where I had a disgusting instant hot chocolate and a small bag of candy floss

And tea was syn free, but I did have 2 pieces of bread (HexB2) with a small scraping of low cal spread on.

Feel like I should have some extra synnage but I'm knackered and don't really fancy anything. My saved syns will have well covered todays syns wont they?

Gonna say this week has been a 100% week ;) It feels 100% compared to what I have been eating.

Have decided to keep 15syns a day for now and see how I go. Feel a lot more free for having those extra syns!

Hope y'all had a good weekend. Back to work tomorrow-on an early!!

Night all.x
Urgh guys! I'm not well. It's official now :( Went to the Dr's last night after work and I have some sort of viral infection :(

SW hasn't really been on my mind to be honest. Neither's anthing else-been so spacey and not quite with it for days!

Monday I had no syns all day and only one HexB till I got home. My Mum and sister made a picnic halloween tea :)
Yesterday was similar-no syns and one HexB. Got a Costa skinny hot choc on the way to the dr's and also a tiffin :eek: Had a lollipop, funsize chocs, and an Innocent Veg pot when I got home.
Get better, don't worry about anything other than getting better for now! :hug99:
Hi cheekychinchilla (cool name by the way)

I really like your food diary, definitly my kinda food :)
Can i ask (as i am a very bad cook) what way do you make your crispy potatoes?
Hey guys! I'm back :D Still not quite feeling right, but much better than I was. I'm at least more aware of what's going on now lol! Had a lovely couple of days in Leeds with my friend. Yes, completely off plan and we had a brilliant time ;)

Very much back on the wagon today because I'm fed up of making excuses and letting myself eat junk whenever I want. Need to get my will power back! I know I can do SW and do it well. Will hopefully start exercising again when I feel less achey. My legs and bum are so painful today! It's like I've been on a massive run, but I really haven't :p My shoulders and lower back are sore today too. Think those germs are still hanging on in there!

But have had a good SW day today. Had 2 of my favourite SW meals to kick-start me :D

Lunch: 2 Quorn sausages (2), beans, cheesey mushroomy scrambled egg (HexA1 for cheese & milk), wholemeal toast (HexB1), and tomato sauce (1)

Tea: Chickpea Daal with stuff added in-Quorn pieces, red & yellow peppers, onion, garlic, sweetcorn, spinach, and loadsa spices-inc habanero Tabasco :D It made enough for two portions so will chuck one in the freezer.
With pilau packet rice and ASDA cucumber cottage cheese.

Snack: Bears (HexB2) Activia fat free.
2 M&S Christmas Jaffa's (Mum's evil and bought these 4)

Drinks: Coke Zero. Coffee. Options (2)

Syns used: 9
Syns left: 6

Exercise: Cleaning out the garage animals and cleaning the garden.
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Hi cheekychinchilla (cool name by the way)

I really like your food diary, definitly my kinda food :)
Can i ask (as i am a very bad cook) what way do you make your crispy potatoes?

Hi! Thank you for reading my diary. Always nice to get a new visitor :D

All's I do is chop up the potato in to small chunks, stick them in the microwave for 1-1:30mins. Cover them in Frylight, salt, pepper, mixed herbs. And then put them in the oven on gas mark 6 for about 15-20mins :D
Forgot to tell you all my sad news. Last week when I got home from the doctors I found one of my guinea pigs had died :(
Poor little thing was quite old, but still sad. Feel awful that the other one is on her own now. But she seems to be coping really well-she's even using the hutch now (above the run) which she never did when Ron was alive because she wouldn't use the ladder to go in to the hutch!
You have much better quality clothes than me! LOL.

Mine was asda so no point in ebaying!
Just a wee bit too big I think!
Took Ellie for her first ever appointment at work today. She was very well behaved with her new vet and just a bit nervous. She didn't bark at any dogs either-which is amazing!! lol.
She's still being a bit of a mystery though. The in house blood and urine tests we did all came back perfectly normal. Which is brilliant and I am relieved, but it means things are still a bit unknown.
The main worry is cushing's which I've had a quick research on since I got home. She literally has all but one of the symptoms :rolleyes: I guess even if it is that it's a manageable illness and not as scary as some.
She did so well today too. We had a stressful bus journey there and then she got barked at by horrible dogs in our waiting room. And considering she's fear aggressive she did very well indeed :)

So yeah, will wait and see what the tests say on Friday.
So, food!!

Lunch: big jacket spud with tinned spaghetti and two Quorn sausages (2) with cheese (HexA1)

Tea: Super mega yummy chilli-Quorn mince, onion, garlic, peppers, sweetcorn, mushrooms, kidney beans, refried beans, and tomatoes.
Packet of Mexican rice and Asda peppers and chilli cottage cheese (just over half the tub 0.5) And low fat cheese (HexA2)

Snacks: Bears (HexB1) and Activia.
A chocolate from Nero's (gonna say 2)

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Coke. Half a shot of honey rum (1)

Syns used: 5.5
Syns left: 15.5

Exercise: a 2hr round trip with Ellie to work-prob only about 30-45mins of walking though! Stupid buses :p
25min walk with Dave.
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I survived a trip in to town and the cinema. Hell yeah! :D

Lunch: jacket spud, veggie ravioli (2), low fat cheese (HexA1), salad, dressing (0.5)

At the cinema: M&S classic fruit salad-red grapes, melon, strawberries, orange, and apple.
M&S yogurt with Bears in (HexB1)

Tea: Leftover chilli with brown rice. Asda cottage cheese (0.5). Low fat cheese (HexA2). And wholemeal bread (HexB2)

Snack: Half a bag of M&S chocolate covered pretzels (7.5 going by kcals)

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Coke. Options (2)

Syns used: 12.5
Syns left: 18

Exercise: Just a bit of walking-to and from bus stops and through town.