Chunky Dunking, taking the plunge and losing the flab!

I slipped :(

I'm back on it though, can't get my 4th 100% day but I'm not letting it slide.

My legs ache from too many squats.

Plan for today:
Breakfast: Yakkult (2) Honey (2) on toast (1/2 HeB)
Snack: Apple
Lunch: Carrots, baby corn, hummus (4), 1Xbabybel (1/2HeA) and 1XRyvita thin (2)
Dinner: Mushroom, pea, butternut squash and rocket risotto (1/2HeA)

Bit bummed out about the slip but I'm still trying.

That Risotto sounds amazing! I want some.
How much of a slip? Getting back on it today is what matters the most and you're doing it with good looking food mrs :) xx
How much of a slip? Getting back on it today is what matters the most and you're doing it with good looking food mrs :) xx

A cookie and a packet of Wotsits! Meals were all on plan, though probably not enough veg.
It could have been a lot worse then beaut there isn't many cals in a packet of wotsits but not sure how many syns. You needed comfort after yesterday morning and when you think it could have been a packet of cookies not just the one you know you're still in the game xx
It could have been a lot worse then beaut there isn't many cals in a packet of wotsits but not sure how many syns. You needed comfort after yesterday morning and when you think it could have been a packet of cookies not just the one you know you're still in the game xx

There were probably a lot in the cookie - think wotsits are only 5 syns, so not terrible. And I really did want them, I fancied pizza but avoided, small victory - only half regret as it was really bloo*y tasty! Just have to make sure not to do it again!
NSV was had last night!

I was p*ssed off from work and Boy and life and I massively wanted fish and chips, walked all the way to the chippy (exercise, glorious exercise - which was bloomin' tough too as my legs still hurt!), got to the door, realised I was being stupid, went to Waitrose next door, picked up some fruit, went home, had egg fried rice and a protein shake.

Plan for today:
Breakfast: Special k + Almond milk (5 syns and 1/2 HeA)
Lunch: Turkey, lettuce and tomato sandwich (2 syns and HeB)
Dinner: Chicken, veg and bean bake
Last 3 syns will be used for protein shake (and other half HeA) if I do exercise tonight, if not they shall be used for FroYo!
Yaaaay!! Look at that willpower petal that's amazing! Very proud of you for not having any even more so for saying no outside when you could smell the chips. You're my hero for that one :)

Food sounds scrumptious today but I'm sad that you're still pi$$ed off at boy and life. We need to get you cheered up like you helped cheer me up last night xxx
Yaaaay!! Look at that willpower petal that's amazing! Very proud of you for not having any even more so for saying no outside when you could smell the chips. You're my hero for that one :)

Food sounds scrumptious today but I'm sad that you're still pi$$ed off at boy and life. We need to get you cheered up like you helped cheer me up last night xxx

Oh they did smell divine though! Tomorrow is my honorary night off, which till Halloween means something on plan that feels naughty but isn't, I think I'm going burger and a big plate of chips (SW of course) with salt and vinegar!

Just feeling disheartened I think, need a holiday!
Well done on your nsv that's Amazing willpower - I salute you! Xx

Thanks Hun, guess my brain isn't trying to sabotage me really!!

Oh talk about strange coincidence, just saying about needing a holiday - my aunt just emailed asking if I fancied a long weekend away in November!
Burger and chips is where my tummy is heading later. It's miserable weather here, really grey and they've given thunderstorms for later so a nice hearty tea will be lush. Holidays are always needed how long until you go away? xx
Burger and chips is where my tummy is heading later. It's miserable weather here, really grey and they've given thunderstorms for later so a nice hearty tea will be lush. Holidays are always needed how long until you go away? xx

It's oddly sunny here, chilly but sunny, don't know how long it'll last mind!
Weekend in November would be 14th-17th, and me and Boy (If I've not killed him by then) are heading somewhere 2nd Jan!
Ooh nice new year treat. I'm with you on killing the men in our lives. Shall we be each others alibi's? xx
Ooh nice new year treat. I'm with you on killing the men in our lives. Shall we be each others alibi's? xx

Brilliant idea! We were in Wales at the time of course, eating very healthy food and watching SPN! Sorted!
It's a plan! Look out boys! ;) xx
I'm having a very childish strop, because I don't want to eat my veggies. I want a big plate of SW chips with cheese. The thought of veggies or beans is making me cringe!
Oh dear did the chips win? Xx

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