Maybe I should have been a Londoner too, I am very strange and definately talk to myself all the way around Asda. Yesterday I proclaimed "jelly" in the middle of an aisle and got some very strange looks. But am I bovverred tho? Am I hell. Yeah you know I would have talked to him if I'd had the time. I was more sociable on the evening walk and as such the dogs made friends with a gorgeous almost white 21 month old labrador called Molly, truely lovely dog. I love it when they meet dogs they can run around nicely with as again there are some strange people walking dogs on those fields. I remember one guy had these two huge dogs off the lead in the long grass, we came around the corner of course ours were off lead too and the guy asked if we could put ours on as his weren't friendly so we panicked and had to just about grab them incase they were about to be attacked, but if his weren't friendly should he not have a safe guard or something like either keeping them on lead or a muzzle if off lead for excersise? Aggressive dogs always scare me as Bruno was attacked once and it's the only proper dog fight I've seen and I don't want to see another, it was over in seconds as without thinking I just got in there and pulled Bruno away. He couldn't walk for the next two days and needed x rays etc. Not nice. So like I say lots of strangeness. I'm rambling now aren't I?
Anyway running wise just did 10 mins this morning, my legs and head weren't in it. Need my atkins high back. We are going for a long walk later anyway when John finishes work so that will help.
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend x