
Morning Nikki,

I am sorry you had such a rough day with the kids yesterday. We all have days like that... it'll get better.

The Christmas my son was two, I was teaching full-time, DH worked nights so I had DS alone at home with me after picking him from the sitter, I was going to grad school, etc. After working all day, feeling pressured by my MIL and SILs I struggled to put up the Christmas tree all on my own (after finding it and pulling it from the attic alone). I got it all sorted and decorated, left the room to get something and DS somehow managed to pull it over and break most of the ornaments (thankfully he wasn't hurt). I just sat on the floor and burst into tears -- when i stopped sobbing I just left it like that -- and put both DS and me to bed. I was shattered.

I think you are too -- all the fitness, household chores, childcare, etc. When the LOs start getting to you like that, you need find a way to take a break. Can you hire a sitter to come to the house, so that you can take a bath or go to quiet coffee shop and have some "me" time? Moms really need some mental health breaks.

(((((BIG HUGS)))))


P.S. Even if you do not lose 3 a week steadily, you are doing so well and toning, etc. You are going to look fab in your Crimbo clothes. You already look fab!
well i booked the wynyard hall hotel today for the 17th december so i can wear my dress again. so looking forward to it. last year we went there too and i spent the whole day not eating much as i wanted to make sure i fitted into the dress ok that night and not gain too much bloat. then i ended up having quite a bit to drink and then was a bit pi$$ed :( oops.

got one more christmas pressie sorted today and bought emily the optimus prime she so wants for her birthday. £200 gone in a blink of an eye.
this was my goal for up to xmas.

this monday 14th nov - 12st 6lb :) did it. next week is supposed to be 4lbs. not sure if i'll manage it but i can aim high!

goals til xmas
mon 21st nov - 12st 2lb (-4lb?)
mon 28th nov - 11st 13lb (-3lb?)
mon 5th dec - 11st 10lb (-3lb?)
mon 12th dec - 11st 7lbs (-3lb?)
last weigh in 19th dec - 11st 5lb (close enough to 11st 3lb)
200 pounds! Is it made of gold?

Nite Nikki!
200 pounds! Is it made of gold?

Nite Nikki!

nope. the optimus wasn't too bad but we bought a castle too. here....


all came to £211 but i joined the rewards thing and for every £100 you get £5 back via a voucher so i logged on and registered my card and i have £10 voucher already. shame i didn't know about it when i bought dudes bat cave as all that was about £50. we don't normally shop at toysrus as some things are just tat from experience.
week 4
day 2

coffee x 3
pints of water x 9

cd shake
cd soup
cd bar (1.5 was i was hungry)
tuna salad

ran 3 miles 350 cals aprox
zumba 300 cals
zumba 450 cals
total cals - 1100cals.
nope. the optimus wasn't too bad but we bought a castle too. here....


all came to £211 but i joined the rewards thing and for every £100 you get £5 back via a voucher so i logged on and registered my card and i have £10 voucher already. shame i didn't know about it when i bought dudes bat cave as all that was about £50. we don't normally shop at toysrus as some things are just tat from experience.

Return the Bat Cave and then rebuy it! ;)
You are doing so fab -- you burned 1100 cals with fitness. Unreal.
i would have burnt more but no one came to my gold class so i've ditched it. last week i got 1 person, week before 1 person, previous 2. sick of wasting £10 on hall hire and no one turn up. going to write to them all and say if they want it they must book a block of 6 weeks to please let me know. i'll cut it now til january and offer my regular classes to them.
week 4
day 3

coffee x 2 and pint of water and it's only 6.33am! :eek:
coffee x 1 (3 total)
6 pints of water

cd banana shake
cd leek and pot soup
cd maple and cinnemon porridge
tuna salad

no exercise per say but i did clean the house.
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i would have burnt more but no one came to my gold class so i've ditched it. last week i got 1 person, week before 1 person, previous 2. sick of wasting £10 on hall hire and no one turn up. going to write to them all and say if they want it they must book a block of 6 weeks to please let me know. i'll cut it now til january and offer my regular classes to them.

Sounds like a good plan -- put the ball in their court!

Happy Wednesday, Nikki!
Some pics of my dress. It's a US size 12! Still doesn't fit.


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Week 4
Day 4

Coffee x 2
pints of water x 7

cd choc mint shake
cd butterscotch shake

5 mile run 700 cals
Bike 200 cals
Zumba tonight

feeling good! tired, but good. no scale move yet but hoping for it to start soon otherwise i won't loose 3lbs this week let alone 4lbs.
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I'm starving hungry! Real belly empty feeling.
Week 4
Day 4

Coffee x 3
pints of water x 9

cd choc mint shake
cd butterscotch shake
cd mint bar
cottage cheese salad

5 mile run 700 cals
Bike 200 cals
Zumba 470 cals
total (aprox) 1370 cals
total so far this week...... 1100+1370 = 2470 cals

no scale move. they better move tomorrow by 2lbs down or i'll start eating myself with hunger.

i've decided to exercise every day if i can. tomorrow i'm off for a run, sat for a run and sunday for a run. on the days i can't do anything then i'll stick a zumba zin dvd on and learn loads of new routines.
i ate some nuts tonight at my mum's house as i was just far too hungry. i hate this feeling of failure. had a handful of nuts. soooooooooo hungry!
I had a couple of chips at my mums house. They were having Chinese and bro was troughing pizza when I called in :( I was just saying to my mum I feel big this week, like I've gained. Daren't go on scales until WI. If I have gained itll be from last weeks misbehaving not this week, been good this week apart from two chips. I'm well overdue a TOTM so think its prob related.
i know what you mean. even without going on the scales you know when you feel bigger or bloated enough to be bigger.
i'm loosing heart. the scales are going up and not down and i'm constantly hungry and i'm feeling very pi$$ed off right now!