Cheryls Dukan diary

I've never known pain like it Vicky & I've given birth twice with no pain relief!! I couldn't sit down or walk! It came on after my hen weekend.. I'd been drinking 5-6 litres of water everyday for 4 months then had a weekend drinking & the dehydration just pushed it over the edge... thankfully in a way because we honeymooned on safari in kenya.. could you have imagined if it had happened out there!! :eek:

They think it was because my diet was so restricted in fat & fibre everything was impacted inside & nothing I was eating was binding or helping my colon push it thru. Its made me so aware of how often I go & what needs to be done if I don't!

Sorry lots of tmi there!!
Gosh yes crikey that sounds awful...

This diet isn't very high in calories, is low fat, and low carb... BUT I firmly believe that the oatbran/wheatbran is our saviour in that respect...

One issue "we" (us oldtimers) have found which potentially needs looking at would be the length of time in Phase 3. Many have problems stabilising in Phase 4 hence I would personally advocate a longer Phase 3... gradually increasing on the calorie front... because, if you count up a typical calorie count on PP Cruise, it ain't much!
Gosh yes crikey that sounds awful...

This diet isn't very high in calories, is low fat, and low carb... BUT I firmly believe that the oatbran/wheatbran is our saviour in that respect...

One issue "we" (us oldtimers) have found which potentially needs looking at would be the length of time in Phase 3. Many have problems stabilising in Phase 4 hence I would personally advocate a longer Phase 3... gradually increasing on the calorie front... because, if you count up a typical calorie count on PP Cruise, it ain't much!

I think your right Jo.. oat/wheat bran would definately have a huge difference in helping your insides! x
crikey Linz! at least you know now eh?
lol thanks
i was thinking of changing it. but dunno.....
Gosh is that you??? I thought you were blonde? (I looked at you on facebook!)
I was blonde when I was thinner. brunette now :D
You look very different blonde and dark... very attractive in both disguises! (Not said in a gay way!!)
Hi Maria... at the bottom of this page, hit "New Thread"!
Hi Maria and welcome. To the rest of you should i be getting a complex about all this poo talk on my thread. Lol. I like the way its hiddenhere. Pmsl. Just a quickie today as im at work and still waiting for my crew mate who should be here any min. I sts today but its ok as still got really heavy totm and a stinking cold. Got horrible taste in my mouth and Mark said i smell of "cold breath".....poss ketosis??? I dont know as cant taste propperly. Not done my stick yet might do one tonight. So far today i had sausage, egg and mushrooms for brunch and dinner is a very lean ham salad. Might grab something else at the shop if i fancy it. tried on some of my old skinny clothes toady and my jeans do up but are still a little tight, my dresses were all far to small are now a tiny on the big side but wearable. Oh and ive also had to dig out an old uniform as my other one was far too big on me. waaaaaaaahooooooo, im wearing a smaller uniform!!!!!!! Its made me so happy to the point i dont actually care what my sticks are or that ive sts either. Hope you are all having fun! xx
absolutley fantastic Cheryl. Your clothes are always always the biggest way to KNOW you have lost :D congrats babe xxxx
hope you feel better soon.
That's absolutely brilliant Cheryl... who needs Dukan OR ketosis if you can get into a smaller uniform. That's one good thing about wearing one actually... you get a real gauge whereas I can just wear different clothes which isn't good!

I've gone for the "bag lady" look each day this week so far... shall I go for the "too tight" / daren't sit down in case I split a seam" look tomorrow ? It's one or the other alas! Friday is jeans thankfully!!

Enjoy your shift... hope there aren't too many timewasters...
I've gone for the "bag lady" look each day this week so far... shall I go for the "too tight" / daren't sit down in case I split a seam" look tomorrow ? It's one or the other alas! Friday is jeans thankfully!!

that is sooo funny :)
im on the way to the bag lady look!
It's so not flattering... and every time I stand, I have to hitch my trousers up!! I didn't put a belt on, because with a tight fitting top there's an unsightly lump (and lumps I can grow my own quite well thank you), but I've regretted it!!

so... it's a dilemma cos I'm always bigger in the evening than in the morning, so no point trying stuff on tonight... and in the morning, I'm sleepwalking so who knows what I could come to work in if I didn't get it out!!