Saturday 16/6 PV
Im in pain, think Ive got an abscess under a wisdom tooth my face is swollen and it hurts to swallow. Was supposed to be going out tonight for a meal but I feel rubbish - wouldnt be able to chew anyway. Feeling sorry for myself I suppose will have to pay a visit to my dentist on Monday probably needs anti biotics and then Im going to have the bugger out its been giving me jip for months but my dentist says 'we will see how it goes' its gone on long enough. My wisdom teeth are massive, had one out a few years ago half of my face was black with bruising ........ could stop traffic with it! LOL
My lovely girl is off to Egypt tomorrow for 11 days so less washing/ironing for a bit

............... will miss her but the house will be quieter - lovely xxx
Food at this moment is last on my mind so I cant think of what Im going to have