ClaireCat: trials and tribulations

Aye he's fine. He'll be getting the "dont leave my toilet seats up" lecture when I get home from work tho! tee hee!

Howz things with everyone today? Its my Friday today, and hopefully I'll hear about my new tattoo design today! So quite chirpy today - for the moment anyway hehe! :D
moring love pleased you are happier today :D how is food going and scales?
Food was going well, until one of my clients came in to work about half an hour ago with a huge box of cream cakes!!!

So I had a chocolate eclaire. My bad. Off to check out the damage on my fitness pal! lol!

Doing my wi tomorrow morning because I'm having Friday as my cheat day this week because its my bf's birthday. Not bothered if I've lost anything, I feel a bit thinner, so thats the main thing :)
Hey ClaireCat...

Just thought I'd stop by and have a read of some of your diary (seems so rude somehow... first rule of diaries is they aren't meant to be read by strangers, hehe) ;)

Noticed your posts about having a constant period... well, this may be too much info, but I have just come back on today after a week. Very annoying!

I usually take my pill last thing at night, but forgot last night because I conked out - so took it this morning instead first thing. Noticed things weren't as they were meant to be this morning, and have now just come on properly. Usually when I have my seven day break it still takes a good 4-5 days of no pill to entice me to come on, but this time it took less than 12 hours! I really hope this isn't a sign of things to come. Did yours get under control again? Is this quite common when low carbing?

SD xx
I still have mine. :(

I've made a GP appointment for Wednesday - bored of bleeding now! lol! Does nothing for my sex life! :p

I know a few people have problems with their cycle on lc. Not sure if I'm one of them, or just having hormone issues! Between my change of contraceptives, pcos and diet, its hard to say what the cause is!

Probably stress! Maybe I need 6 months off work! haha! :p
Hello :) sorry to butt in but yes the irregular periods do happen with low carbing. I found when going into ketosis i would get my totm. drove me mad!
Awesome, thanks everyone - maybe this is the start of the elusive ketosis kicking in then?! Hope so! That will make the inconvenience slightly more bearable! I don't use tampons etc, so this stop/starting could end up being a real pain in my backside!! :p

SD xx
I'm not sure if thats verging on tmi! lol! The tampons etc doesnt leave much else! haha!
Hahaha... yeah, I fear I have said too much *awkward*

One word. Mooncup. I shall now bow out gracefully, never to return to these previously less candid shores, lol.

:) xx
*whistles and wanders away to find Jim* lol
omfg do you really use a mooncup?? how is it?

dont be embarrassed we talk about everything on here, poo pee and periods are the norm ;) xxxxxxxxxxxxx
omfg do you really use a mooncup?? how is it?

dont be embarrassed we talk about everything on here, poo pee and periods are the norm ;) xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Haha... yeah, I really do and I LOVE IT. Well, as much as anyone can 'love' a little silicon contraption for your unmentionables!!

Honestly, I don't tend to preach about it too much as it is one of those things people don't discuss, but I couldn't recommend them highly enough. No soreness, no thrush (sometimes brought on by tampons), no mess, no leakage, no risk of TSS and you only need to change it morning and night. I literally put it in when I am at home in the morning, empty it at night and put it back. You can't feel it's there, you don't have anything visible outside and it's only £20 and lasts forever (although they recommend getting new every year or two).

I literally put it in when I am at home in the morning, empty it at night and put it back.

I literally nearly spat my cup of tea over my computer at work! Dont know why I thought that was funny! lol!
thanks for info, what happens if its really heavy???
Need a bigger cup! lol!

Well, it copes quite well with heavy days too.

Even in full flow it only gets about half full ('scuse the detail!)... so you'd have to be really going some to spill over.

Oh god, even I'm feeling a bit nauseous talking about this, and I'm the one that loves em! One of those things that is better in practice than in theory ;)

SD x
ha ha :) lets hope im not dreaming bout them tonight i have had strange dreams recently ;) x