Gen xxxx
Soo pleased for you Chelle, well done! i know only too well what trying to get past the first day(again) is like. Hope it's all plain sailing for you from now on!
Glad you got thru day 2 hun!! Hope you enjoy the gym!!
Thanks hun, really appreciate it!
Hubby said that I might become a gym-nut ...... has kinda got me thinking - what if I ACTUALLY LIKE exercise????![]()
Guess stranger things have happened!
Hope u;re well!
Much love, chelle xx
1 - I WILL NOT let anything other than a CD PRODUCT pass my lips.
2 - I WILL drink 4 - 6 litres of water EVERYDAY.
3 -I WILL be KIND and GENTLE with myself and take it ONE DAY AT A TIME
Well the gym was fun, but grueling (my brother sure likes to work ya hard!!).
My routine;
7 1/2 Min on x-trainer (random)
7 1/2 mins on bike (random)
Loads of sets of leg exercises on various leg machines
Body twist machine
Ball exercises (yep, nearly fell off hahaha!)
Back exercises
Got up this morning and my knees are soo soo sore! Doesn't sound alot of exercise, but I'm not used to doing any at all - so another triumph really. Got home just after 10pm, then went to bed with a hot choc mint and read for a bit.
Had a bad nights sleep - kept getting up to pee (serves me right for drinking late!) and was woken up by the cat extracting a fur ball (nice!).
Feel fine tho - and another 2lbs off this morning (yes I will stop weighing myself everday once the first week is over, I just love the first week results!).
The plan for today is to wash my car (if the weather settles down), and I'm looking after my gorgeous 6 week old baby nephew today, so that'll keep me occupied!!
Here's to a good day for everyone!!
10lbs to go until a sane me....
Much love, chelle xx
Ah exercise is fun!! Once ye get into the gym thing you will either love it or hate it completely....I used to love it and sooooo miss being able to go!!
That is all you can do sweetie. Above all else, try your best. x
Hi Chelle,
I just noticed that you are on day 3 SS and so am I - if you fancy supporting each other along the journey, let me know.
I really need to get to the gym as I've been making excuses not to go for the last 2 months, so I may take your lead and get my bum there in the morning...you never know!
Good Luck hun
Hey Lottie!
Yeh that sounds great, we can definately support each other! Can't believe it's day 3 already, hopefully the ketosis faerie will come soon (please!).
As for the gym, I got bullied into going - and I'm not the exercise kinda gal, but I do recommend going even if only to boost the self-esteem!!
Hows ur day been?
Well done Chelle your doing fab, and in th 13s now! makes all the difference dosn't it![]()
Oh Kazz, the exercise has killed me (obviously not literally!!!) - I've been soo hungry last night and today I could eat a skabby dog (eww yes i know!). Really should have waited to be fully in Ketosis, but hey u live and learn!!! Thankfully not at the gym again until mid next week so really should be in K by then.Well done for getting down to the 13s hun!!
You will be racing thru in no time now, especially now you've started the exercise....I need to start using my exercise bike soon as well, but wanna wait til I have SS'd for a week first!!
Anyway, well done!
Well done Chelle for getting into the 13's! It makes it all worth it doesn't it? I'm on the cusp of 13 summat this morning, so I hope to join you tomorrow!
Have you any nights out planned in the near future? I've got a night out next Sat that I may end up breaking SS for, but if I do, I'll go for damage limitation and restrict it to one night only. I may just stick to the alcohol and skip the meal planned, but I'm not sure....I hate dilemas when just getting into a positive habit.