
Not long now. 2 hours and I'll be setting off! :)
Have fun!!


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It was hard to get something to eat at ally ally yesterday. I should have taken a bar with me ( to london) but I didn't think. I had a shake before I went then was going to try to get something healthy protein wise when I got there but they wanted £5 for a very small chicken salad! Nope! So I had a bag of mixed nuts (unsalted)! Then when I got to my aunts she'd cooked chicken satays. They were amazing. So I've ended up not sticking to ss+ this past day. Starting again today! Weigh in tomorrow! If I've put on or STS then it's a kick up the butt.

10 weeks yesterday to Xmas!
fukced off!



pi$$ed off!
Whats up nikki?
weigh day. 9 weeks and a bit to xmas. time to move my butt into more action and less pick'action!

p.s think it's time for an 810 move up. not coping well on the ss+ plan as there's just 'nothing to look forward to'! i also want to get out running when i can so.....
I understand you Nikki I'm on Ss+ and the eggs are boring me so 810 is always a good choice. With fab losses too, give it a bash wow Christmas around the corner x
*Shanny* said:
I understand you Nikki I'm on Ss+ and the eggs are boring me so 810 is always a good choice. With fab losses too, give it a bash wow Christmas around the corner x

Well :( cd scales say 0 loss but mine say 1lb. I've been going by mine simply because my 2nd weigh in were on different scales as cdc's had broken. 2nd week she had them back but peeps told her they were a bit out. So I stayed by mine again. So think I'll go by mine this week.
Hi Nikki a question please i cant manage a few of the ss+ foods so can i have 4 shakes a day......this wont affect my losses will it???
:) thanx
*Shanny* said:
Hi Nikki a question please i cant manage a few of the ss+ foods so can i have 4 shakes a day......this wont affect my losses will it???
:) thanx

Nope. 4 shakes and milk! You should be fine
bl**dy caravan at primy. only being offered £4000! it's cr*p. bought it for £22grand! still owe £7500 on it. BIG MISTAKE!! NEVER EVER BUY A STATIC CARAVAN AT HAVEN, THEY ROB YOU BLIND.
Back from Zumba. Laid on the floor to sort out float. Now I'm stuck here as I CBA to get up! Think I'll sleep here all sweaty and smelly. :D