Chunky Dunking, taking the plunge and losing the flab!

Does lifting a cup of tea count as a bicep curl?? haha xx
See now I like this theory ;) xx

Mm, me too. I'm currently bicep curling a mug of soup, the only problem with this is the weights decreasing quickly!
Hmm how about starting with a very large mug you know one of those sports direct ones and drinking hot chocolate because that's heavier than tea and sip it slowly? xx
Hmm how about starting with a very large mug you know one of those sports direct ones and drinking hot chocolate because that's heavier than tea and sip it slowly? xx

I've got a big "Hangover" mug, but I'm not a hot chocolate fan, and I don't think I can justify drinking 4 cup a soups, as much as I'd like to! Really want another one now.
Steady, lack of effort exercise done. 120 Squats, lots of free weights and 20 mins under desk bike, done for tonight. X
I would say that's plenty when you're feeling so rough. Get plenty of rest tonight now Lisa's orders :) xx

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Emmaaaaaaa how you feeling this morning chicken? xxx
So dizzy! Bleurgh. Boss is back tomorrow so can take time off if I need.

Not doing well diet-wise, can't stand long enough to cook, so I'm stuck with Boy doing dinner or things I can do quickly, think the exercise made it worse, was feeling OK before it and it's knocked me again, thought stationary would be okay, or it's a coincidence, once minute I'm okay and the next rubbish!

Breakfast: Nectarine + Banana
Lunch: Tuna mayo salad wrap + Cup a soup
Dinner: Beans on toast/microwaved jacket or whatever Boy sorts.
Get to the docs and see what they can do to help you've suffered long enough xx
Morning Ladies!

I'm here now for my 10% till Halloween. I haven't been on much due to dizziness, but I've not gained and am ready to blitz, if I don't update, assume I'm sick, not stuffing my face! :p

Breakfast: Nak'd bar - 5.5 Syns - these syns still confuse me! I refuse to accept that smooshed fruit is as bad as a bag of crisps!
Lunch: Ham, cheese slice (2), lettuce and salad cream (2) sandwich
Dinner: Bacon, cottage cheese, mushroom, spinach and onion omelet with chips and beans

I'm sure you can do that. I'm weighing in tomorrow morning. Not feeling very optimistic. I need to get back to writing everything down again.
You been suffering with dizzyness for a while?
I'm sure you can do that. I'm weighing in tomorrow morning. Not feeling very optimistic. I need to get back to writing everything down again.
You been suffering with dizzyness for a while?

Vertigo on and off for the last few weeks! Not fun!

I'm getting lapsed with writing things down here too, maybe join us for the 100% October and log everything for a month?
Sounds good. I'm stopping alcohol in October as well for a bit of a detox and to boost the weightloss and to help with the fitness.
Ooo... have you been to the doctors with it?
Sounds good. I'm stopping alcohol in October as well for a bit of a detox and to boost the weightloss and to help with the fitness.
Ooo... have you been to the doctors with it?

I don't drink or smoke, always feel left out by these challenges :p

Went the other day, apparently it's quite common for it to reoccur for a few days to a week, if it's still bad on Mon I'll be going back for tests, joy!
I don't drink or smoke, always feel left out by these challenges :p Went the other day, apparently it's quite common for it to reoccur for a few days to a week, if it's still bad on Mon I'll be going back for tests, joy! XxX
Could be an inner ear thing making you dizzy Hun, hope it sorts itself out soon it must be driving you mad xxx
Good Morning soon-to-be skinny minnies!

I am up and raring to go this morning (though we'll pretend I got up of my own accord and didn't strop with Boy at 7am by hiding under the duvet and swearing repeatedly)

I have done 5 minutes (because I've become SO unfit again) on the cross trainer after waking up, planning on doing Jillian tonight, bring it!

Breakfast: Yakkult (2) and a banana
Lunch: Ham salad sarnie (2 + HeB)
Dinner: Quorn, vegetable and lentil pie with leek mash

100 Squats, 100 bicep curls, Jillian, leg master and chair dips followed by a protein shake (4.5 +HeA)

I'm so going to try Jillian everyday this week even if it hurts to see how much difference I can see.
Somebody's feeling better! Morning my lovely what a happy way to start the week :) Well done on the 5 mins, it's 5 mind more than I've done haha

Food is looking very nice today and look at all that exercise! Good for you! xx
Somebody's feeling better! Morning my lovely what a happy way to start the week :) Well done on the 5 mins, it's 5 mind more than I've done haha

Food is looking very nice today and look at all that exercise! Good for you! xx

Definitely a bit better, shattered but better!