Claire has returned! All help and advice appreciated!

Oh thats like a plan actually :)

Come on you can do it :)
Erm... in what sense :/ a church then the marriott hotel for reception?
Oh no we having the trad white wedding here :)
Thank You huni :)
Yes its def good motivation!!
Thanks for your message, i am feeling much better today and feeling i can do it. How id your week going? x
How are you?
Not bad here, cant wait for my dinner :) Yummy! Shall write in food diary what having lol
DD Iona is ill - again :(
Hope all going strong! x
Im having the steak i didnt have last night :/ with hmmade breaded mushrooms n peppers n jacket pot :)
ty hun.. i hope she is too :)
Your dinner sounds lovely Claire...
Mine is not so interesting today as doing green which will be potatoe wedges with beans and fried egg.
Thank you and Yes its such a hard diet LOL

I have TERRIBLE PMT and in vile mood so not good fun here atm! x
You got any syns left hun? Sounds like you need a nice sit down with a cuppa and a biscuit. xxx
Yes I have all my syns left..... woooooo

Im ready to scream!