** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

Oh dear hun, do you always get trouble with Cauli???? Sorry to hear your feeling so ill and hope you get better soon!

I'm also a wuss when it comes to teeth, can't remember the last time I went, and had my last wisdom taken out under sedation in hospital as couldn't cope after the one before when the dentist didn't numb me enough.....bloody terrified me!!!

J x

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Yes I do get that reaction all the time with cauli. Well, more so over the last few yrs. normally if I just have one or two florets in ok so thought I'd be fine tonight as only had half the fish pie concoction but noooooo lol. Have to confess, nibbling some plain milk choc at the mo. It's going down well. Don't feel too guilty as hardly eaten half what I normally would the last couple of days n really need something in my tummy whilst taking the tablets.
Defo. I used to only get that reaction when eating a lot of it like for example for potato replacement. But now it seems to happen when only having a little of it. Is it really possible to be allergic to frikking cauliflower???!
Just a thought, maybe you have a touch of IBS? My mum gets horrendous after eating most veg but in particular cauliflower and cabbages which is one of the main triggers to IBS...

Irritable Bowel Syndrome can be eased by learning more about your problem. Irritable Bowel Syndrome known to those who have it as IBS must determine for themselves which foods aggravate or relieve their symptoms. For some eating broccoli or cauliflower could send waves of spasms of contractions, or gas in the intestine while others have more trouble with diarrhea or constipation.

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And another.....:0)

Keep track of your meals and symptoms. Foods and drinks can trigger IBS symptoms. To remedy the condition, you'll need to identify problem foods and remove these from your diet. IBS triggers include sodas, caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, fatty foods and certain vegetables (cabbage, lettuce and cauliflower). Additionally, IBS sufferers typically deal with lactose intolerance, in which dairy foods such as milk, cheese and ice cream produce uncomfortable symptoms. Avoid milk products or take a lactose digestive enzyme before consuming dairy. Natural digestive enzymes such as Beano can also be taken before meals to prevent gas and bloating.

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Ooo now that's interesting Jo, thanks love. I'll defo have a look into that. If that is indeed the case then I'd consider myself lucky as I only really get the problem with cauli. Used to only happen when eating a lot of it but now it seems I only need a little bit to set it off. I also can get a similar reaction to white bread n pasta. Generally the cheap n nasty varieties. Always been ok with brown bread n rice n whole grain bread n pasta.

Had a half decent nights sleep thankfully. Gonna take tonight off as well n go back in tmoz.
Stress - Bucket loads of that!!

Update re grandma. Op went well yesterday. She's managed to get outta bed today n sit in her chair :) Mum dad n grandad r gonna visit her tmoz.
Good news on your grandma, hopefully that will lower you stress a bit xx

Re - raspberries, I get a rash right across my chest, very attractive!
Robin red breast :)

Tooth feeling much better, far less sensitive to touch. Ear on that side is now getting sore though so good job I got the antibiotics as think it's an ear infection.

Just wondering what the feck to do for tea. Had a nice soy flat white from costas earlier, really went down well.
T. Naughty but porridge. Plain oats mixed with soy milk n cream. Sweetened with Splenda n a sprinkle of cinnamon on top.

Couldn't eat anymore meat or eggs tonight. Not up to going out food shopping either. Need something in my belly for the meds.
Evening lovely - good news about your gran, but sorry to hear (oops) about your ear, although in a mad way that is hopefully a good thing, the antibiotics will fix it and the toothache will go xxx
Hey hun. I'm so relieved she's doing ok n can't wait to see her on Tuesday n give her a hug.

Belly feels gurgly with porridge. Probably cos I've not eaten much recently. Defo feeling like I've lost tho so I'm happy. There's no rush to lose it.

Sun dinner at mums tmoz, yummy roast pork :) Will do me the world of good. Then work at three.
I just invited myself lol! Grandad's going too n then they're going up the hozzy. Apparently vegs are carrots leeks n cabbage. Gonna have a couple carrots but no tata. Really looking forward to it. Yay to veggie vitamins. Then work.. Might have a chicken kebab at work for tea.