Claire has returned! All help and advice appreciated!

You are really pushing me on to get there too Claire so thanks mate! Even the odd mince pie isn't stopping you :party0051:
Yh I just think will all be worth it!

My uncle today come up to me and said hello fatty - then looked at me laughed and went - you know Im kidding right lol
Lol. Its great when you see people that you havn't seen for a while and they notice. Cos hubby sees me everyday, he can't really tell the difference (accept he has a bit more bed!). But my Mum usually sees me about once a month and she always notices. I am really going to refocus in the new year I am usually really anti exercise but I am considering joining a gym in the new yr. If I get my job that I am after, I can get a corporate membership at the gym so it will be a lot cheaper.
That will be cool - See I did swim over the warmer mths but I cant do that now - far too cold lol
Good for you I am still focused to a degree but I aint as worried now - I want to maintain now til NY if lose then great but as long as dont gain ill be happy :)
I know that I will gain, but I will refocus in the new year and it will all come off again!
THATS IT EH -know that you can lose again! Shame you cant lose as quick as you gain LOLX
all good today chick :) ty - you?
I'm not so good hun, I'm recovering from a minor head injury (all in my diary) so haven't been on for a couple days and taking ages to catch up with it all!
oh god gd luck with catchin up :(
hope you recover soon chicken... i was just bout to catch up lol
I would skim loads chick! Too much happened this weekend lol

I hit 4 sstone this morn too! Now Im going out with my old college lot ffs! just what I need!?x
yes but you are 4 stone lighter claire ..something to celebrate !! have fun xxxx
Had a fab eve - had a bad pudding but only a pasta for main so could have been SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much worse!?

TY Taz and VS!
Well done Mrs Skinny Minny :D:p