Cokes- back to it

Really good post Rach... And I'm pleased you're feeling so good on the exercise! :)
Hi Susie, Vicky and Di. Hope you are all having a nice evening.

This afternoon has been a bit fraught. MiL came over and I let slip something I maybe shouldn't have but from what she said I thought she already knew. Basically my SiL has been borrowing money from my BiL. Thats ok everyone needs a hand sometimes and MiL thought it was £200. But BiL told John at the weekend that SiL has actually been going onto his internet banking and transferring money without asking. So basically she has stolen like a further £300. BiL has changed all his passwords etc and has told her that she can't use the car which she normally helps pay for when home from uni, but of course hasn't paid for either. So anyway now MiL knows how much SiL owes and the fact that she took without asking and is gonna be hitting the roof later. MiL not happy as SiL's dad was the same with money and used to steal from my MiL all the time when they were married. So not gonna be a good time over there. But really my BiL would be in his rights to report my SiL to the police. I'm not bothered that she owes the money, its the stealing which has also left him unable to pay his board money which he will feel awful about. He is like John and likes to work hard and keep what money he can for his treats, he doesn't even drink as he doesn't see the point of wasting his money. That's how good with money he is. He did spend 1g on a bike but he is really into fitness anyway so made sense for him and he worked hard for it. Families eh? Well I like that side of the family but its not that often that they have the drama. Just hope SiL sorts herself out as it could ruin her friendship with her brother. She needs to cut back the partying thats the only place the cash is going.

Besides that its been a quiet day. Happy :)
That is awful behaviour Rach, what a selfish woman.

On the better stuff, glad the exercise is going great and that you are happy xxxxxxxxxx
What a nightmare Rach!! I just hope it gets resolved before needing to get any further... She has a right cheek to take without asking ! :)
She does have a cheek and it is stealing as she took without asking first, she only had the details from him giving them to her once when he said it was ok to lend a certain amount of money. I won't see any of them for a little while as my MiL is on nights this and next week so she will be sleeping through the day.

I'm playing squash with John tonight. £6.90 for a court for 40 minutes. I think thats quite expensive. It's only about £4 through the day but the only person who would play day times is MiL so maybe after her night shifts are over. I'm looking forward to it, I haven't played in ages but I remember it being fun.

Dogs got up with me this morning and so were begging to be taken out. Well they don't beg as such they just get really excited and their tails wag so much they could fall off. You can't say no to them really so I took them before my run. Nice walk but I think its gonna rain later. Run wise I did 16 minutes and got my 1.5 miles in. 1.4 is the most I had done before that I think. I had my music on today and I actually found it a bit distracting. This may sound weird but it was harder to hear my self talk, like when I'm flagging inside I say to myself "come on only 3 minutes, you can do that", but for some reason I found that harder with the music. Strange!
Morning Rach. Sounds like you are doing fantastically well with your running - keep going:D.

Not feeling quite so lazy today as managed to find a zumba class here on hols - gets the blood moving anyway;). Remember to be careful restarting squash - it's notorious for giving you all sorts of sprains and strains when your restart after a while as it's very easy to just try reach for that one shot!
I used to love playing squash, not sure I could do it these days, although I did used to play when quite heavy so although much older, not lugging all the weight around it might be better. Have fun but as Katie says, take it easy!
Awesome running Rach... just be careful with the squash. I used to play it in the last century - really enjoyed it but it's mega! :)
LOL it was a complete accident - my friend stepped forward to hit the ball from behind me on the left, as I swung the racket back to hit the same ball.

It was actually her fault but she didn't really see it that way, strangely - and to make matters worse, I couldn't drive a manual car so she had to drive us to hospital, holding ice to her bleeding mouth, and telling me when to change gears....ah those were the days :D
Omg - enough to put you off squash! Lol;)
Morning Rach,

I've had many a b ruise from playing squash, especially when the ball hits you, and I've been smacked in the face as well, LOL.

I stopped playing when I left the Army, couldn't justify the cost every day. probably another reason I got fat so quickly, no exercise + eat & drink like I always did in the Army = get fat
Hello all! Squash was great fun. I have no bruises or split lips to speak of though! I was able to move alot better than a while back when I was heavier. I got to some shots that John thought I'd never make so of course he wasn't ready which was fun. I was ready to finsih at the end of the 40 minutes I was beetroot. Today my back feels a bit delicate so I haven't done my run yet. May have the day off and just do some wii later as my sister is coming over to have a go. We'll see how I feel later.

And its weigh in day! Lost another 2lbs so I'm happy :D
Well done Rach :)