
I'm baking freaking cupcakes!!! Its my turn to bake for our charity cake bake. It's a bit of a bind really especially as I won't be able to test the wares. And I tried my new recipe so I just hope to his it's ok. But it's for charity so I'll do it. I'll have to admit I did need to dip my finger in the mix to check it was ok.
Oy you! Get that dipping finger outta that mix :D

I need serious help. Need my butt kicked. Struggling so much. Still keep picking. Seriously it's protein foods but I shouldn't be! My losses are cr*p because of this. If I stopped I could be loosing 3.5lbs a week rather than 1lb and there. It will be Xmas next year that I reach goal at this rate! :(

It really makes you feel like a looser!

Hubby gets out the snacks and gives me a bowl too. Then I really want it bad! Makes my mouth water and then I need those snacks. Think I'll go to bed when he does this. Also making the meals is killing me! I keep picking at stuff.

Have gone to the 810 but then I love my shakes that 3 just doesn't seem enough choice.
Popped over to Blythe last night to do a few dances in a zumbathon. Got amazing feedback. The woman's ladies loved me and my set was the best that night. They were asking where I taught.

Begs a question. Is it me or my area? The reason I'm quiet in classes..... Looks like its my area! Its inundated with instructor's and with the forum (council ran sports centre) competition is way too hard.

At least I've had an answer now. The lady that organised the event said I would do really well in Blythe! Maybe I should commute the hour twice a week :)
Oy you! Get that dipping finger outta that mix :D

I need serious help. Need my butt kicked. Struggling so much. Still keep picking. Seriously it's protein foods but I shouldn't be! My losses are cr*p because of this. If I stopped I could be loosing 3.5lbs a week rather than 1lb and there. It will be Xmas next year that I reach goal at this rate! :(

It really makes you feel like a looser!

Hubby gets out the snacks and gives me a bowl too. Then I really want it bad! Makes my mouth water and then I need those snacks. Think I'll go to bed when he does this. Also making the meals is killing me! I keep picking at stuff.

Have gone to the 810 but then I love my shakes that 3 just doesn't seem enough choice.

I have the same problem!! Fixed weekend meal problems by fixing all of them right after breakfast, made just enough so that there are no leftovers... because I am the picking queen... which i'll justify by "well i am exercising, so it'll make up for the extra calories" - 2 years later, I'm still not at goal :cry::cry::cry:
finally after 2 weeks of spluttering with a tickly cough i've got a cold that has come out. so bunged up! bleurgh! was hoping to get back to running but looks like it's not going to happen today!

just booked novotel london excel at victoria docks for feb next year for the zumba conference!!!!!!!!!!! going to cost a bleeding fortune. £258 for 2 nights but i've never been to one before and i doubt that i'll ever ever ever get to the massive florida one.
Weigh day

STS! Booooooo! Focus. Going to make myself a 100% chart for this week! Need to flaming well get this weight off!
great things said:
Weigh day

STS! Booooooo! Focus. Going to make myself a 100% chart for this week! Need to flaming well get this weight off!

U can do it Hun x
hungry! but, i've not had anything yet. i really can't be ar$ed right this min. not feeling really hungry, but it's crept up on me.

guess i know i'm really in ketosis!
p.s i made my charts. i have 2. 1 where i can record my weight loss over the next few weeks to xmas and one for 100%
Good for you Nikki I'm talking to myself if to have a meal tonight not hungry but mad food thoughts.

Make sure u have a shake soon x
just had a shake. strawberry. i'm having a chicken thing tonight. cooking it from scratch. started eating chicken couple of months ago! still sometimes get the heeby gebbies when i'm eating it. it has to be perfect and not gristly at all!
Well done for making charts, they're a good motivation!! Keep it up!!
Think I kicked myself out of ketosis yesterday. Had such an annoying cough last night. I was cough for over 30 mins. All I could find was the kids piriton syrup :(
*Shanny* said:
I'm going to Zumba tomorrow Nikki and will consider going to Lesley's too while I'm off this week..! :) :) x

:D like. Get there!
going for 100%

it's hard work doing it 100%. i've had to stop myself today. had my bar early as i was hungry. only just eating my meal now. hectic day with hubby going away i've had to leave my kids with my parents tonight then have just put the kids to bed.... i was starving and could quite easily have grabed a cube of cheese from the fridge. 2 zumba classes down.... got through my last one on coffee.

day 1 = 100% - excercise cals 650 (aprox guess)