** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

Look what arrived at the hairdressers for me!!


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omg they are gorgeous who from????
love the hair!! the fringe really suits you! id be forever flicking it out my.eyes tho ive not had a fringe since.secondary school.
I love the colours in your hair and fringe suits you - and you kitty looks cute - watch she doesn't knock them on the floor Lolz x

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I chickened out n moved em to my bedroom in the end lol. N thanks sweetie. I had LOADS chopped off!! Pieces about 10" long were lopped off the fringe n then had loads of choppy layers put through. Lightened it up loads as it was really thick n all one length before.

My shopping trip to co-op, lol -


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Here's a picture of one of the 2 cats I found in my kitchen this morning - I have 2 cats myself and was funny coming home at 6am having 4 waiting for me


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Aww such a cutie :) Bet they start coming back more often n adopting u.

Was easy peasy getting the tablet down kitty's throat! :) Such a good gal. Washed down with cat food so she'll be happy enough.

B. Squash n coffee
D. Coffee n tea. Two cheesestrings. Two cocktail sossies.
T. Jumble of 3 eggs, 3 rashers bacon, 3 large mushies, cucumber n grated cheddar. All chopped up n cooked up into a big blob. Glass of Bacardi n coke zero.
Love the colour and the fringe, it really suits you :D

Glad Kitty's pill went down ok - when I got Orbit the owner asked me if I had a padded jacket I could wear when giving her the flea treatment. Six months later, I know why - only thing to wear when dealing with a wriggly, growling, slippery, scratching cat who says No! :D
Haha cats are so funny n lil sods too. It's only her second ever time taking a tablet so she's reasonably trusting n naive bless her.

Only had a couple sips of the Bacardi n coke n Blimey I'm such a frikkin lightweight! I can't drink for toffee these days. Gotta love ketosis too :)

Got a lovely candle burning next to me that I made before Xmas. Gingerbread cookie, smells divine.
Mmm nice...gingerbread mmm...:D

I really loved Simon's Cat - watched all the clips back to back and was crying from suppressed laughter so much that people kept coming up to me and asking if I was OK LOL