Yep hopefully I will at least get an interview, I should do as I was telling her about my experience and she did sound quite interested and we seemed to click on the phone. Fingers crossed.

I have been a busy little bunny this morning. Washing done (shame its raining so can't dry outside), kitchen cleaned doggies walked, more stuff on ebay. My new phone arrived too. Well its an old phone but I needed one on the 3g network its PAYG but its a much better deal than my contract was. £15 month for 3000 txts, 300 mins and free internet. I was paying almost that for 500 txts, 300 mins and no internet on contract. I just have to top up 15 every month to get the deal so its kind of like a contract with no tie ins. That'll do for me. So reluctantly I am having to sell my old LG its pretty and pink with a side sliding keyboard. I really do like it but not 3g so it'll have to go

My new one is plain, nothing fancy, will get a newer one at some point but for the mo it will do- I can't work touch screen phones you see I need a keyboard. Whenever I use Johns HTC I end up phoning everyone by mistake.
Wish the sun was out as I'm feeling very happy today and think the weather should match my mood
The lamb last night went down very well, def gonna buy that again. I cooked it with sea salt and cracked black peppercorns. It was lush!
We are going to look at cars this afternoon as the idea was, sell mine (done), then sell John's beemer to get a diesel that we both will like. I don't mind the beemer but it's rubbish in winter and putting the snow tires on every winter is a faff. So we've been looking at a Mazda 6, which has just been reserved so probably not there when we go back, and there are a few Golfs about. Some of them are really rough though. I don't know how dealers are putting them on their forcourts- they haven't even spent the time to hoover them or anything. John seems to be swaying towards a Golf but the one I looked in didn't seem to have alot of room in the back for the doggies. Does anyone have one? Do you find people/dogs have plenty room in the back? I like the looks etc. I used to have a Polo and that was a good solid car so generally like VW's it's just the space in the back concerning me.
Diet wise I'm well on track. Had a nice egg salad for an early lunch. Water a plenty still peeing like a racehorse
I seem to have loads of energy right now so I might let my lunch settle then do a bit on the treadmill