Cokes- back to it

mm the pie is fab and you can always freeze it too :D and your bloke will definately love it!
Yak on the eggs xxx
Right off to get sorted before the hubby comes in- haven't folded the clothes, oops.

Will pop in later x
Double yak on the eggs, I found some hard boiled ones in the back of my fridge on the weekend, they had gone a very strange colour - and oh so perfumed :D

Good luck at the docs x
But now you know what it was lol. My boss was complaining of a smell in her hallway at home, hubby found it today, a decomposing mouse (brought in by one of the cats) lol
Nice - am keeping a close eye on Shirley in that regard. She's in with me again, 9pm and her owners still aren't home, so I'm giving her a small sachet - and she sat on my lap awwwww :)
Urrgh to the smelly eggs! And poor little mouse! I like rodents, I have had loads of hamsters, in fact my name Cokes is one of them, well she was called Coco but got called Cokes usually. RIP Coco.

Anyway Docs was fine. She's increased the strength on the brown inhaler to see how that goes and said keep taking antihistamines etc. So here's hoping John doesn't get woken up by Darth Vader (we need a darth vader emoticon, like the child on the VW ad!).

Well I made cheeseburger pie for the first time. It was GORGEOUS! Whoever invented this is a god/ godess who I shall gladly worship alongside the other God Dr Atkins. Hubby really enjoyed it. Can't wait to have more!
Hope the change in meds gives you some better sleep tonight xx

And oh yeah! to the god of cheeseburger pie :D
Thanks Bren x
Fab news on the doc visit hun - and also fab on the pie news, glad it went down well :)

I LOVE that VW ad, makes me chuckle every time :) Also love Eddie Izzard and the Death Star Canteen, watched it again just last night :) "This one is wet, this one is wet...." LOL
Hope the meds work. Agree - cheeseburger pie is why everyone should do atkins;)
morning hon x

This is FAB!!!!!

As far as I'm aware Darth didn't rear his head last night. I slept right through to 11am! :eek: I'll keep on with the new inhaler for a bit I think until I'm sure I'm settled, she said then just to knock it down to twice a day. Good sleep at last eh? Hurrah!

Hope everyone is having a good day. It's been peeing down here. I'm not sure if MiL will be coming for the afternoon walk, so I'll have to wait and see. She's normally here by 3 at the latest and if not I'll just take the doggies out myself- in the rain.

It's weigh in tomorrow and I'm not feeling very confident about it. I haven't cheated and I've been glugging loads of water. I'm having a fat day. I just can't see any recent changes. I did at first, but I feel like I've stopped losing as I can't see any difference. The doc last night commented that I was still losing weight. But I just can't see it. I know it's gonna be a long process, but I was thinking that it's my 30th in October, only 4 months away and thinking that I'm not sure I'll be where I want to be by then. I have my future email coming then (James did a thread about this awhile ago and I emailed myself for 13/10) I don't want to read it and be dissapointed in myself.

I need this to be a good week. At the start of the week I was confident, but now I don't know :confused:
Oh hon im sure you will be fine. sometimes the scales can surprise us. And you dont need to speak to me about having fat days and not thinking i look any different to when i first started xxx
best of luck for WI xxx
I nearly got weighed today to "prepare" myself as I'm expecting a bad result. I know you never know... but. We'll see I supose
Hi Rachel - ooh exciting about the future letter, and as Madame Vicky says, some weeks I'm positive I won't have lost and still do, am sure the whoosh fairy will visit you tomorrow.

And look at the positives - you are eating lovely healthy food and getting to know all your minimin friends :)