Must have been takeaway night last night! Nearly everyone had one!
Water has been glugged all day, so much so I'm peeing every 15 minutes! That's ok though as I took doggies on a long walk earlier so have been in most of the afternoon. I have been "deforesting" my legs, so not exactly pampering but good as they stay lush and smooth for ages afterwards. I use an epilater and take painkillers before hand to ease the pain! It's not that bad but I'm a wimp. I have eczema so can't use immac or whatever its called these days and I'm always too embarrased to go to a salon so invested in my epilater awhile back, it's great really. Now I'm all smooth I think I should be able to go out somewhere boozy tomorrow and wear a skirt, if only my legs were thinner as well! They are much more toned now, but I really want thinner legs. My forearms are getting thinner, I hated the chubbyness there! It would be great if someone could invent something easy that could really target fat areas really quickly- but not as invasive as lipo (or as expensive). I will have to go to my laboratory and start working. Then I may go on Dragon's Den to pitch for investment to make millions and make lots of people very happy. My mind doesn't half think alot of s*ite sometimes.
Been talking to someone about a job today. She has emailed me the app forms etc but we were on the phone talking for ages and she seemed very keen to have me get them back quickly. I really liked what she had to say about their agency, and it's an Ok rate of pay too. So fingers crossed for that. Gonna take the form slowly and get it perfect before sending it back on Monday. Feels like hope at the end of the tunnel. Can't wait to work again and be around people and have a purpose!- other than being a doggy mama and a house wife of course, those are pretty big purposes too. In my sector I like to make a difference to peoples lives on a personal level, so to get back to that would be great.
My lamb is in the oven cooking nicely. Can't wait. I'm having it with mashed cauli and pak choi. John is gonna have it with mash and roast potatoes and peas

Roasties! I love them. Shame they don't love me cause they make me fat. That's what I will say to them when I put them in the oven. See I really am going doolally :crazy: