Cruise PV ChrisR dukan journey

Snap!!! We are very silly as we are gorgeous inside and out. But...:eek:
Saturday 14/1 PP
What a beautiful day it has been today - walked 5 miles along the Leeds/Liverpool Canal, there were more people walking than in summer. Same again tomorrow morning if the sun shines - we are out tomorrow afternoon for Sunday lunch with friends that we haven't seen since October. I'd lost approx 25 lbs think they will see a difference tomorrow? x
Snap!!! We are very silly as we are gorgeous inside and out. But...:eek:

Totally agree CD something I just cannot help it always been the same and always will. Think it comes from my mother she would never take her tights off even in the height of summer! - LOL
Thank goodness my daughter isnt like me but then again she is size 8 and very beautiful <biased mum> :D
pffttt to you 2 :p im getting my legs out in summer... which will be 1 day if im lucky where we live lol... we are actually driving through france this summer as hubby is doing part of the tour de france route with friends... think we are planning on visiting nice, cannes, monte carlo & monaco.... cant wait as last time i visited those places i was 13 and found them boring lol. hubby wants to end the holiday watching the tour de france on the champs de elysee. im sure i can occupy myself shopping LOL
OMG Ellie to watch the Tour in Paris would be the best thing ever for me anyway never mind boring shopping. I watched it in Marseille a couple of years ago. I would love to go to every stage. Fabulous sporting event - Bradley Wiggins lives a mile up the road from me probs wont mean anything to you but tell MrEllie :)
Ive been to all the other places you mention - a very stunning country love it with a passion such a shame child no2 didnt stick with her french fiance. Quite fancied retiring to the South of France still can though :)
Sunday 15/1 PV
- 1 this morning so pleased with that because I keep thinking I will have stayed the same or even a +. Think I will just carry on as I am for the time being. Im trying to up my exercise but very difficult to do during the week when Im at work, upped my water intake so more of the same this coming week. I can be a stubborn mare so until I lose the last 4 pounds im sticking with cruise. Not bad though 10 miles walked and another (fingers crossed) 5 miles today. Thinking about tolerants but other than wheatbran I dont have any. And I need that stuff to keep me a regular bunny! No Im fine - thank you everyone couldnt be doing this without my lovely minimin friends :) :) :)
Well done on the loss, I think once you are so near target any loss is good!! I love canals and your walks along the Leeds/Liverpool sound lovely. I've been on that one on a narrowboat when I was wee!! Am desperate to canoe the Caledonian Canal - either this summer or next - as I am now not too heavy!! Enoy your Sunday meal with friends, they'll be so appreciative of your loss and you should bask in it. :)
I've just realised I've lost almost the same amount again since my friends last saw me! Really looking forward to having a roast dinner put in front of me instead of me having to cook it. Yes the canal is beautiful I will take some pics when I can x
Well done , we thought about moving to France but thought we would wait a few more years untill the patents are no longer with us
Sunday 15/1 PV
Another good day - lovely roast beef dinner in a local village restaurant with lovely friends. They couldnt believe the weight id lost and also the fact im still so motivated. I had extra veg instead of potatoes and coffee in place of a pud. They all tucked into cherry pie and custard and I can honestly say it didnt bother me one little bit. I was more bothered about the slow braised lamb shank on the other table! Work tomorrow so an early night I think :)
Ah glad you had a good day and enjoyed your lunch out. It must have been lovely to have them notice how much weight you had lost and recognise your incredible willpower too! Hope you have a great Dukan week Chris and that work is good too. The cold weather is hard going here and my thermals are out - mind you Dr Dukan says it's good to keep cold and that it will increase your weight loss - I should be way past target then!!! LOL x
I'm loving the cold, and the accompanying blue skies and sun, but I find the wind hard going...

Chris - you so deserve your compliments!
Glad you had such a nice meal out with your friends.:)
Hope you have had a good Dukan day Chris and work been fun too...... Start of the week for me tomorrow and looking forward to it though I have got to do the accounts this week - 3 months to do so better get my self into gear! I always say I am not gonna leave it till the last minute but every quarter it's a dash to the finish!!!
A good Monday at work no major issues to deal with, no student traumas with their weekend home life so all in all a happy day. Different group tomorrow so hope they are free from any problems too, makes my working life so much easier :) After such a hectic time before Christmas this term should be a doddle (famous last words)
I went to Tesco tonight for some eggs and roast beef for my lunch tomorrow and to get fuel too - talk about cold I had to do a little dance whilst filling the car up, it was making me want a whistle it was so biting. Going to make rhubarb muffins tomorrow night as I managed to get some from Asda. Lunches to prepare now then its bed me thinks. Need a good book to read just finished one from library.
Everyone have a good dukan day :)
glad you go rhubarb :D ..... im off down the road this weekend for a night out with friends for hubbys birthday !! ive lost another few lbs since i seen them last should be a good night as we usually end up clubbing when its a birthday. I shall raid all the asdas down there for rhubarb when im down lol
Wed 18/1 PV
I'm tired tonight my head feels too heavy for my shoulders so think I'd better be in bed early, up again at 5.15 to take child no 1 to work. Last day of my working week tomorrow - weeks go by with a blink of an eye. Good food today dry fried eggs for breakfast, muffins, roast turkey & beef for lunch and spicy meatballs for tonight in garlic cream sauce. MrR having the same but with spaghetti. Making cottage pie too for myself & dukan work friend (smells good) with celeriac & BNS top. We can just bung it in the microwave tomorrow lunchtime. Got to make some muffins later and think I will push the boat out and make some SF Jelly.
Oh No BNS and celeriac boiled dry a bit singed - oh well extra flavour!!! LOL
Have a good dukan evening and a good dukan Thursday :)
never tried celeriac picked one up once in lidl and wondered what on earth you did with it .... quite a scary looking thing. what does it taste like ?? when i sniffed it it reminded me of celery
Must be good support to have a colleague on Dukan, are they losing well?