
Well done Nikki!! Keep going hun!!
i want some cheese! was making the kids dinner with cheese. i really really wanted to put some in my mouth.

i didn't!

still 100%
Well done for resisting the cheese!!! I've turned to knitting to avoid thinking of eating!! I avoided the guiness cake my friend brought in. Am proud of us!
not 100% as well today. more 97% had a mouthful of peanut butter. better than what i have been doing so might class today as a success.
well. more or less 100% so far. slip up yesterday with a mouthful of peanut butter but i'm not sneaking cheese, peanuts or wine into my gob. but..... the scales are not moving. i know i'm a serial scale hopper but nothing has changed since Monday morning. mind i've not been to the loo since monday either. wonder if there's a build up of 7lbs there :D :8855:

fingers are like sausages. i've tried to be reasonable with my exercise. just sticking to my classes. so disappointed.
Bloody scales. Bain of my life. FFS! Grrrrrr
can;t get off the loo today. must have made up for almost a week of not going.
Nasty make up. Took after my Zumba Halloween special!


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got the saturday blues

kids playing up and whinging

hubby at work 24/7



it's dark out

went to the movies and had nothing other than a diet coke (prob contained citric acid too :()

trying to learn 4 new dances for zumba on tuesday and the kids are playing me up for my troubles. came through to the lounge to find the curtain rail half down.... pee on the floor (dude missed the potty with his winky)


i feel that no one replies in my diary anymore.


need a boost.

no weight has been lost since last monday.... nothing at all.... nowt. been good considering what i had been, naughtily, doing!

i'm a great big grumpy bear.
I felt like that about my diary from time to time, it seems to be swings and roundabouts for me on my diary. It's not too bad at the moment. Trouble is I've been so stressed and busy these past few weeks I've barely managed to write in my own diary. Plus it always seems quieter when the kids are off school. Hopefully it'll pick up soon.

I'm with you in feeling bad about the lack of downward movement on the scales! :( its so bloody frustrating!!
i wouldn't care but last week i was pretty bad.... nuts, alcohol. this week nowt really. an occasional slip up on two days mainly evenings.
Stick with it!! Years ago when I was doing SW the consultant told me that your body works on a fortnightly cycle, so naughties might not show up on this weeks WI but might catch up the following week. Not sure how true that is but it seems to fit with me. I was good this week but not great last week and got 0 on the scales. Here's to a decent loss next week!
yep. i think my body works a day behind.
Haha, I blame all sorts for these problems, strange gravity, the super name it BUT guess what.

I am just like is what I think (and I DO read your diary by the way :) )

You have got 2 tot's you are trying to further your zumba classes, add to that you are chief cook and bottle washer at home.

Sista - I feel ya pain!!!!! You are probably approaching burn out and it is very hard to do a VCLD when you are flat out exhausted. It makes you cranky...

Now, I suggested to myself - because I am on the edge about 90% of the time that I go and get some EFT - which I am starting this week - apparently it is very effective, plus you get some time and space just for you without kids pulling down curtian rails, peeing on floors and being a trainee bansky :)

Give yourself a big pat on the back - we are in the same boat. THIS week I am going to really focus on just 1 thing only 1 week of pure SS...we can do this...we really can.

i hope today is better than yesterday but the kids are already cranky. think i'm going to have to dose them up on knock out drops if war begins. i feel like i would have more peace if i worked for the UN on their peace keeping missions.
Oh god Nicki...I feel for you I really do.

I meet myself coming backwards and my two are 15 years appart! But then I also have my big baby in the house :) So I know how you feel (thats my darling husband by the way).

Can you drive? I normally sling the baby in the car when I cant cope and go for a long drive out, we go to a farm and I just let her run wild. The dishes will still be there when I get back, as will the playdough on the carpet and the washing in the basket (and probably more besides) but I get cabin feaver if I stay in.

Now you are old hat at this, you know the score (I am talking to myself as much as you) this diet is hard if you are hecticly busy dealing with loads of stress and have no other coping mechanism than food (insert soother of choice) YOU at least are a zumba instructor, so you are working off those slips, you are boosting your feel good chemicals...but it sounds to me, you need a hella break girly!

Now, slap yourself in the chops, look in the mirror and say after me "I deserve to feel good" - go on... then find how you feel good and do it.
Hi i just wanted to say that i've only been following this diet and forum for a month and you/your diary has inspired me to carry on i don't have children (desperately want them ), i guess thats the reason i read your diary but haven't commented as i don't have the same experiences but please carry on as you have inspired at least one x
think i'm going to get rid of my christmas count down and pop one like yours in, bettiesrevenge. i need to motivate myself. i've already visited the kitchen and opened the fridge, then shut the fridge. i have my dress out and i keep trying it on. i feel thinner in size but not on the scales.

my mum's just text asking when i'm coming over. thing is it's worse at their house as there's no gates up as my mum's in wheelchair and they get up to worse over there. not so much emily but matthew. he goes into cupboards and gets a cup out and then goes to the water filter machine thing and presses the button but forgets to take off the top of his cup. then i get it in the neck of my dad. he goes in another room and i get.... it's awfully quiet i think you need to go see what he's doing. at least here i can close the gates and they're stuck for getting places.

i need to learn 3 more zumba dances for tuesday and i just don't feel like i've got the time. i usually end up writing them down then playing the music and dance the steps in my head as if i try to dance them i end up with kids trying to knock me over as they're trying to join in. emily's idea of joining in is to spin in circles. then the dog gets in on the act. it's chaos. :) if i go into another room they end up doing all sorts of naughty things. i have red marker pen on my cream suede dining room chair seat. i have blue crayon picture of a person on the floor, i have black marker pen picture on the pale yellow playroom walls. i feel that i'm going round in circles. my house is clean then it's dirty. just cleaned this am and changed a few beds but i'm sure i'll go back into certain rooms today and think.... why did i ever bother to clean. feel like going on strike.

i have 1 load of washing in the dryer and another on the go when i realised that someone's pressed the 90 deg on it and i have red in there with other colours. i've stopped it and hope that i've saved it. i'm sure i set it to 30! so it's spinning and i'll start again with a colour sheet in for good measure.