Yes, sure will keep my diary can give me a virtual kick if I need it

Yes will be nice to spend some quality time together,we were having a look online today and we are going to buy a paris pass which gets you free entry into all the big attractions and free bus and metro access - seems to make sense price wise. I've also coaxed bf into going to the Moulin Rouge

Tried to buy tickets online but something wrong with website so will try again later.
brekkie - 2 poached eggs, toms and loads of mushrooms
lunch - 5 cream crackers with low fat cheese spread
ff cottage cheese
gherkins ( very random lunch i know!)
2 x toffee crisps

( went to see 3d lion king at cinema today and wanted a treat!)
Dinner - goulash and noodles
side salad
dessert- ice cream. chocolate trifle thingy my bfs mum made us - was yum
also had some after dinner chocolates
A few treats today...however its the weekend so its allowed - gonna cut out the treats during the week

Have had a really good Sunday - shame need to go back to work tomorrow!! But only 5 days then off for a whole week