** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

Would you consider having her done? When it was Shanghai Lil she seemed so distressed the vet agreed to do it at 3 months rather than 6. My ex wanted to throw her out as he couldn't handle the crying but I knew she wouldn't come home until she was pregnant and at that age it would probably have killed her, fortunately not an issue with Kitty as a house cat.
You poor love! It must have been a full moon because Orbit was also acting like a complete idiot. She normally settles down at night because I keep her in from about 10pm - but she was desperate to get out, constantly clawing at the back door, and in the end I had to put her in the front room. She has been spayed, so it's not that..

Out like a shot this morning - and returned to doing what she was doing last night, camping out next to a water drain thing in the back patio. It's slightly too narrow for her to get stuck down, luckily, but she was so fascinated by what was down it, I thought a mouse had got down there and she was waiting for it to crawl out - but I checked this morning and all I could see were leaves :confused:
It was a full moon, I saw it come up whilst driving home from work last night. She's asleep now yet I can't seem to drop off as I've gone way past tired. I feel zombified. Head banging still after two paracetamol n two brufens. Feel kinda sicky too.

Think I'm gonna have something to eat n see if that helps.
Has the last spoon of cream left in a coffee n a nibble of Cheshire. Not really hungry today. Gonna probably have celeriac mashed with butter n beef for tea. Feel all out of sorts. Just wanna be myself again.
Thanks sweetie. Taking grandma up the hozzy an hr away at 8.30 in the morning now. Got kitty booked in at the vets 1530 so hopefully I'll be back by then. I'm sure it's her season behaviour n she's not ill. At least they can check her over health wise to be sure n I'll make an appt to get her 'done'.

Just cooking tea - Celeriac mashed with butter n topped with chopped bacon, sliced mushies n two spring onions. Might mix a little garlic mayo thru them.


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Only managed about half of it. Leftovers for brekkie or maybe dinner or tea tmoz. Might get take out costs for brekkie to drink on way to pick up grandma.

Kitty's out for the count now. Dunno whether to wake her as don't wanna be awake myself all night. Or do I just say screw it n go try n sleep myself so I've at least had some lol.
Cats are supposed to sleep 16-18 hours a day - if she was up most of the night, then she might crash out now - and think you should too hun! xx
She never normally sleeps on the settee. Her two fave sleeping places are either on the pillow next to me after having a cuddle n fuss or in bag for life with paperwork in on top of a huge cupboard in the front room.

I've left her asleep on the settee n come thru to my room to watch tv. Hopefully I'll drop off n actually sleep. Fingers crossed she sleeps thru for at least a few hrs.
Have you got any cream you could whip up with some cocoa for a treat instead? The tiredness won't be helping I am sure. Hugs xxxxxx
Morning Claire... Hope your gran does on in the hospital... Fab pic of kitty ! And hope you get some sleep! :) x
Oh no....... Not good!!! My pups were howling at the moon on Monday night.....never seen them do that before, we took them to the beach Monday morning and I've never seem the tide out so far in all the years I've lived here!

The moon definitely plays part in lots of mysterious goings on! And brings the zoomers out!

Hope you get some sleep soon hun xx

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