Consolidation ChrisR Consolidation journey = 280 days

Ouch !!!! Just caught up with your diary Chris, toothache is up there in the most nausiating pain, along with backache & earache & probably a few others. I remember having to have one of my teeth drilled to allow the abcess to drain the day before we went on holiday, so it was open all over the holiday. Rather that though than a swollen face & pain.

Hope you've gotten it sorted x
Monday 18/6 PV

A painful day today but Ive now got anti-biotics so they should get to work in another couple of days ............ having the offending wisdom tooth out on the 28th so I'm not looking forward to that but know I can't put up with this again .............. hardly anything to eat today difficult to open my jaw (yeh MrR says - LOL) no kidding though it is very very painful. My dentist was very apologetic when she prodded and poked my mouth. So im taking it easy now I will be going to bed early as I was pacing the floor at 5 this morning :(
Having the tooth out will be nothing compared to the pain you're getting now Chris. Had all my wisdom teeth out at 29 after years of pain with them. Such a relief. Hope it settles down for you before then.
O chris hope the antibiotics kick in quick and you get a good nights sleep tonight ....don't worry about having it removed it'll be nothing compared to what you've been through lately x

O and I'm with you on the football front my naughty 50 shades books to keep me occupied instead ;);)

Sleep well Hun x
thanks everyone - im off to bed in the next 5 mins - cream crackered hope I feel better tomorrow. An abscess make syou feel ill all over feels like someone has shoved a red hot poker in my mouth a burning sensation in the roof of my mouth. Need putting in a bag and shaking up. Just dont feel like eating and certainly cant chew meat will just have to get back to Dukan when I can. Offskies to bed me thinks before I fall asleep with my head on the keyboard. xxx
You poor thing! I really hope the pain eases soon. I'm so grateful I don't have any wisdom teeth and have never had toothache - OH had an abcess like yours and made a terrible fuss but I know what men are like to I ignored him! Feeling (a bit) bad now...

2 of my kids have music exams on 28th so that date is ingrained on my mind, I'll be thinking of you x
Hope the antibiotics have kicked in for you Chris x
Its slowly improving 'thank you', making sure I keep Ibruprufen topped up, I had soup and yoghurt for lunch which was OK but tbh I still can't chew, too painful around the jaw bone fingers crossed it will be much better tomorrow.......... getting a bit fed up now, dont do pain at all. I've now definately finished for the summer so I can have a few lazy days, lie ins etc so I might catch up with the lack of sleep hope so cos I feel rotten.

Sorry to be miserable but I will soon be back to my usual self :) hope everyone is OK xxx
Chris your allowed to feel a little down, toothache over a few days gets you to screaming point.....keep popping the pills xxx
Oh Chris, toothache is terrible my OH has just started his 2nd course of antibiotics for his abscess on his tooth, dentist is taking it out on Friday thankgod, he cant sleep with the pain and if he doesnt sleep we all know about it. Will be thinking about you on the 28th, hope it all goes well. Cx
Aww chris ;-( really hope u feel better soon. When u are in pain it consumes u its bleedin horrible! Thinking of you, rest and pamper urself an do nothing, the world can wait xx
Awwww CHRIS hope u feel better really soon. Xxxx
Hi All, Thank you Im OK, still niggling pain and my face is still swollen. I will be glad when the bugger is out! LOL - No internet access yesterday had no power all day (very boring) and then it was on and off all last night ..... thats what you get living in a village.
hope everyone is Dukan OK its been very difficult for me this week as Ive been completely off my food and unable to chew so may have sts or even put weight on as Ive had 'normal porridge' and dipped a biscuit in a cup of tea - but not worrying about it as I know what to do. A tooth abscess and chewing beef just doesnt go together. Im much better tonight and I fancy bacon, egg, toms and mushrooms so even though its protein thursday thats what Im having. Going to find it hard from next Thursday after having it out but I can always have a few PP's to sort it the following week - last wisdom tooth to come out involved stitches - OH My ............. am not looking forward to it but know it has to come out............
Glad to read its eased a little for you x
Oh Chris, thinking of you!! Just do what feels ok at the moment, you are probably taking in very little due to the pain, so just have what you can for the moment.

Wishing you a VERY speedy recovery. Take care xx
OOOh hubby has his out tomorrow morning!! Hope you can last out hun, keep popping the pain killers!!
Thinking of you lovely - will be better with it gone!! I had mine removed after loads of trouble with it and never looked back....Also was no way near as bad as I thought it would be having it taken out. xxx
i had mine out at the dentist although they weren't infected, i just kept getting locked jaw, couldnt close my mouth, very painful, it was fine once they had gone.