** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

OMG lovie I hope you are wrapped up warm!

And I absolutely agree with the others, get thee to a GP asap! Backs are not to be mucked around with xxx
Mr E bought two of our kidlets back from the school disco last night. -6 in the car and the brakes were a bit frozen <eek>
the thing is gps are useless with diagnosing back problems...my sore back.which was fixed with a few.visits to osteopath was.diagnosed as a heliobacter pylori infection in my stomach which was causing an.ulcer (wtf!!) they even had me on pills for it.
Ooo Blimey. Well if I go I'll be going with the view of getting a referral to private in the hope they give me someone who knows what they're on about. It's much better after relaxing in bed. Will dose up throughout work n see if I can get one of the lads to drive so I can stretch out when possible.
I agree with Laura DR's arent very good with backs - they can give you painkillers and refer you but can't diagnose - but osteopaths are all about finding the cause of the pain before treating it - I would highly recommend xx

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There's a brilliant osteopath up the road from me who's treated me since a young girl with all the times I've knackered my ankles. I'm hoping if I get referred thru the dr I can use my private healthcare to pay for it n possibly physio too.
You should be able to, backs are a nightmare, I got mine sorted by a chiropractor a good few years ago, worked miracles for me when I could not even walk! Hope you get it sorted xxxx
Protein shake with fibre n Splenda mixed with half water n half soy milk
Chicken breast n kofte with salad, mayo n mint sauce - yum
Another shake as before
Ugh. I hate quick swing shifts. Finished at 4am n was back in at 3pm. Yuk. Feel like a zombie.

Chicken leeks cabbage n gravy for dinner.

Wi looking like a sts.
That does not sound like fun at all Claire, and here I am grumbling about going to work in the morning after a week off...........sorry :(
Woohoo thank god I'm now on rest days!! Busy night. Back now achy again :-(

Today has been

Protein shake
Roast chicken, leeks, cabbage n gravy
Small bag of scratchings
Two scrambledy eggs
Pancake n cream
I've still got 4 damn hours to go :0( then off for 3 :0) can't wait!!!!

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Morning Claire, so how long are you off for?
That's nice, any plans Claire?