I turned down a job 3 months ago because the commute was going to be an hour or more. I really wanted the job, but I decided the travel was too much for me. They offered me more money and to change my hours slightly, but, where the place is, its one of the most difficult places to commute to in Aberdeen and unless i could start at 6am and finish at 2pm, its a nightmare. Its only 13 miles away!
Anyway, I found out today that the person they did hire has left and the job is vacant again. Is it a sign? I've only been in my current job for 3 months, and I'm currently car sharing with my OH because we now work on the same street. If I did even think about taking this other job, he'd need to get a bus to and from work, or buy another car.
I asked him what he though and he said I shouldn't go for it. I did get emailed asking me if I was interested in it.
I don't know. Its a finance supervisor's job. Its 3k more a year than I'm getting just now, which isn't that much in the grand scheme of things I guess. Bah.... I don't know.
Last shift in Asda tonight too. Looking forward to that!
Ah.... Friday. I love Fridays. My OH is on a works night out tonight, so I have the house to myself. I got all excited thinking about the peace and quiet - thought I'd watch a movie and have a takeaway... and then I remembered I don't eat. Quite depressed about it now. Still haven't heard back about that other job. The recruitment guy is obviously getting them a load of other cv's and then arranging interviews for the same day. I hate waiting. Also feeling a bit peeved as to why they seemed to desperate to get me, and then when I tell them they can have me, I hear nothing back! I got given a parking permit for work today - I need to notify my insurance that my car is for business use before I can contact the council to get them to put my registration number on the card. Was going to do it today, but I'm holding off waiting to hear about this other job. Got a thumping sore head - feel dehydrated. Drank half a litre of water so far today, on my 3rd cup of coffee and drinking a cafe latte shake. I'm still so annoyed about not having food. Half thinking I'll just have food and bugger it - but I know I shouldn't. I just know that if I do get this other job, I cant very well book my boob job for next month because I dont want to take 2 weeks holiday off as soon as I start, so part of me thinks there's no rush for the weight loss. I am mind humping myself today.
Try ducolax hun they help loadsshts wt i use most of the time dnt giv in to food hun uv done relii welll up till now hun n dnt wori abt the job ima sure u will get it