MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE please Ellie, good luck with the clear out - it will be amazing getting it done and you will feel fab - also all the size 16-18 ladies in your part of Scotland will be v happy buying your cast offs from the charity shop!!! ! LOL. Chris you should defo book the champagne tea - getting to your target deserves a HUGE celebration, the shopping trip is going to be great fun, I bet you can't wait. The crotch round the knees look is defo one to be avoided, doesn't look good on anyone!!!! Mind you in my 'youth' i did own a pair of elephant type trousers that had folds of material around the crotch to the knee, I thought they were the bees knees, my Mum on the other hand was soooo appalled and refused to go anywhere with me when I wore them!!!! I think she had a very valid point!! We still laugh about them now! You are right I am sure the tidyness will wear off - it's not a natural trait of mine tbh - you can eat your dinner off the stable floor but I would probably put any food I dropped in my house in the bin!!!! LOL - when do you weigh Chris??? Fingers crossed! x