Why not? If this is what you want to do then go for it hun

it's never too late.
Been playing WoW with OH since we woke up lol. Such laziness...
I'm thinking I might just study for my CTA as I'm quite interested in tax (sad as that seems) and I'd probably quite enjoy being a specialist in it. I'll see how much debt my boob job is going to put me in and then I'll arrange to sort out my tax courses. I'll need to sit 4 certificates as a taxation technician before I am eligible to start taking the other 4 papers for the prestigious CTA award. I feel mighty skint just thinking about how much all that will cost.
Had a god awful week at work last week. I used to work for a small chartered accountancy practice in Glasgow and I hated it. There were 7 of us in the firm: owner and son, his cousin, 2 sisters and a girl who'd known everyone for about 17 years. *****y, cliquey, and everyone was set in their ways and if you didnt do it their way it was wrong. Hated it.
Swore I'd never work for a small firm again because I can't be doing with the office sagas. But, here I am, working for a small firm again. There are 12 of us this time. The two partners have known each other since school. One of them has his wife and son working there. There are 3 people who have known each other since the dawn of time and one girl who is determined she is my boss and talks to me like a child. I swear the new office catchphrase is "oh just give that to Claire" when they get stuff they can't be arsed dealing with.
I was off for one day when I went to the 30th party in January and I obviously missed a load of excitement because when I got back to work there was a really bad atmosphere around the place. Turns out 2 of the girls downstairs (who are supposed to run the office I work in) who told one of the partners how annoyed they are with a persons time keeping, and he got hauled into a meeting where they told him people have been talking about him and he cant trust anyone!
Now, my contract states I have to work 36.15 hours a week and I can do that Monday to Friday between 8am-6pm - so technically I dont have to be in first thing and I can leave early if my work is done. However, the "office manager" wants everyone to work 8.45 - 5 mon-fri with no exceptions. Which annoys me.
Anyway, the guy who got the talking to is the only person in the office who I really like working with and he has gone and got himself a new job after all of this. On wednesday I got into the office and there was a full on shouting match going on between him and 3 other women. It was awful. I said to one of them that I felt like just going home and she started on me!
Had enough.
I've only been there for 3 months, so I know that moving on now will look pretty bad on my CV, but I have absolutely had enough. Probably one of the worst career moves I have ever made.
And today, today I took my car in for a service and went into town with the OH while we were waiting. He wanted to go for breakfast and I said I'll certainly come with him and I'll have a coffee while he eats - he didn't want to eat if i wasn't eating. So i felt like I had to or he's starve. We went to Frankie and Bennies because I figured I would have an omlette and not kick myself out of ketosis. So i ordered their cheese, bacon and tomato omlette - but without the tomato. It took them about 20 minutes to serve us, and then he brought us the food and said "hopefully there's no tomato in that" and walked away. Didnt offer to refil my 'unlimited tea' that I had already drank while I was waiting on my order being taken. I cut into the omelette, took one bite and it was absolutely full of chopped tomato. I hate tomato.
So I put my plate at the side of the table, beside my cup that I needed refilled and looked around for the waiter. He had vanished. All the other people serving ignored me. My partner ate all of his breakfast and then a foreign lady came over and asked us if we wanted anything else! I could have hit her! Told her I didn't want anything else because what they brought me originally was the wrong thing and it was disgusting. She said she would get me another one and I told her that would have been nice half an hour ago, but as my partner has now eaten his, I wasnt willing to wait on them and that I wouldn't be paying for it.
So my partner told me I was unnecessarily rude to her as it wasn't her fault. I don't care that it wasn't her fault. She walked passed the table about 5 times and seen that It was untouched and pushed to the edge beside my empty cup. It took her absolutely forever to bring the bill and it was the quickest she could take a card payment and leave.
I am so annoyed at them. Guess the good thing is that I didn't have the calories. But I am still pretty p*ssed off at them.
God, that was a rant! PMSL!!!!