** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

Morning Claire, sounds like there's something wrong there love, maybe you should take her to the vet?
Heya my lovely lil minimins family :) So nice to log on n see msgs from u all.

Hozzy visit went ok. Lots of trips to lots of depts. Had a costas flat white for brekkie with soya milk n really enjoyed it. Called in for dinner at a farm cafe on the way back from the hozzy. Had a yummy ham, cheese n tomato omelette. Full tummy now. Just calling in at pets at home now for cat food n possibly a toy for kitty. Vet appt at 1530 for check over. Wondering if they can give her some kind of sedative type thing as she must be as knackered as I am.
Kitty is fine. It's defo lady probs. booked in for week after next for the op. Got a tablet quartered she has a piece for next three days to help calm her till then. £16.50 for the pleasure of it. Lol. At least it's confirmed she's ok.
B. costa flat white with soya milk
D. Farm cafe - omelette with ham cheese n tomato
T. Leftover celeriac mash jumble from last night

Still not massively hungry. Not that I'm complaining at all. It's just odd for me lol.
Kitty kat dozing after the vets


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Bless her!!!! x

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Morning Claire, LOL @ kitty cat :)
Oooh good luck with the fringe - you join a fine band of women with them - including me :D

And good news on the Kitty front - but sorry about the bills - do you have insurance? I haven't got around to getting any yet, they all seem to have too many let out clauses! :(
No, same as u Hun. I'd have spent more thru insurance than what I have so far at the vets so it's not too bad. Grandma has kindly offered to pay to have her done.

Had a half decent nights sleep n so did kitty I think. Not heard but from her at all. Got another thick head this morning. Time to neck a glass or two of squash before heading to the hairdressers. God bless k as my appetite is still reduced. Not hungry this morning. Meeting mum after the hair appt n we're going to costas. I'll have a soy jobbie.
Morning claire - have a great hair experience:D
Morning Claire! Pics after please :0)

Glad Kitty is sorted, I'm glad I had insurance, I used to moan about the £80pm I used to pay for my Rottie due to him being a 'select' breed...until he went down hill last year....

He got a brain tumour and unfortunately after tests, chemo etc we lost him last November, I paid £70 excess on a £9000.00 bill! His chemo tabs were £2k for 10 pills! how the hell I would of found it otherwise!

My two little scamps (chihuahua's) are only £23 pm for both now but worth it :)

Have a good hair/Costa day!!


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Cheers sweeties :) I'm scared/excited at having a fringe put back in. Got rid of it about 4yrs ago but was back in the raf then n found it a pain sweeping up under my beret whereas now I hardly ever wear my helmet lol. I'm gonna sort some kitty kat insurance out once she's been done as they reduce the amount per month if they're done n jabbed up etc.
Yay to no meowing psycho!! :) She's been a lot better since the 1/4 tablet yesterday. Gotta try n get another 1/4 down her throat later on. Never given a cat a tablet before. Remember the palarva mum used to have with our old cats. One used to pretend he'd swallowed it n then when she wasn't looking spit it out.