** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

Kitty is so cute ! :)
Jim - are you still losing!? It sounds like changes are happening without you realising! :)
She is such a cutie, Claire, and looks like a lot of fun.

My 'motherhood' was tested today - came home to find Shirley had been sitting on my laptop (she loves it for some reason) and somehow managed to switch it on and disconnect it so that I had to reinstall Windows!!!!! I have no idea how she managed it.
Oh no Susie!! Bless u! Kitty is obsessed with my iPhone n chews it whenever I pick it up. She's taken to watching tv recently it's quite cute to see her sat watching the pictures move.
Awww how cute - until it becomes a bit annoying lol :)

While I've been on here, I've been trying to type around Shirl who seems determined to sit on the keyboard - maybe it's an attention thing? :)
Haha I've got the exact same thing here with Kitty. She keeps pouncing on my phone as I'm typing to you. Then she'll pretend she's actually being good n give the back of my hand a little lick before then executing her plan of attack!!
Cats are cruel LOL they bite then apologise afterwards, but with very little conviction! :)

Shirl doesn't bite (yet) but she does have hilarious tantrums, stalking off in high dudgeon - also gets madness fever, it doesn't last long but she zooms from room to room at a million miles an hour. Then it all goes away and she just sits down and grooms :)
Haha! Kitty does that too! I've got laminate floors all through so she goes skidding round all over n crashes into Walls n doors etc when her brakes don't work! Lol. I think kitty's probably teething. Not sure what age they lose their baby teeth tho...

N yes she is like a toddler! That said ive not had a toddler but I'm sure they're similar.
Shirley sitting on the laptop = cats are heat seeking missiles lol
have you thought of closing the top when you are out? ;)
All i can add....
Cats like keyboards :).....
Only cats can find the keyboard function combo that not only shuts it off but deletes it too :D...
Morning Claire, it's high pollen count again today :( love your kitty stories :)
Hi claire - agree with you - I was desperately searching house for zirtek this morning!
Back to work in the morning. Kitty's had a mad day chasing her toys around, using me as a climbing frame n pretending to be a parrot sat on my shoulder. Bah. Wish I could switch my head off so's I could sleep.
How is Kitty today?

Shirley isn't here, the neighbours are finally taking her to the vet for treatment - although I had to write them a note to get them to do something!

It was a bit embarrassing, he just came to the window and was calling her but she didn't want to shift from the table...obviously happier here than with them. Oh well, hope they don't lock her inside and keep her away from me :(
Oh my gosh!! That's so sad n awful. Nasty crappy neighbours! Well I hope once she's mended they let u keep her. U should ask them.
He doesn't listen, but at least I've shamed them into doing something!

I have an evil plan, to just keep feeding her and giving her love and a bed at night and I'm sure she'll prefer it here.

Just realised I've written about Shirley on three different diaries - lol we need a cat and dog thread :)