Claire has returned! All help and advice appreciated!

Hi Claire well done on losing 4 stone thats fantastic.
How long have you been on the diet, you've done so well.
That is so inspirational. Reading your diary is great!
Aww cheers Laurie - I did start in Jan but I had a few mths off over the summer coz kids not school and diff reasons but yh I am getting there as will you! I wanted 5 stone gone but hey Im getting there!

well you've done better than me! i started ww back in january lost nearly 3 stone had a very long break put on nearly a stone and eventually joined SW a few weeks ago now im nearly back up to the 3 stone again! I wish like you i had picked SW first time round.
Hun you still lost with ww so I wouldnt be too disheartened and you have changed now so heres to the remaining wweightloss from SW

thats will power x
Fair play to you hun, I don't think I could EVER do that, I've got enough will power to stay away from the place all together, but not enough to sit there and see all the food etc...

True legend x
Ha ha ha shall i explaim why now!!! I was with my friend... shes big woman... BUT this time last yr (b4 i had started diet) she was on pills ... reductil, lost 2 stone n looking not too bad.... well now she has stopped n bigger than ever... now to make me feel better n adament i aint slipping sdhes nuff to keep me on straight n narrow :)
Well so Monday - I was out and wasnt good :/
Yest I had a bit of toad in the hole at my dads (tut)
Today on plan
thurs on plan
friday well Im going to see Madness at the o2 - woooooo she says! So we gna go for summat to eat 1st :/ and maybe a few drinks
sat im gna try n stick to plan and sunday the same I also have AF due which is wonderful :(

So IF i maintain this week it will be a flaming miracle!

tut i hate it! x
well its that time of year claire and life still goes on ...all you can do is your best ..maybe have free days when you can to offset the others ..but you enjoy ...hugs gilly xx
I know! I have never been on a diet this time of year and I would be distraught if I gained a bit of weight so argh!!!!!
maybe we have a new start all together on new years day ..a kick up the bum from christmas will go on fast so hopefully come off fast too ....x
My SW consultant said something the other day when I was stressing about my Xmas Party.......

She said.... "ok, it is one meal, you've got another 20 meals that week, don't let 1 meal let you write off the whole week".....

So I guess we should enjoy ourselves when needs must but then get back on plan again, instead of thinking bugger it... I'll have this and this and this now. x
Yh I quite like that thinking!

I will enjoy friday whatever happens and sat n sunday can try and pull summat back :)

Im having chicken and veg for dinner this ever so all free as red day (no tatties)

May do a small work out later.... xxx
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I have detangled a load of wires that were getting on my wick! Aggh so not therputic!

Really looking fwd to dinner and I may make a white sauce with it :)
Eat, drink and be merry! :xmascheers: :48: