Cokes- back to it

3am :(
Almost 5am. Eventually feel I could sleep. So goodnight/ goodmorning/ whatever :faint2:
Morning Rachel, bad night then love, luckily I can sleep for England
Hi Sorry I've been quite busy today. Even now is a fleeting visit as I have John's birthday cake in the oven. I'm just making him a regular chocolate cake which he can eat all himself. It is going to be topped with Rolo's so I'm sure he'll love it.

Yeah last night wasn't great. Got 2.5 hours sleep in the end. Manged to get plenty of walking in today though as I forgot ingredients and stuff and had to go up to the shops more than once. Maybe I'll sleep tonight x
Need a replacement mother. Apparently she felt that my telling her to stop shouting at my dog yesterday was because I'm depressed. So she phoned my husband AT WORK to discuss it. Is she for real! Yes I haven't had a great time recently, but for a long time I've held my tongue when she is nasty to Bonnie, and why the hell should I anymore?!?!? Bonnie is an innocent but excitable dog, and she is my child. Would anybody else let someone abuse their child? No, so why should I?

John was mystified as to why she phoned him with such drivel and said he nearly told her to F off. Yes as I've said I've been depressed before but never once did she show an ounce of care or consideration then. Instead I got her asking me advice on what she should do in the bedroom with her bit on the side( been ongoing since my early teens, nice huh?). Why, would she do this. She is a selfish evil woman and she better not come to my door for a very long time.

Sorry rant over (for now).

Any offers for a stand in mother would be nice though :p Good job my MiL is nice

Chocolate cake is finished. Double sandwich with a layer of jam and buttercream. Topped with melted chocolate and Rolo's. John is well impressed. I am jealous but as long as he likes it. He'll be 31 tomorrow. I'll be 30 in october and the deterination to look good on my birthday will stop me from being tempted by the cake I'm sure.

John is off next week too so I'm looking forward to nice long walks with him and the doggies. This week feels like it's been madness and I'm glad it's over :)
Damn! You know my brother pisses me off like mad when I am tired. I often get nights like you've just had and I just sit up reading usually.
As for the mother, well, let it float over you. She wants to wind you up so don't let her. Oh, by the way, I will take on the pope if he disrespects my dogs! Lol.
I decided to edit my rant as this forum is too open but I'll still adopt you ;)
I'm also fortunate that MIL is lovely and I'm looking forward to 12 days of being spoilt by her in Spain. Last year she bought me a dress and wouldn't let me do anything except the washing up.
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I loved my mum deeply - so of course she was the one who died and left with me with a father who I loathe, who I no longer speak to but who keeps sending me FB invites.

Life isn't fair - but keep smiling :)
Hi All. There is always someone in our lives isn't there.

Anyway. I feel ok about it today as it's hubby birthday and I'm trying to give him a good day. He had some of the cake I made for breakfast!

Will pop back later as I'm cooking a proper brekkie now and need to hurry as people coming over etc (not the mam tho!).

Hope you all have a fantabulous weekend xxx

I can declare that my grumpyness is over. I have had a very nice day :eek:

We cancelled the BBQ as we were thinking it was going to rain, so John's Dad said he'd take us out for dinner. We all had rib eye steak. It was lush. Everyone else had the chips as well but the place was good enough to put a salad on for me with the steak. All it took was asking them. I was worried about eating out, but never again. Eating out on Atkins is easy. I could have had a boozy drink but I just really fancied a nice glass of iced water with lemon- lush.

John has had a nice day. He is downstairs watching the match with his brother, sitting munching crisps and m&ms. I was a tad jealous of the crisps as they are those nice chicken and rosemary sensations ones. He had the nerve to ask if I wanted one! No way. I've got my sights set on going to John's works christmas party as well this year. I didn't go last year as just felt I looked so awful (silly I know). But I want to go this year and get compliments in my gorgeous dress (that I will buy when I find the right one). I saw a dress a couple of years ago in Debenhams that I loved, but knew I could never look good in it then. In fact i think they only had up to a 12 in anyway. I will get there- see positivity, no grumpyness :D

Oooo and forgot to tell that John bought me a Jillian Michaels game for the Wii. It's from a couple of years ago but selling in Asda for £5 at the minute. I put it on earlier on the weightloss programme and did 10 minutes. 10 mins later I was red faced and sweaty. Up to about an hour ago I could still really feel my thigh muscles (worked out this am). Now that shows it works, and for a fiver it's pretty darn good.

All smiles today :D:D:D
Hi Rachel. Hope you are having another better day:D
Hi All!

Yes today has been a nice day as well. I think I may have broke some kind of record though, certainly a personal best, as I slept for 15 hours! Didn't get up til almost 2pm. So not like me. Don't worry John was up and had the doggies out long before that. Can't believe I slept that long.

The rest of the day has been walking with the doggies and wii fitting and the Jillian game. I can so feel the muscles down the side of my ribs and my thigh muscles. It feels good though.

Spot on day food wise, really enjoyed what Ive had. Clean and green all the way today.

We are going to watch Limitless tonight I think, so should be good.

I hope everyone is doing something fun tonight as it's a good lie in day tomorrow for most x
Morning all.

I thought Limitless was a bit pants.

Had the dogs out already before the rain, which is now pouring.

Happy Bank Hol Monday eh?!
I bet the rain will come. Think it might be law now for it to rain on a bank hol :)

Good weather to bed in plants. Unfortunately I was going to plant some today, and I'm not doing it inside (the potted ones) as the dogs will be all over me. Maybe later if it dries up but I doubt it.

That Dr Foster went to Gloucester (sp?) rhyme has come into my head lol, but I can only get so far with it
Morning Rachel, it's absolutely peeing down here love
See Jim it just confirms my theory that it must be law to rain now. Hope you are well
Dr Foster went to Gloucester, in a shower of rain
he stepped in a puddle
right up to his middle
and never went there again

that the one? lol xx
Hi All Sorry I haven't been around much today. I won't be around much tomorrow either. Bit of a family crisis. Some of you might remember that I have been going to hubbys Nanna's more to help dress her for bed etc. Last week she went walkabout and police brought her back (she has dementia).

Well today bumped into MiL who is her main carer in Asda. She burst out crying in the middle of Asda saying she was having to put her Mam in a home. Feel I need an emoticon here but don't think there would be a right one.

Brought MiL back to ours for a chat. She hasn't slept since nanna went walk about, she goes nearly every night to help with her night things, does all her cleaning (I had agreed to take this over and had planned to start this week as MiL has got a job starting soon). She also takes her out loads as mentally nanna is better when shes been occupied. She does so much for her. Too much really. Many people would have looked at placements much earlier than this given her level of memory/ confusion/ vulnerability. It is so hard when it's someone you love.
I've said I'll do all of the phonecalls tomorrow to organise a placement, I'm actually a qualified social worker (adults), and I know how the system works to get it done quickly as she'll have to go in for whats called respite for a short period then be assessed for permanancy. Plus MiL is so emotional she would find it far too difficult to deal with all of that. The emotional aspect is hard enough.

I took MiL to a local home with spaces, which she likes so we will try to get Nanna there tomorrow. Tomorrow gonna be quite difficult- but necessary.

MiL is staying at Nannas tonight as she is so worried and wouldn't sleep at home anyway. Think a big drink is in order for her when this is sorted. I was there from 3ish to 6ish to give her dinner and tidy a bit/ wash clothes etc and generally give MiL a break.

I think if theres a best MiL award out there I should nominate her. Or any good free hols comps I should enter her for.

The way things happened today I didn't eat anything until about an hour ago!
I'll just have a little browse then be off as I'm shattered and I need to be making phonecalls early tomorrow.

Hope everyone had a good long weekend x