
Chin up lady! now look - I checked your stats and you have a BMI of 23!!! 23!!! thats now... not goal.

You body fat percentage is insane...

You are super fit

You are super tall.

What's not to be happy about!

Stop ------ HAMMER TIME :)

You are running yourself ragged, after the kids, doing super fitness regimes, being a housewife and doing your zumba classes...I am starting to need a blo*dy big hug girlfriend. You are AMAZING Effing, jeffing amazing.

Even so, Nikki -- my CWPC told me that once a person gets to a bmi of 27 that is acceptable. And you can't really go by your bmi... it is your body % when you are an athlete. Which is what you are.

Track your inches... you are looking soo physically fit.

You're doing fab Nikki!!! Stop beating yourself up!! You really are doing fantastically!!!
just feeling tired today and i know it's weigh in on monday and i want to loose more than i have and do it every week til xmas. just feeling wiped out with the kids, house, hubby working. at least exercise is really enjoyable.
p.s i think i just want to go and have a curry and some wine. :( i know i can't but i think xmas eve i will do. i've got 2 parties back to back in december. 16th and 17th. so i need to fit into my dress for then and still loose weight for the last weigh in before xmas at least 2lbs. maybe it's a tall order but if i can loose 4lbs a week every week it's doable without the final stress of the 19th dec.

5 weigh ins at 4lb is 20lb which means i'll be almost at my xmas target... mind i'll probably go back after 2 weeks at 14lbs heavier at least. :(
Hey Nicki I am aiming for 4lb too... It's the magic 4!
Me too but shhh don't tell my body because as soon as I aim for a weight it has other ideas.
week 3
day 7

coffee x 2
peppermint tea x 1
pint of water



i'm blo*dy angry. the scales have gone up by 2lbs overnight. i had hot hot hot chicken last night and since my weigh has shot up i decided to look closer at the ingredients. first on the list is salt :(

i'm thinking this is the only reason why. the schwartz perfect shake cajun spice blend.

ingredients include:-
salt, chilli powder (chilli pepper, cumin, salt, oregano, garlic), red bell peppers, black and white pepper, maltodextrin, caynne pepper, garlic powder, allspice, ginger, coriander seed, cumin, fennel, herbs, yeast extract, mustard seed, cardamom, thyme, veg oil, flavouring, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide).

so i can see various problems..... salt. red bell peppers. garlic powder. ginger. yeast extract.

can't believe that my full week's dieting and exercising has been destroyed in this powder on my chicken last night. grrrrrrr. guess that's something else i can't have now.
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I had that seasoning almost every day and it never affected my losses. The body is a strange thing! Hope it comes off quickly for you, im sure it will Hun x
i suppose i was mixing it in with loads of chicken for hubby as well as me so i might have used too much. the only thing i can think of that would make me go up 2lbs overnight.
I used to use that too but have had better losses since I stopped, too much of a coincidence. I think that 2lbs will just be water weight caused by the salt making you retain a bit. Drink a little bit extra and you'll wash it away.
Me too but shhh don't tell my body because as soon as I aim for a weight it has other ideas.


So, that's what I've been doing wrong. ;)
Hi Nikki,

I am sure it is just water bloat from the salt. It'll drain soon.

i'm so angry with my kids today. unbelieveably angry where i need to get away from them.

they've played up. been high as kites. not listened. i was trying to clean the house when the tesco van came. then i stopped to put things away only to find that the mop and bucket had been moved around and there was water everywhere. whilst i was sorting that out the kids were at my shopping pulling out yogs. so i shouted at them. then emily climbed into a cupboard in their playroom and was kicking the unit. she got sent to bed where she then wet her pants 2nd time today. the playroom is a mess. dude's had him bum slapped twice cause he's been causing trouble. sick of shouting - my voice is sore. i want to walk out of the house and not come back right now. hubby is at work. he's trying to get something finished but at the same time i'm struggling. i don't really want to be round my kids right now as i'm a terrible mum. they've stressed me beyond belief.

if you've heard of angry birds.... i'm angry mum.
week 3
day 7

coffee x 3
peppermint tea x 2
pint of water x 5

cd shake
cd soup
cd bars x 2 :( (grumpy horrible stressed out mummy)
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Oh Nikki your not a terrible mum at all. so dont say that, have they both calmed down now? x

they're in bed now. thank goodness. it's been a hard day. loads of toys in the garage :( pains me but i gave a half day's warning that if the playroom wasn't tidied up they were going. emily got a couple of smacked bums from daddy too. she's had 2 wee accidents today and matthew has had none.

did the shopping last night via tesco website. it got delivered today and both kids helped carry it through the kitchen. was lovely to see them help me. then it all went pair shaped.

got so stressed out. haven't had a wonderful diet day considering my weigh in is tomorrow :( i have had 2 bars today. stress but at least it wasn't crisps, biscuits, choc, sweets etc. i'm now going to do a round up of the week.
right i'm now going to see how many cals i've burn this week with exercise.

my goals from monday:-

  • drop my coffee intake as low as i can and replace it with peppermint tea :)
  • drop the fizzy stuff to 1 glass a day :)
  • keep busy so no chomping on stuff i shouldn't be chomping on:eek:
  • ss+ week, 4 shakes and milk unless i really can't cope with it (and i will know straight away) :rolleyes: nope 810 ss+ is too low

day 2 exercise
4 miles running (inc of interval training) 550 cals
15 mins bike 109 cals
Zumba gold (will be around) 200 cals
total 859 cals aprox

day 4 exercise
Zumba - 450 (aprox cals)
Running - 3 miles on interval training 350 cals
Bike - 60 cals
Zumba tonight - aprox 450 cals
total 1310 cals aprox

day 6 exercise
3 mile run in 30 mins 350 cals aprox
walked dog 100 cals aprox
total 450 cals aprox

weeks total cals - aprox 2619

each day under eat of aprox 1000 cals =
7000 cals+ 2619 (from cals exercising) = 9619 (aprox 2.5lb in weight)
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week 4
day 1

pint of water x 4
coffee x 4 :(

cd shake
tuna salad

waterbabies with matthew... not much exercise probably 100 cals?
clean house energetically aprox 100cals

well today is weigh in day. think i've lost 3lb. that's good but i'm needing 4lbs otherwise i'll be in the 12st range for possibly 2 more weigh ins.

so on my scales i'm

12st 6lb
body fat 23%
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so 3lb off at weigh in. :) i'll take that as long as it happens every week for the next 5 weeks lol :)
Well done on your WI Nikki!! I'm a bit behind with my water this morning, I woke up in the middle of the night from a weird dream and couldnt get back to sleep, when I finally did I overslept :( I've been having very weird dreams while I've been off this last week, they all seem really realistic!!