** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

Feeling fairly pleased with myself as although I've not weighed I do feel I've lost n feeling better for it. Just having the last few salami slices out the fridge.
OOOOOOOOOO enjoy the roast pork tomorrow, sounds wonderful, and so nice to be cooked for. Hope the earache does not keep you awake tonight (or the gurgling tummy) - sending loads of hugs :hug99: cos you really need em xxxxxxxxx
Evening Claire... Hope you're feeling better ! Laura is right you know lol

Cocodamol do havoc to my park visits... I can't have them for that reason ... Just take care! :) x
Evening claire - hope the day was ok
G'day. Loads less pain today. Only one dose of cocodamol needed. Still popping the antibiotics.

B. Nowt. Bed.
D. Roast pork n crackling, leeks, cabbage n gravy. Mouthful of rhubarb pie n cream.
T. Chicken breast, salad n mayo.
S. SF raspberry jelly n cream. Two scrambledy eggies.

D. 1 tea n soy, 1 coffee n cream, 2 tea n milk, sf squash.

Feeling far more human n appetite is back. Working back up to full on clean n green low carb again. Don't think I've been too bad tho considering. Onwards n downwards!

Hope ur all well :)
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Glad you are starting to feel more human, and yes, onwards and downwards - we get there eventually, just have to overcome the hurdles that are thrown in the way :)
Morning Claire, hope you're fully better today love
Slept like a log. Just rang the hozzy n fingers crossed grandma's coming outta intensive care later n onto a normal ward.

B. sleep
D. Jelly. Will pick up a costas flat white soy on way past in a bit
All sounding more positive - good to hear
T. Mattesons sossy, pack of sliced salami, maccys coffee

Interesting food today - jelly n sossies lol.

Just in from work - rest days yay. Up at 8 to drop lil kitty kat in for her lady op. I'm gonna feel so awful leaving her. Then picking mum n grandad up at dinnertime n driving the hour or so up to the hozzy for the visit. Really would like to take grandma a lil something up as a gift but no idea what to get :-|