Cokes- back to it

... am always talking to myself - almost par for course living in Islington! lol
LMAO@Susie! :D
Maybe I should have been a Londoner too, I am very strange and definately talk to myself all the way around Asda. Yesterday I proclaimed "jelly" in the middle of an aisle and got some very strange looks. But am I bovverred tho? Am I hell. Yeah you know I would have talked to him if I'd had the time. I was more sociable on the evening walk and as such the dogs made friends with a gorgeous almost white 21 month old labrador called Molly, truely lovely dog. I love it when they meet dogs they can run around nicely with as again there are some strange people walking dogs on those fields. I remember one guy had these two huge dogs off the lead in the long grass, we came around the corner of course ours were off lead too and the guy asked if we could put ours on as his weren't friendly so we panicked and had to just about grab them incase they were about to be attacked, but if his weren't friendly should he not have a safe guard or something like either keeping them on lead or a muzzle if off lead for excersise? Aggressive dogs always scare me as Bruno was attacked once and it's the only proper dog fight I've seen and I don't want to see another, it was over in seconds as without thinking I just got in there and pulled Bruno away. He couldn't walk for the next two days and needed x rays etc. Not nice. So like I say lots of strangeness. I'm rambling now aren't I?

Anyway running wise just did 10 mins this morning, my legs and head weren't in it. Need my atkins high back. We are going for a long walk later anyway when John finishes work so that will help.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend x
Only 2 hours ago I was saying I needed my atkins high back and guess what, here it is. Boom! Tested just now after starting to feel good again for no apparent reason and it changed colour! Only mild ketones there but thats still ketosis and the way my body is reacting is great. I guess the peppercorn sauce wasn't too bad yesterday and that I must have still been under my level to get back into K. I love this feeling, keep it Rach do not go back to feeling crappy! So be good!

There that told me, lol x
Well done Rach and great news about getting back into K :D
I would have avoided the strange guy too xxxxxxxx
Talking to yourself in the supermarket and saying 'jelly' out loud is the kind of thing I do!

You really made me laugh :) Glad you managed to get back into ketosis so quickly and you've kept up with running. Well done x
K is OK! Good stuff Rach! :)
Very good stuff indeed. I've had a lovely dinner of chicken kebabs, turkey and salamis with olives, all bought from asda. By the time we got home and walked the dogs it was nearly 9pm and couldn't be bothered to cook so I went and got that type of stuff as finger food. It was really tasty. Really shattered now though. Going to bed very soon while John watches the boxing and eats his crisps
It's a lovely sunday out there! We had a lovely lie in then a stroll with the dogs and when we got back the FiL was waiting for us as he had found a part for our boiler that supposedly you couldn't get any more. Turns out its the wrong serial number or something but he's still trying to make things work, so fingers crossed.

Haven't done my run yet as I didn't want to seem rude, but they are outside cleaning parts at the mo so I thought I'd pop into minis.

All going well and still feeling good
Lie ins are lush :)

FiL has temporily sorted the problem for us so the heat stays in the water without having to keep turning it on and off. He just needs to get that part to get it fixed permanently which is looking good. It will be nice to actually use my shower again rather than have to bath all the time :D

Also did my run this afternoon. John said just to do the walk, as we did the 4 miler with the dogs but I really fancied the run. Such a strange thing for me, but I felt really good running and afterwards my energy is still really high. Beat my time for a mile as well and knocked the speed up a little and felt comfy enough so all is good. John has updated my ipod with the beachfit mix cd that will be good to run to, and also put Born this Way on for me. Really loving The Edge of Glory I can just dance around to that like a mad woman.

Hope everyone has had a great weekend xxx
Morning all!

I knocked my speed up again as I again felt ok. It made me really tired near the end so I stopped at 14 mins but thats not bad considering the speed increase. MiL is coming over this afternoon as well as long as its fine, so it will be another 4 mile walk too. Also going to book a squash court for one night this week, possibly tonight! Been ages since I played but its good fun.

I am really going for it now mainly due to my birthday in october, but I also have an engagement party to attend in September now when I will see a load of friends that I hardly ever see now. The last time I saw them for a night out I ended up getting absolutely blitzed as I was so uncomfortable looking and feeling how I did. Those friends also carry quite a bit of weight and have done so for a long time, for me its more about the me being comfortable my friends accept me for me anyway. I have found that I get anxious being out in a drinking situation which all stems back to being in newcastle and hearing some lads say "look at the size of her a**e" and laughing hysterically. I was with a bunch of skinny minnies that time so def about me. People are so cruel. It was a time when I felt so crap that I did nothing :mad:

Anyways best wake these dogs up to get moving x
Really great to hear the running is going well - and you have a really achievable target for October too - when you get tired just imagine stomping on the Newcastle idiot's face in time to your steps :)

He's probably in prison by now anyway :D
There are so many thoughtless and cruel youths out there determined to cause pain and embarrassment... I can get paranoid when passing a cluster of youngsters in the street as you never know if they're going to make horrible comments! You're doing so well on the focused exercise programme! Well done :)
I can remember passing a bunch of old drunks on the street in Sydney and they shouted out abuse to me (size of my top half, etc), then not five minutes later a cyclist comes round the corner - on the footpath - and shouts "Get out of the way, Fatty!" - thoughtless people, I went home and cried :(
Morning Rach,

I never got any comments about my size, but I don't think blokes do
Sometimes I think it can be seen as a badge of honour for blokes to be on the large side... Like "his missis must feed him well" or "he must enjoy a pint or two with his mates" ... I never hear derogatory comments in the same way
How true, I have never heard abuse being shouted at a man, probably as they'd fear being clouted. Sometimes though I think men would do it to each other in a joking way but could still hurt feelings. I will think of those horrible people being in prison now! Good idea Susie! It is awful how people can't walk down the street without someone feeling the need to make comment. When did it become acceptable to people to do this? Probably about the time manners wentout the window.

Thanks for the comments about my excersing! I am really enjoying it now. I have just read an article in chat/ take abreak something like that about a woman in my area who has lost 11stone running. She started by trying to run a mile and now runs about 10 miles a pop. She still has about 5 stone to lose I think but she was over 25 stone when she started and in her story there was loads of occassions when abuse was shouted at her as she ran. She was even pelted with rocks. She of course wanted to give up but managed to carry on with encouragement from her family. She has done so well. I don't think running is for everyone as it is so hard on your frame, but I feel like my asthma has improved. I'm going for my health check with the nurse on Thursday morning so will be good to get my weightloss down in numbers on my records. My BP should be fine as it was normally between 100-120/70 ish anyway.

Feeling inspired and content today. But I would like to do something to change people's attitudes towards people struggling with weight. i read another story of a woman whose child kept putting on weight despite her not overfeeding him. She was almost referred to child protection and kept being told to stop over feeding him by the medical professionals. It was her own research that eventually convinced everyone that there was a problem and it turned out he had something called Albright Syndrome.

The thing that struck me about this was the automatic "you are overfeeding". like when people are over weight others say stop eating. You can't stop eating all together. And no one from looking at you can tell how the situation occurred. It might be from learning bad habits as a child to comfort eating, but all with reasons behind it. I just find sadness in a society where it is acceptable to hurl abuse at other people. Probably why I like spending more time with my dogs