** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

Who needs a bloke to snuggle up to! :)


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Hey Bren love. Nodded off just after midnight then up at 5. Work was ok Ta, fairly productive day. Hows u Hun?

Susie, good plan re Shirley cat! She'd be mad not to stay round urs. In fact, u got room for me too? I need looking after now n again lol. I can bring kitty!
She is such a cutie! Of course you can both come and stay :) Had a bit of drama with the neighbours (on my diary thread) so no more Shirley :(
Want me to come round Hun n persuade them you'd be far better at looking after lil Shirley? Surely they're not gonna keep her indoors? She'll find a way to sneak round yours I'm sure. Cats are clever.
LOL yes they are - but he's so stupid and vindictive, he'll probably smash my windows if I let her in again...

Anyhoo, at least you have lovely Kitty - keep posting pics, cheers me right up to see them :)
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Grown up Kitty is there too!!! Check her out, in the middle if the group at the door. She's gonna be a star!

Kitty's shoe fetish continues by the way. She's still gnawing my work boots though I think she's getting ready for her baby teeth to come out. Then she'll drag a flat ballerina style pump out from underneath my bed, take a run up (complete with bum wiggle beforehand) n pounce into it thus propelling it across the laminate floor like some kind of skidding machine.
Morning Claire, LOL, kitty is really growing isn't she love
Lol she's so cute. I had one years ago that would lay on my shoes as if to say 'if you can't put them on you can't go out and leave me'. The in laws lost there cat here last year and they now have a male stray who comes for a feed and a female who comes for chicken but she must have owners as she's in good condition
Mornin all. Ye she's certainly growing well. She's been so full of beans recently too!! She's jumping round vertically everywhere n chasing everything. She's managed to strip the loo roll off the holder overnight n as soon as I've put the bathmat back down after being washed she's rucked it up again lol.
Haha I love that terminology Bren! Vertical takeoff hehe. It's like cos she's just discovered how to do it she's doing it constantly! She's pouncing on everything.