Cokes- back to it

Me too ;)

You are doing ace Rach - long may it continue and I really hope you are handsomely rewarded come wi day xxxxxxxxx
Sausages Jim? I'm staying clear of them too, as even the low carb ones I always want to eat the packet! Wine or vodka maybe. I love both of those, but carb wise I have the same problem with wine I want to drink the whole bottle! Everytime I log in now its just an ad for vodafone. So much better, but that one HAS to be random as no way have I or John been looking at phones. But I'm happy with random phone ads :)

I have seen loads of people at the shops I know today, which never happens. I saw my SiL who was changing her shops window display so I popped in for a natter, then I saw my hubby's friends wife with her really cute kids in tow, kids look lovely when they are little, then I saw my friends Mam who works as a carer out with someone. So nice to bump into lots of people :)

Anyway, shopping! JD is the only sports shop we have and I looked for jogging bottoms but they have only about 5 things for women in total in that shop. Useless. The only pair they had were quite thick material and I like the smooth elasticated material, plus they were £25 and I'm not paying that for something I don't like anyway. So I compromised and found Asda had a pair for £4! Not quite the right material either but thin enough to be cool jogging. As I got that bargain I went on to get more bargains. Peacocks are having a sale and I spied lots of vest tops so I got 2 that were £3 each one grey the other blue and white stripes. Then they had a set of two, one black, one royal blue, for £4! So I got 4 tops for £10, how mint is that! They are good quality vest tops too, not the really thin ones that you buy to just wear once on hols. I am very happy with my haul.

I also bought John a blu ray as it is our wedding anniversary tomorrow. We aren't exactly romantic and being not too flush we don't see the point of buying expensive pressies for each other. 5 years tomorrow. Good to know that by the 6th anniversary not only will I be able to fit in the wedding dress again but it will be too big for me. No question.

Right I did have a sudden headache a little while ago but it appears to have cleared so I better get these dogs out. They aren't in a hurry mind they are fast asleep, but they'll get tetchy later on if they haven't had an afternoon walk since I'm in. They are so demanding! But lush

Oh also found out my father in law was on the north east news. He is a cabbie and they were doing a piece on unlicenced cabbies operating in the area (Gateshead/ newcastle). So I will be tuning in at 6pm to see if he's on again. If anyone sees it he is the short one with glasses and a grey beard. Five minute of barely any fame at all but hey it's not like I'm related to anyone else on TV!
Just sent a text to John it read: " You will be late home tonight as you need to remember to get me a card. love you x". Thought I'd best remind him, he is good at alot of things but remembering dates he is terrible at and since he said earlier in the week that he still needed to get me a card I can guarantee that he still probably hasn't got one. But that's ok he remembers the important things about me, what I like etc and he know me so well that he can even pick out what clothes i would buy in a shop. He can even pick out clothes that I may not try but actually look ok in. He hates shopping maybe thats why he suggests stuff just to get me to move quicker! But I'm sitting here totally amazed that I have been married for 5 years. It doesn't seem that long even though it seems that we've been together for ever. Weird. Anyway feel I may be getting a bit soppy so will end the post now, lol x
Happy Anny ... :)
Happy anniversary - how lovely:D
Morning Rach, Happy Anniversary love
Thank you everyone. He said he didn't need the reminder but I don't quite believe him. He got me a lovely bunch of flowers, nice bright ones with lovely bright pink gerberas in. I like them as they seem like happy flowers to me.

Otherwise I have woken up in a state of being really tired and just not great. Yep I've knocked myself out of ketosis :mad: Checked with the sticks. The only thing it can be is that I had some cans of diet pepsi yesterday so must be the citric acid. Oh well, back to the water! I will get some zero later instead. I will be back in K as quick as I can. Haven't done my run yet either. I normally like to do it as soon as I wake up, but I had to get the dogs out as I've yet another person coming to give me a quote for the boiler. Got a feeling I want the people from yesterday to do it really. They weren't the cheapest, but some of the cheaper ones were quite strange people. The cheapest was a strange little man who I never want in my house again, and he didn't like dogs. The people yesterday were nice and when they had to go out back were nice to my dogs and understanding that Bruno is slightly protective of me and the house. They went to go back inside the house and Bruno started barking cos he wanted to see me let them in to know it was ok, which I did. He was only happy when I showed them around and made it clear he wasn't happy if they went first. Basically he followed me around like my own little body guard. No surprise that I have no problem letting people come and give me quotes when I'm alone. He was fine with them generally like accepted strokes and stuff so he seemed to like them, guess he just was being that little bit protective.

Anyway I'd better go as todays lot are meant to behere soon x
They're my favourite flowers too, like brightly coloured daisies :D
I had a protective dog like yours before Emma. He was originally my ex's dog but became more mine. When I was expecting my first baby I had the kitchen refitted and the fitter came and knelt beside me to ask a question. Toby barged in front of him and refused to move lol. And if play fighting with my ex I used to say 'Toby get him' and Toby would leap at him and bark! He was an Old English crossed with a collie and the size of an Old English so you knew he was around haha.
No Leanne we won't be going out. What with needed a new boiler and now the garage roof is about to cave in so think we will keep our money. I will get some steak from Asda and do a nice meal though ;)

Lisa Toby sounds lush. Boilerman this morning will not be getting the job. He was an a**e. Didn't listen to anything I said so I ended up repeating myself alot. Slagged off the other quotes I'd had in an attempt to make himself seem better. Worst of all I told him I would need to lead him around the house due to Bruno and he still just wandered without telling me where he was going so Bruno stuck very close to me and I could see he wasn't happy. So the guy didn't listen to a word I said which I think is very disrespectful. He was in MY house pitching for a job so should have been professional and curteous which he was not. His quote will be going in the bin. I have left a message for John saying to ring the people from yesterday to give them the job. Manners are very important to me.

So hopefully the ones I have picked will be able to do the new boiler soon. And hopefully it will be dry some time soon so I can get the garage roof done as well :mad: Half wish I was a renter so the landlord could just fix it all.

Worst thing is I feel so crap I don't want to do my jog. And I've just been to save yet more eggs that have now been boiling for an hour! Maybe the run will perk me up. Better go do it
You are so right to trust your instincts, Rach - this morning's guy sounds like a right pig!

Hope you feel a little perkier now xxx
Morning Rach, that guy sounds a right dick - tradesmen can be such horrible people. Hope you got your jog done and you feel better for it xxxxx
I was like that chosing someone to sand the floors in my previous house. One guy came and the moment he left I just said he's never setting foot in here again!
Hi everyone, yeah I'm feeling ok. I got us some rib eye steak and peppercorn (naughty but heck I'm out of K today anyway) sauce. So really looking forward to that. Had a nice walk with the dogs which nearly turned into a disaster as I saw this lad across the field who always talks to you for ages he really is a bit strange. I don't mind strange people, I have met many in this life. But when we moved in the first weekend I did the front garden and he held me hostage for an hour. He was genuinly canny and I didn't want to be rude but I lost an hour of my life and today I wasn't in the mood for that to happen so I timed my walk and went a slightly different way to avoid him. I know this sounds bad but I just have so much on at the moment that he would have made me late and I'm not feeling that polite today now so didn't want to hurt his feelings :sigh: I'm a bad person aren't I?! I'm such a flake at times.

I need an alcohol injection. Better not since I'm trying to encourage the K fairy back, after the sauce of course :D
Wow Rach... a lot going on!! I'd have legged it if I saw that strange chap too ! I hate people assuming that I have all the time in the world to talk to them ... They are quite selfish... Sometimes we have time sometimes we don't :)
I agree, it's fine when you've got the time to spend - and the inclination.

I'm completely inured to it, living in Londinium - lots of strange people here :D - oh wait, maybe they think that about me???? I did catch myself muttering out loud on the street the other day LOL.