Claire has returned! All help and advice appreciated!



Im on one moody paranoid humpy trip at the minute!

Diet is ok - Gna have a major blow out tomm tho I know it as going to friends for Paddys Night Party :)

Oh god Im so stressed!
An evil ***** indeed that AF... She's coming to visit me next week - Grrrrr :mad: !!
Well she can seriously hurry up and pack her bags and leave! I m not a happy bunny atm :(

On the upside I have now got some butter Frylight! x
Oh Im in a VILE mood and all aimed at Paul!?
Aww, poor Paul, they know what us girls are like, and AF is a very tiny price to pay for having such a lovely girlfriend / wife. xxx
NO dont feel for him - its his fault! ALL his fault!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha but thanks!
Haha - love that.

I miss my AF visits (on injection) I use to quite like being irrational for no reason, screaming then crying..... just to see the look on Marc's face! xx
Oh Im very irrational - I know I am yet cannot change a single thing about it :/ Ah well!
Well AF is still here and I STS this week - tut!

Altho the weekend may not have helped :/ Booze, McDs and a Harvester :)

Good weekend tho lol

Hope you are all ok
Heres hoping, I aint feeling too great at the min tho :/ Feel sick and woozy??

Good Morning!
How are we all doing...
I have finally got some time! Wooo

Back on Diet 100% AF has gone so no stopping me now! Onder if I could do 3lb this week! Then would hit 5 stone lol
Doubt it but that the plan atm..

Taking kids out for a walk today (Molly off school - has an infection from her earrings and cant go school :()

Having a ponder for dinner! Ideas welcome!

You know what Taz I would poop my pants! Got some proper running trainers now so going to break them in by walking and then build it up! OMG I must be mad!
Yeah - I have planned my route for the day :) Will work out about 3 miles! x