** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

Morning Claire, how's the tooth love?
off to the dentist with you then love
Awwwwww Claire, hope the tooth gets better with your meds, not going into work is a good idea xxx

Ace that jeans are looser though :D xx
Thanks sweetie. Hope lorettas feeling a lil better? Well chuffed the jeans feel looser, if only a placebo it certain helps boost u.

B. Nothing
D. Two plain scrambledy eggies n two brews with milk n sweeteners. Called round mum n dads after the quack. Really enjoyed the plain scrambledy eggs strangely lol.

Gonna stick to fairly mushy soft food for a lil while.
the antibiotics wont take the prob away hun the pain will just come back, the problem needs to be addressed :-( no other way im afraid...and the longer u leave it the lower the prognosis is for the tooth...sorry to be the harbinger of evil.
Hugs sweetie - hurting teeth is bad:eek: i hope the cocodamol work and dont give you side effects. In my family we all get violently depressed on them - really bizzare! Sounds like getting it sorted is the only answer - took me two years of on/off pain and finally got my last wisdom pulled - best thing i ever did even if scariest!
Everything all nicely kicking in. Pain subsided to a bearable level :) Still pleased I've rang in sick for tonight's shift though. Couldn't face dealing with drunken fighting people. Too tired n emotional.

Just having a go at the fish pie recipe in the thread for tea. Fairly mushy n plenty of goodness.
Well I kinda made it up in the end lol. Pollock n prawns in a lil cream nuked n flaked. Lil sprinkle herbs added. Put in silicon dish. Few sliced mushies lobbed in. Small pieces broccoli nuked a lil then lobbed into dish. Cauli nuked, mashed with butter n grated red leic. Then spread over top. Now being oven baked for a few mins with tinfoil over n then will take off for a few to brown the top.

Might be crap but at least I'm making myself eat something.
Piccy of random throw together of fish n veg lol. Actually happy with the taste :) N getting goodness into me, yay.


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that does look rather yummy, will have to let Mr E have the 'recipe' - we like the chuck it in and see approach :)
Well looks like my body still doesn't like cauli. Thought I'd be ok as only used a bit but nooooo. Belly started bloating up only a couple mins after finishing that bowl. So still half the concoction leftover. Yet again my stomach painfully bloated out, stabbing pains in it n sicky feeling with shakiness. Took two windsetlers n a rennie (can't find a second) n sat in the bathroom with an ice pack on my tummy n the window wide open for cold fresh air to cool me down till shivering. Stayed doing that for 10-15mins n ice pack gone warm. Now sat in bed watching tv with the window open for fresh air. Sicky shakey parts have gone down a bit. Tummy still bloaty.